
23/05/2023 |

Pour conclure, après nous avoir séduit lors de sa preview, After Us nous a totalement conquis. L'aventure est encore plus belle, et remplie de surprises. L'univers post-apocalyptique est magnifique. L'histoire est belle et touchante. Et l’OST est un véritable plaisir pour nos oreilles. Sans oublier la sublime leçon de vie que nous offre Piccolo Studio. Un mélange parfait qui rend le voyage inoubliable.
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23/05/2023 |

Il ne lui avait fallu que 2 heures pour nous convaincre la première fois, mais même dans sa version complète After Us est un bijou du jeu de plateforme. Intuitif, ludique et plein de sagesse, Piccolo Studio offre un univers riche et mélancolique. En enrobant son message d’espoir autour d’un gameplay simple, mais qui exploite tout le potentiel de ses mécaniques, on ne peut que céder face au charme d’une aventure si singulière.
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Valerio Tosetti «Sonakin»

23/05/2023 |

Valerio Tosetti «Sonakin»
After Us è un meraviglioso viaggio onirico attraverso i mali del mondo, un’epopea dalla trama e dall’ambientazione profonde, che fa riflettere sul cammino dell’umanità e di tutto ciò che le sta intorno. Il tutto con il gameplay di un ottimo platformer, con una durata rispettabile e tanti collezionabili da raccogliere per proseguire anche dopo averlo completato. Un acquisto praticamente obbligato per gli amanti del genere.
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Jaime Páramo «JParamade»

30/03/2024 |

Jaime Páramo «JParamade»
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15/06/2023 |

Pocas veces hemos visto un título indie (o no) capaz de pegar tan fuerte en su intención. Igualmente raro fue el portador para el transporte de un mensaje tan poderoso de \"concienciación sobre los videojuegos\". After Us consigue comunicar de forma brutalmente sincera y directa una realidad que no es tan surrealista como la mostrada, sin limitarse a sí misma y sin caer nunca en \"sermones\". De hecho, se dice que para entender algo hay que experimentarlo de primera mano. Aquí estás. En este caso, Gaia será la intermediaria que se encargará de hacer frente a nuestros más repugnantes \"pecados ambientales\".
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04/06/2023 |

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Garri Bagdasarov

23/05/2023 |

Garri Bagdasarov
Piccolo Studios has once again managed to take something dark, desolate, and painful and find the beauty in it. After Us is a haunting tale of humanity's atrocities against the planet that hits closer to home than most people would want to accept. The game's mesmerising imagery haunted me at times and at other times had me in awe with its gorgeous vistas and art direction. It may be a simply platformer but it has a power message that everyone should pay attention to.
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Mick Abrahamson

24/05/2023 |

Mick Abrahamson
After Us is a grim yet hopeful tale of what the future of humanity and our planet looks like, given our current actions. Within its dark moments shine a fantastic platformer that shouldn’t be missed. It not only carries a strong message, but it also shows what is possible for the platformer genre on modern consoles.
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Louis Heimansohn

23/05/2023 |

Louis Heimansohn
Overall, the game is very stunning and beautiful, but it is also plagued with a few gameplay mechanics that might end up frustrating average gamers. While I didn’t experience any technical or visual bugs during my play through there were some gameplay mechanics that were difficult to completely master, especially regarding the traversal and defensive combat of the game. This is especially problematic with the camera which constantly moves around, depending on where you move or go it zooms out when in a massive open area making it difficult to see if you are safely landing or about to fall to your death. However, in spite of that the game was still very fun to play and an overall visually entertaining story.
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23/05/2023 |

Vous l’aurez compris, After Us n’est pas une aventure réjouissante pour votre moral car elle vous met face à une possible réalité qui fait mal, le tout sans jamais tomber dans un esprit moralisateur. Cependant, le titre de Piccolo Studio fait très fort en nous montrant que la beauté peut survivre, que l’amour peut tenir bon, que l’espoir peut naître et renaître encore et encore. Alors si vous aimez les jeux de plateforme avec une identité graphique inoubliable, une immersion fabuleuse et un fond scénaristique poignant, After Us est fait pour vous ! Ne ratez pas ce trésor !
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Hugh Belmont

06/06/2023 |

Hugh Belmont
After Us es una aventura emotiva que sabe encantar con su narrativa y hacernos tomar conciencia de cuidar nuestro mundo. Logra equilibrar la experiencia con sus sencillas mecánicas plataformeras que con nuestro progreso nos va presentando interesantes desafíos de entorno, aunque a momentos es frustrante dada a la precisión necesaria en algunos saltos. Gráficamente es hermoso y lúgubre, a pesar de su linealidad nos ofrece vastos entornos en donde tenemos plena libertad en elegir nuestro destino, su campaña nos puede tomar alrededor de 14 horas en relación a la dedicación que tengamos en la exploración. En lo musical logra acompañarnos y hacernos parte de la historia, cuenta con textos en castellano y catalán.
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23/05/2023 |

Piccolo is er wonderwel in geslaagd om in After Us een prachtig verhaal te vertellen, zonder daar veel woorden voor nodig te hebben. De sfeer - een combinatie van de omgevingen en de soundtrack - zit helemaal perfect en de game weet je wonderwel de weg te wijzen door kleine visuele hints. Wie op zoek is naar een game in de stijl van pakweg Journey, die zit met After Us helemaal goed.
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31/05/2023 |

Set in a world that died, After Us is a great example of an industrial apocalypse story done correctly — standing strong in its story, visuals, and ambiance that breath new life into the genre.
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10/06/2023 |

After Us mi ricorda tantissimo un gioco bello e affascinante come Journey, uscito nel lontano 2012 su PS3. La differenza però è netta. Oltre a sfruttare in maniera molto consona la potenza di PS5 After Us vuole lanciare un segnale, un forte allarme, vuole svegliare dal torpore e dall’incoscienza di come stiamo trattando il nostro Pianeta. È incredibile di come un game possa trasmettere così tanto. Non vi aspettate combattimenti assurdi o un divertimento ricercato a tutti i costi. Se comprenderete la filosofia ed il percorso intrapreso da Gaia allora vi renderete conto di aver giocato ad un piccolo capolavoro completabile in 6 o 7 ore di gioco.
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31/05/2023 |

Un juego que logra que nos hagamos preguntas sobre el impacto del hombre en el mundo y en la naturaleza y los seres vivos. Piccolo studio ha conseguido una vez más lanzar su mensaje social y medioambiental, esperamos que el mayor número posible de personas lo entienda, respete la naturaleza y los animales. Cada ambiente tiene un mensaje pero este prefiero que lo descubras jugando. Para completar el juego recolectando una gran parte de los coleccionables y explorando extensamente, me tomó alrededor de 20 horas y nunca me aburrí. Realmente admiré los gráficos y la jugabilidad, la historia es simple pero efectiva. El equipo ha elaborado un producto bastante bueno con un impacto visual impresionante.
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31/05/2023 |

After Us is a delightful breath of fresh gameplay in the game industry! I absolutely love the premise and being able to save the spirit of nature is an easy plot hook to catch my interest. While the gameplay is pretty entertaining, it does have its frustrations and challenges to it. Even so, I enjoyed my whole playthrough of this game and hope to see this team keep this style up in future titles. This is definitely a game that I recommend for adventurous players to try out.
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Pedro Escribano

14/07/2023 |

Pedro Escribano
After Us es mucho más que un juego. Es un canto a las segundas oportunidades y a la vida. Un proceso de sanación de los errores, y la construcción de un futuro mejor. Sí queremos, se puede. Ese es el mensaje que nos llevamos con el título de Piccolo Studio.
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23/05/2023 |

Wow, I\'m impressed with After Us. What I especially remember about After Us is that no matter how dark the world may seem, there is always a sign of life or light to be found. Then we as people must be more aware of our planet, of course. Despite the fact that the controls, especially the platforming, don\'t always feel great, it\'s a pleasure to discover the world of After Us and make it green, vibrant and good again. Visually, a very beautiful, spiritual journey is displayed. A picture, of which you have control over how beautiful it will eventually be.
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10/06/2023 |

I\'m not a big fan of soppy stories. I definitely prefer action over a deep storyline. However, there is something fascinating about this platformer. Its minimalist interface, diverse ways of exploration and more animals waiting to be rescued ... right next to the remains of people telling us about the current world.
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Raúl Vázquez Santos

25/05/2023 |

Raúl Vázquez Santos
Concluyendo con este análisis de After Us, os tengo dejar bien claro que todo el que se acerque a este juego tiene que tener realmente en mente que se aproxima a una experiencia muy especial y diferente. Donde todo un contexto y una integración jugable, ambiental y narrativa, van a formar un complejo cúmulo de situaciones, sensaciones y eventos que nos va a dejar ensimismado, enamorados, e incluso, preocupados, por una humanidad que todo lo corrompe y destruye, y que Afetr Us nos quiere reflejar para dejarnos esa pequeña fibra sensible tocada, y la conciencia casi hundida.
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Marta Coria

30/06/2023 |

Marta Coria
After Us es una pequeña joya que enamorará a los amantes de los indies en busca de una buena historia porque sabe remover conciencias y acercarnos de manera crítica la reflexión implícita en ella, acompañando a Gaia en un viaje de descubrimiento que sin duda no dejará indiferente a quien se adentre en ese mundo fantástico en busca de otras perspectivas.
Sin embargo sí es cierto que a los fans más exigentes del género puede resultarte un poco simplón, pero os voy a decir una cosa. Si buscáis un juego de plataformas al uso este no es vuestro lugar. Porque After Us tiene alma, mucha alma. Y si sabéis tener paciencia y sumergiros en él tendréis una experiencia más que satisfactoria.
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23/05/2023 |

After Us is a very strong title that is visually beautiful with an amazing atmosphere created by the coordination of each element of the game put together. While some platform elements can be a little frustrating, the combat is a very fun part of the game that allows the size of the playable character to enhance the creepier aspects of the game.
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Juan Montes Álvarez

23/05/2023 |

Juan Montes Álvarez
Si las primeras impresiones que me dejaba After Us se debatían entre su brillante apartado artístico y las dudas en cuanto a mecánicas jubables, la conclusión es que estamos ante un juego que envía un mensaje muy claro y se vale de él para orbitar todos los aspectos de un producto de estas características. Esto consigue excelentes resultados en ciertas áreas, pero también suscita unas carencias que se van agrandando con el paso de las horas, a pesar de no ser un título muy largo en duración.
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Óscar García

02/06/2023 |

Óscar García
Piccolo Studio vuelve a crear un “juego de autor” llevando exquisito cuidado de mantener equilibrada la balanza entre la narrativa visual y la jugabilidad. After Us es un titulo totalmente diferente a cualquier otra cosa que podemos encontrar en el mercado actual y una experiencia narrativa única en esta generación de consolas.
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23/05/2023 |

Este título hará las delicias de los amantes del género, así que, si eres de esas personas que disfrutan saltando, planeando, corriendo por paredes y llegando a sitios difíciles de alcanzar, te recomendamos encarecidamente After Us.
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23/05/2023 |

La nueva obra de Piccolo Studio se presenta como un videojuego más maduro, trabajado y redondo que en su anterior obra (Arise: A simple story) en el que exploras cada rincón de un mundo surrealista tras el fin de la humanidad para darle a la Tierra una segunda oportunidad en una conmovedora historia de sacrificio y esperanza. Pese a que el estudio español busca indudablemente un scope más amplio - e incluso adulto-, After Us no deja de ser un producto underground, que se aleja de lo que hoy en día entendemos como tendencias dentro del mercado del videojuego. Es una experiencia fantástica para aquellos que sepan valorar un videojuego como arte, pero no para todos los públicos. Nace como una traslación de emociones y percepciones a un quizás no tan lejano futuro de nuestro planeta. Un videojuego hecho de cora’ y que estamos seguros que va a consolidar a este estudio.
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Pam K Ferdinand

23/05/2023 |

Pam K Ferdinand
Play as Gaia, the Spirit of Life, and navigate stunning platforming environments in an abstract world to salvage the souls of extinct animals. Revive these creatures after learning their final fate: the last whale harpooned, the final eagle caged, the last deer hunted down, and more, while you survive encounters with dangerous, oil-covered Devourers that roam the wasteland in search of remaining life.
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Kate Harrold

23/05/2023 |

Kate Harrold
After Us succeeds in what it sets out to do. The world that Gaia is trying to save may be a grave warning to us all, but After Us never feels heavy or oppressive. Your platforming efforts are rewarded by reassurances that maybe everything isn’t doomed after all. Gameplay is perfectly synced with the narrative to create an experience that is both enlightening, interesting, and - despite the doom and gloom - enjoyable. It is a game that makes you feel like you’re making a difference all while reminding you just how to do so in the real world. After Us seeks to better players, not just entertain them. To put it simply, it’s impactful and a must-play.
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Larryn Bell

23/05/2023 |

Larryn Bell
After Us serves as a compelling reminder of the far-reaching consequences of environmental neglect. While there are stories to glean through memories, the game is primarily a tactile experience, emphasizing parkour and puzzle-solving over delivering a strong narrative. The game has approachable puzzles and straightforward controls that should be easy for most to pick up. Its engaging gameplay mechanics, stark visuals, and poignant message make for a satisfying puzzle-platformer overall.
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Ravi Sinha

23/05/2023 |

Ravi Sinha
After Us combines solid platforming with a wonderfully realized post-apocalyptic vision of over-consumption. Even if Memories feel like a missed opportunity, the overall narrative and gameplay make it a worthwhile trip into a morbid future.
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Marco Aurélio Couto

23/05/2023 |

Marco Aurélio Couto
Com After Us, a Piccolo Studio apresenta um gameplay de plataforma com muitas alternativas, ambientado em uma versão única de um mundo desolado. Isso já é o suficiente para que After Us seja considerado um bom jogo. Mas na realidade ele é mais do que isso. After Us também é uma lição de vida.
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Kat Bullock

23/05/2023 |

Kat Bullock
After Us is an atmospheric platforming adventure that leaves you thinking about the beauty in extinction rather than the horrors. With slick controls, appealing environments to explore and a tranquil nonintrusive soundtrack, fans of titles like Journey will likely enjoy the exploration of a surreal and desolate world of post-human life.
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Kieron Verbrugge

24/05/2023 |

Kieron Verbrugge
After Us is a sombre, succinct and surreal adventure with a compelling and emotional tale of sacrifice and healing, tied together by simple platforming gameplay that evolves with each distinct and beautiful new environment. Some control complaints and unnecessary combat aside, it's a memorable journey worth taking.
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James Wright

24/05/2023 |

James Wright
Even with the controller rage at times, I still enjoyed After Us and it’s easily one of the most original games of 2023. It’s emotional, engaging and more importantly plays well on the PlayStation 5 with the DualSense controller. Sure it’s a platformer, however with the strong narrative behind it, After Us is not just a game but also an experience… just be warned it comes with a healthy dose of gaming frustration.
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Mark Tomson

23/05/2023 |

Mark Tomson
After Us könnte nach Journey und Flower der nächste Geheimtipp werden, über den man noch in einigen Jahren sprechen wird. Das liegt einfach daran, dass es das gleiche und angenehme, ja fast schon beruhigende Gameplay bietet, welches man zwischen den ganzen Action- und Shooter-Titeln vermisst, die sonst am laufenden Band produziert werden. Bis auf kleinere Probleme mit der Kameraperspektive, die zum Nachteil werden kann, findet man in After Us einen würdigen Nachfolger der einstigen Indie-Perlen. Besonders spannend ist aber auch die Story, die viel Eigeninterpretation zulässt und zum Nachdenken anregt, in der man auf visuelle und spielerische Weise darauf aufmerksam gemacht wird, was auf dieser Erde gerade so schief läuft oder wo man sich selbst hinterfragt, was der eigene Beitrag dazu ist oder sein kann. After Us ist damit eine wundervolle Ausnahme und somit jederzeit einen Blick wert.
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Emanuele Feronato

23/05/2023 |

Emanuele Feronato
After Us è un adventure platform molto impegnativo nella sezione esplorativa, che richiede precisione e tempismo sia nei movimenti che nell’utilizzo delle abilità speciali quali corsa, dash e doppio salto. I combattimenti invece sono molto più semplici. Oltre a essere un gioco divertente, offre anche un’ambientazione molto interessante, con un’esasperata rappresentazione dell’umanità sull’orlo della catastrofe. Alcuni problemi tecnici riguardo il controllo di Gaia non pregiudicano l’esperienza, rendendolo un gioco raccomandato a chi piace visitare mondi complessi piattaforma dopo piattaforma.
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Gareth Brierley

30/05/2023 |

Gareth Brierley
After Us is not only a great experience, but a warning to us and the world we live in.
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Adrián Segura

30/05/2023 |

Adrián Segura
After Us es un título muy personal que te tocará la fibra si simpatizas lo más mínimo con el tema. Un juego de plataformas algo simple, pero que no cae nunca en la repetitividad debido a que continuamente nos están enseñando nuevas mecánicas. Es cierto que tiene algunos problemas graves, como el uso de la cámara o su rendimiento, pero todo esto se nos olvida al ver las bellas y a la vez terroríficas imágenes y estampas que nos deja el juego. Un título impresionante gráfica y artísticamente que tras acabarlo nos dejará con un mal cuerpo terrible y nos hará reflexionar sobre el rumbo que estamos tomando como sociedad.
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Jorge Lucendo Esteban

25/05/2023 |

Jorge Lucendo Esteban
Nos encontramos con un título muy entretenido con un gran trasfondo social. Trasfondo social, el cual no puede catalogarse como un simple plataformas 3D. La jugabilidad es buena, el apartado gráfico es sublime y la banda sonora está muy bien adaptada e implementada.
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28/05/2023 |

After Us from developer Piccolo is an interesting title. It tries to create a Journey-like inspiring adventure through gigantic worlds and simplistic controls. Most of what it does works well, especially with its narrative, though the mechanics from its gameplay design sometimes fight against story progression and player engagement. The game can create some frustration with the camera and controls but wins more than it loses.
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23/05/2023 |

I would be amiss if I didn’t talk about the visuals, while generally simple graphics it effortlessly captures the delicate balance between beauty and desolation. The game’s striking set pieces, enhanced by meticulous particle effects and atmospheric details, immersed me in a hauntingly atmospheric world. It portrays the grim reality of a dying planet while simultaneously unearthing the underlying beauty, reminding players of the fragility and preciousness of our environment. Beyond its captivating visuals, “After Us” delves into thought-provoking themes. As the game unfolds, it raises existential questions and challenges players to ponder the moral implications of Gaia’s mission to save a planet seemingly on the brink of oblivion. At thirty bucks, you definitely get your money’s worth, but it really depends on how you feel about platforming games in general and cerebral emotional experiences with little words, but a lot to say. “After Us” is a remarkable testament to Piccolo’s artistry, embracing the beauty of such a desolate world.
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26/05/2023 |

After Us succeeds in delivering a unique and stylish platform experience. While the mechanics are simple, you are challenged to use them in different ways throughout the 12 hour(ish) experience, although sometimes depth perception may cause an aggravating amount of falls. Personally, the story was interesting but lacked the depth needed to feel the emotions which were conveyed on screen. This being said, After Us is a visually stunning game, containing a variety of interesting art designs being followed by the soothing, sometimes eerie soundtrack.
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06/07/2023 |

After Us è un buon Platform, dalle forti tematiche ambietaliste, sviluppato da Piccolo Studio e pubblicato da Private Division il 23 Maggio 2023. La versione da me recensita è quella per PS5, ma il gioco risulta anche disponibile per l\'ultima generazione di console Xbox e PC al prezzo di 29,99€. In After Us interpretiamo Gaia, uno spirito della terra, che dovrà liberare l\'energia vitale degli animali estinti per colpa dell\'uomo. L\'azione di gioco si svolge con i meccanismi classici di un Platform in mondo aperto, arricchito da alcuni sezioni di combattimento. Il comparto tecnico è buono, ma la Terra distopica e decadente di After Us soffre troppo spesso di sgraditi cali di framerate. Chiusi gli occhi, sui pochi difetti, il gioco risulta piacevole e adatto a tutti gli amanti dei salti, della corsa e delle schivate, classici del genere. La tematica ambientalista può essere un valore aggiunto per tutti coloro che hanno a cuore il tema.
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Miguel Varela

23/05/2023 |

Miguel Varela
After Us es una aventura que entretiene de principio a fin y que logra que te pares a reflexionar sobre las serias consecuencias del cambio climático. Se trata de un videojuego que transmite melancolía y belleza a partes iguales que no defraudará a los que busquen experiencias "con alma" similares a Journey.
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Riccardo Cantù

23/05/2023 |

Riccardo Cantù
In definitiva, il nuovo gioco di Piccolo Studio, dopo l'ottimo Arise: A Simple Story, è un altro gioiellino che potrebbe fare la gioia degli estimatori delle avventure a piattaforme, specie se sensibili all'appassionato messaggio ambientalista che il titolo tenta di veicolare per le circa 6/7 ore necessarie al suo completamento. Per quanto generalmente solido, il gameplay mostra il fianco ad alcune criticità, in particolar modo nelle fasi di combattimento, ma la direzione artistica mozzafiato rappresenta da sola un motivo sufficiente per lanciarsi in quest'epopea dal sapore agrodolce.
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Iván Martínez

06/06/2023 |

Iván Martínez
After Us promete una aventura inolvidable con un fuerte y claro mensaje para hacer pensar al jugador. Recomendable si buscas algo diferente
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26/05/2023 |

Si buscáis una aventura diferente, After Us sabrá cómo llegar hasta vuestros corazones y haceros reflexionar sobre los problemas que nos rodean, con un emotivo mensaje que calará en los jugadores.
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Antonio Armento

23/05/2023 |

Antonio Armento
After Us è un’esperienza diversa rispetto ad Arise: A Simple Story, non fa scendere quella lacrimuccia, ma ci rende partecipi su un argomento sensibilissimo. E tutto sommato si lascia giocare che è un piacere.
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Ramón Varela

23/05/2023 |

Ramón Varela
After Us es a la aventura lo que era Arise: A Simple Story a los puzles: un giro con sello de autor. En este caso sí es cierto que hemos encontrado algún aspecto un poco menos pulido y que puede desentonar, pero entra dentro de lo normal porque es un juego más grande en todos los sentidos; al final, se trata de ver el conjunto y lo que tenemos es una experiencia diferente y un paso en la dirección correcta de Piccolo Studio por crecer en ambición.
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23/05/2023 |

After Us es un juego muy personal con un carisma único que consigue atrapar al jugador por su propuesta amarga con momentos de luz que hacen que todo merezca la pena. Es largo, quizá demasiado, y en ocasiones frustra y desespera; a pesar de eso, o precisamente por ello, el juego de Piccolo Studio se hace un hueco en tu corazón y consigue que conectes con una propuesta que busca hacer del videojuego, en general, algo más que un mero entretenimiento. Un objetivo difícil y valiente que desde XGN no podemos menos que aplaudir.
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Matt Miller

23/05/2023 |

Matt Miller
After Us poses some well-tread but timely questions about our impact on the world and its living things. However, optional discoveries throughout the game suggest that Piccolo is trying to present a slightly more ambivalent take on the subject. Some of that is best left for the player to discover for themselves. I recommend After Us strongly as a piece of visual artistry. It’s less successful as an interactive experience, but none of its problems are so glaring that it should dissuade someone from discovering its striking and haunting world.
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Azario Lopez

23/05/2023 |

Azario Lopez
As beautiful and serene as After Us is, it tells a painful story of a world destroyed by the impact of humans. As you save each animal, the darkness that plagues the environment grows more pronounced, and you’re left wondering if this is a world even worth saving. This adventure will pique the curiosity of any player through its clever platforming sections, environment design, and strong narrative message.
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David McNamara

23/05/2023 |

David McNamara
A chilling fever dream of dystopian hope, After Us takes the mechanics of an atmospheric puzzle-platformer and uses them to create a beautifully unsettling experience that feels a little too real. Its satisfying traversal challenges through gorgeously rendered wastelands provide plenty of engaging gameplay moments for platforming fans, though its relentlessly oppressive environments may prove too harsh for some. Haunting and immersive, but definitely not for the faint of heart.
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Chris Boers

23/05/2023 |

Chris Boers
Al met al is After Us een aardige game met flink veel content en een hoop extra's die de herspeelbaarheid vergroten. De negatieve eco-insteek is wel een domper op de speelvreugde, maar wie daar doorheen kan kijken, ziet een prima en uitdagend platforming spel.
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Andrés González Ruiz «Nieve»

31/05/2023 |

Andrés González Ruiz «Nieve»
La prueba perfecta de que la industria española de los videojuegos tiene un futuro brillante. Con una dirección artística y unos escenarios excelentes, el juego busca darnos una llamada de atención de cara a cuidar nuestro planeta y a nosotros mismos, aunque quizá su fórmula acabe resultando un poco repetitiva.
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Jim Smale

23/05/2023 |

Jim Smale
After Us is a game where the world has been turned into a dark empty shell of a place, you have the power of life but only in a limited way, and that way is finding and releasing the Spirits of the animals and creatures that inhabited the world. As you do this the world starts to feel a bit more alive, the animals will roam in packs, birds will fly to help guide you in a direction and some will just look cool and content sitting o a ledge watching you fall off a cliff for the millionth time. Now After Us is a slow starter, you slowly learn what needs to be done and how to do it as the tutorials are more controlled and focused than gameplay. As you play more you get new abilities and it makes the gameplay smoother and more enjoyable. I honestly felt like I was playing an open-world more in-depth Journey 2 game. There is no actual voice work and it’s all just emotes and text. The main struggle I had was with the world and its layout because you I could never fully commit to a direction as it’s not always great at helping with the guiding but man the game is actually kind of cool. When you start getting the ability to fight Devourers and wall ride the game has a lot more going on and piles the fun in. After Us is not perfect but it is enjoyable and if you ever wondered what a Journey 2 would look like then check out After Us.
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Mark Steighner

23/05/2023 |

Mark Steighner
After Us is an artistic, moving, and affecting game about a world transformed by human indifference to nature. It’s a slightly heavy-handed cautionary tale, but a powerful one. As a puzzle platformer, it’s a little less successful, with controls that feel imprecise and levels that need more gameplay variety. After Us has a potent message and offers innocent hope for a planet in trouble.
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Diego Cinelli «Syd»

23/05/2023 |

Diego Cinelli «Syd»
Il mondo surreale e decadente di After Us è il suo punto di forza: nonostante non sia una produzione di grosso calibro, gli sviluppatori di Piccolo Studio sono stati dei maestri nell’utilizzare i mezzi a propria disposizione per creare delle composizioni visive d’impatto – che mostrano il fianco solo se ci si sofferma sul dettaglio. Il gameplay si basa su meccaniche non certo innovative, ma la concatenazione degli strumenti messi a disposizione al giocatore, unita a una certa libertà d’approccio concessa durante l’esplorazione, permette all’azione di assestarsi su un buon ritmo. Questa stessa libertà si ritorce contro al gioco nelle sue fasi conclusive (o meglio, nella loro assenza) e il reparto tecnico arranca un po’ nei passaggi più complessi, ma in generale si tratta di un’avventura che sa ripagare il giocatore delle (pur poche) ore concesse.
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Antonio Gallardo Durán «ToniJoestar»

02/06/2023 |

Antonio Gallardo Durán «ToniJoestar»
Juega como el espíritu de la vida, Gaia, y desplázate por los impresionantes entornos de plataformas de un mundo abstracto para salvar las almas de los animales extintos. Revive a estas criaturas tras conocer su destino final: la última ballena arponeada, la última águila enjaulada, el último ciervo cazado, y más.
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24/05/2023 |

After Us is a visually striking and emotionally impactful platforming adventure that successfully conveys the devastating consequences of human impact on the environment. With its stunning environments, thought-provoking narrative, and challenging gameplay, the game offers a unique and immersive experience. While it has some flaws in combat and pacing, After Us is a game that should not be missed by those seeking a captivating and visually stunning journey through a desolated world.
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Óscar Gómez

23/05/2023 |

Óscar Gómez
Este obstáculo en el camino, por suerte, no empaña el resultado final lo suficiente como para que se diluya su mensaje. Ni siquiera es un mensaje que pretenda enseñarnos nada, dar respuestas o plantear soluciones: After Us es un espejo cuyo reflejo no tiene fecha ni lugar, ni siquiera la absoluta certeza de que algún día pueda hacerse realidad. Es una alegoría perenne que brilla más en sus momentos de más sinceridad, de más cercanía y de más consciencia de sí mismo, cuando demuestra que es más que una cara (muy) bonita y que, aunque no quiera impartir ninguna lección, sí tiene mucho que decir.
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Rafa Del Río

23/05/2023 |

Rafa Del Río
After Us demuestra su gran personalidad con un título que juega a modificar su mundo para ser algo más que un plataformas sensible.
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Jon Bailes

23/05/2023 |

Jon Bailes
All the while, your burst of life and heart throw powers are repeatedly repurposed into methods of hitting switches to stop and start machinery, say, or shift mine carts along tracks to create makeshift steps. Against all the horrors of humanity, then, the real beauty here is understanding that something very different may come next.
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Jordan Ramée

23/05/2023 |

Jordan Ramée
The surreal world design of After Us' dystopian world carries the game, encouraging you to keep going even when the momentum-driven platforming and creative puzzles give way to tedious combat. Gaia isn't all that compelling a protagonist, but the stories she uncovers--whether they're of the Earth's final animals or the Devourers who killed them--make up for it, inviting you to delve deeper into the dark of After Us' dying world and uncover exactly how it all fell apart.
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Dylan Blereau

23/05/2023 |

Dylan Blereau
Unreliable performance and some underdeveloped mechanics do hurt the impact and atmosphere of After Us, but its intriguing post-apocalyptic world and satisfying movement still make for a worthy adventure.
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Quentin Clemens

23/05/2023 |

Quentin Clemens
Ongepast zwaarmoedige muziek, ondermaatse combat, het gebrek aan persoonlijkheid van protagoniste Gaia en technische problemen weerhouden After Us ervan zijn volle potentieel te behalen. Toch is deze evocatieve maatschappelijke parabel een waardige inzending van Piccolo Studios, vooral op het vlak van visueel design, atmosfeer en - het meest belangrijk - zijn zalige 3D-platforming. Door verrassend vele en diverse thematisch sterke niveaus zal je elegant door een gecorrumpeerde wereld glijden, klimmen en springen om er de levensgeest van de natuur te herstellen. Doorgaans strakke controls, slimme niveaus, constante bewegingsupgrades en uitdagende optionele content vormen een sterk fundament dat je steeds terugroept naar deze bouwvallige wereld.
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Terry Ballieu

23/05/2023 |

Terry Ballieu
After Us est donc un genre de jeu de plateforme / aventure qui fait du bien et qui nous rappelle d'autres grands noms du genre dont il s'inspire clairement. Le titre de Piccolo Studio réussit à nous donner l'envie de persévérer avec une quête prenante sur un fond mélancolique. Les performances du jeu sont aussi relativement bonnes malgré les quelques chutes de framerate rencontrées. On saluera aussi le level-design qui nous donne parfois du fil à retordre (quand ce n'est pas l'angle de caméra qui fait rater notre atterrissage) et une direction artistique qui, à certains moments, parvient à nous étonner. On ne parle pas forcément d'un titre mémorable, mais il ravira en tout cas les amateurs du genre et occupera les curieux pendant une bonne dizaine d'heures.
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Leonardo Faria

24/05/2023 |

Leonardo Faria
After Us is a game of contrasts. A game where the harsh grays and pollution of its desolate landscapes contrast with the gorgeous rays of light and greeneries summoned by its protagonist. Where its unwelcome setting contrasts with its easy-going gameplay loop. It’s also a game where the decent gameplay loop contrasts with its excessively on-the-nose story. I appreciate its well-natured intentions, but it tried way too hard to deliver that same old message that we are destroying the environment, and we are to blame for it all, but mother nature is much more powerful than us, feeble humans. We get it, we suck. Thankfully, there’s a decent platformer behind the preachy premise. One that’s fairly enjoyable if you can put up with some technical issues.
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Rogina Hassan

23/05/2023 |

Rogina Hassan
After Us is een stijlvol ogende game met een erg sombere, maar ook wel realistische kijk op de toekomst die onze consumptiemaatschappij te wachten staat. Het leveldesign is creatief, het platformen is uitdagend door gebruik te maken van zowel horizontale als verticale routemogelijkheden en de bijpassende synthmuziek versterkt de surrealistische sfeer. Toch laat After Us ook heel wat steken vallen op het gebied van gameplayprogressie, karakterontwikkeling en het verhaal, waardoor je niet veel mist als je deze realitycheck links laat liggen.
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Sil Hendriks

23/05/2023 |

Sil Hendriks
Een goede boodschap vertaalt zich niet automatisch naar een goede game. Dit bewijst ook After Us. Het beschermen van onze planeet en alles wat erop leeft, is een boodschap waar ik vierkant achtersta en de manier waarop Piccolo dit presenteert kan ik waarderen. De gameplay is echter zo ontzettend getemperd door slechte hitboxen, een nukkige camera, hakkelende framerate en zweverige controls, dat het het genot van een game spelen aantast. Plots komt die boodschap dan ook minder goed over.
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Florian «FloRizzo»

23/05/2023 |

Florian «FloRizzo»
Si vous prenez After Us pour ce qu’il est au niveau narratif mais également au niveau artistique, vous ferez assurément une bonne pioche. Grâce à ses thèmes forts, marquants, magnifiquement mis en scène dans de terribles théâtres de désolation, la faute à une espèce humaine qui n’a pas su tirer la sonnette d’alarme de sa propre perte, le tout agrémenté d’une colorimétrie, mais aussi d’éclairages subtils mais parfaitement maitrisés, le studio Piccolo parvient à nous embarquer dans une sorte de jardin d’Eden satisfaisant. Mais malheureusement, si l’on considère l’œuvre dans son entièreté, et donc avec l’apport de sa technique au global, c’est un peu la douche froide pour le nouveau jeu des barcelonais (qui nous avaient pourtant habitués à l’excellence avec Arise: A Simple Story), qui s’offre à nous avec un nombre incalculable de carences techniques, surtout dans sa seconde moitié. Nul doute que tout ceci sera corrigé dans de futurs patchs à venir et cela ne dénigre en rien le message et l’attention portée au sens artistique du titre qui parvient à nous lancer en pleine figure ce que nous faisons de notre pauvre Terre au quotidien et ce vers quoi notre civilisation tend inexorablement.
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Domenico Musicò

23/05/2023 |

Domenico Musicò
Pur apparendo come un'evoluzione del titolo precedente, con sistemi di gioco più complessi ed elaborati, After us non riesce a rappresentare un passo in avanti. Nel tentativo di andare oltre e allinearsi alle produzioni moderne, il progetto galleggia e annaspa, rivelandosi la classica via di mezzo che non accontenta nessuno. Davvero un gran peccato.
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Richardo Lichene

24/05/2023 |

Richardo Lichene
After Us è un gioco divertente ma che non riesce a trattare in modo efficace le tematiche ambientaliste. Ha un ottimo platforming ma tra un livello e l'altro crede di sensibilizzare il giocatore sui problemi ambientali quando, in realtà, non fa che esasperare il cosiddetto "climate dispair" ovvero quella sensazione per cui ci sentiamo condannati all'oblio a causa dei cambiamenti climatici e non c'è più nulla che possiamo fare al riguardo. È un vero peccato perché tra salti, schivate, esplosioni di vegetazione e skating sui cavi elettrici c'è tanto divertimento in questo gioco. Se riuscite a ignorare questo aspetto, After Us vi farà divertire e sarà molto bello da vedere grazie a un'ottima direzione artistica e a delle musiche ambient e lo-fi molto ben fatte.
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Shaun Munro

23/05/2023 |

Shaun Munro
After Us has style to spare and its heart in absolutely the right place, yet the maddeningly finicky controls make traversal feel like a chore – a cardinal sin for any platformer.
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Jason Fanelli

23/05/2023 |

Jason Fanelli
I liked After Us in the end, I appreciated the story it told and the imagery it used to tell it (even if most of it was as blunt as blunt gets). However, what could have felt like a two-hour conversation is bloated into a ten-hour lecture series due to overly large worlds with very little to do in them. It seems like there was an internal struggle between "brevity in storytelling" or "filling the world with collectibles," though unfortunately, the solution they reached was far from the most efficient. If you can stomach the slog, there's a beautiful, important message to be heard in After Us. Unfortunately, and ironically, it's buried in excess.
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Roberto Barragán

31/05/2023 |

Roberto Barragán
Tras completar la aventura y dejar unos días para valorar el poso que me ha dejado, si tuviese que recomendar a alguien After Us me vería obligado a decirle lo mismo que con otros títulos de características similares: le preguntaría qué buscan en él y cuáles son los elementos que considera más importantes en un videojuego. Porque tengo la sensación de que hay un exceso de propuestas así, de esas que buscan transmitir un mensaje como principal aliciente para el jugador, pero que en raras ocasiones ponen sobre la mesa algo convincente a nivel mecánico. Tampoco es un problema; al final y al cabo ofrece una experiencia sencilla y agradable que no tiene demasiadas pretensiones, más allá de lanzarnos un potente y necesario mensaje. O un aviso, más bien.
GTM [90] Junio 2023
Graham Banas

23/05/2023 |

Graham Banas
With lofty ambitions and some great elements, After Us lets itself down in as many ways as it triumphs. Gorgeous art direction and an admirable anti-pollution message aren't enough to make up for tedious combat, performance issues, and open-ended level design that plays things a little too loose. If you're itching for an experience like this, there are better options out there, at the very least until After Us' performance issues are addressed. There's the core of an incredible experience here, but it's just not ready yet.
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Gabriel Moss

23/05/2023 |

Gabriel Moss
After Us has a wordless story that doesn't effectively communicate its environmentalist themes and platforming that frustrates with unreliable controls, but it does look fantastic.
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Stacey Henley

23/05/2023 |

Stacey Henley
The gameplay is nothing special, and it isn't particularly trying to be. It exists as a framework to tell a story, and plenty of games have excelled with that mindset. But all it has to say is that pollution is bad and it's all your fault. It doesn't inspire change, it doesn't shock, it doesn't even highlight the plight of the animals we share this world with, becoming too wrapped up in casual visual metaphor than with showcasing the harsh reality of what we have done to this world. The bees are dying, but so is my patience.
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Lyle Carr

26/05/2023 |

Lyle Carr
After Us is gorgeous and has some important things to say about consumerism, but actually playing it isn't always fantastic.
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Jessica Filby

23/05/2023 |

Jessica Filby
After Us has a vital subject matter that forces the player to take a step back and view the impact humanity has and will have on the world around them. However, with repetitive gameplay, a relatively unstable performance, and lackluster puzzles, the title fails to capture the brilliance its visuals portray.
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Michael W. Boccher Sr

23/05/2023 |

Michael W. Boccher Sr
Unfortunately, what was promised with After Us did not come to fruition due to lackluster design and aspects that worked in contrast to each other rather than cohesively. Instead, we are left with a nice looking world yet below average platformer and hope for what may have been with a worn out “humans killed the planet” trope and poor execution.
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Nirav Gandhi

23/05/2023 |

Nirav Gandhi
After Us beats you over the head with paper-thin themes, but between the truly awful platforming and the frustrating level design, it'll be the least of your worries.
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