Ereban: Shadow Legacy
Cody Medellin
10/04/2024 |

70 |
Cody Medellin
Ereban: Shadow Legacy is a flawed but enjoyable game. The presentation is fine, and even though the mechanics are simplified compared to other games in the genre, the stealth mechanics create some very cool moments. The overall game length is fine, and while the collision bugs can get fixed, the lackluster story doesn't do its part when it comes to motivating people to play to the end. Ereban isn't necessarily a must-play title, but it is well worth a look if you're in the market for something new.
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Summum Aeterna
Chris DeAngelus «Atom»
13/09/2023 |

85 |
Chris DeAngelus 'Atom'
Summum Aeterna takes a difficult Metroidvania and converts the basic ideas and characters to a roguelike. The result is a lot of fun, somehow managing to capture the best parts of the original game in a more digestible chunk. It isn't necessarily going to win you over if you dislike roguelike titles, but if you were a fan of Noctis, you must try Summum, which has all the makings of a perfect gateway drug to roguelikes.
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25/05/2023 |

60 |
Idea is a game that'll only appeal to a niche audience. Those looking for any sort of exciting adventure or meaningful ending won't find it here, especially since the game's own idea messaging system is filled with random characters instead of something meaningful. The game is a nice distraction, as it can be relaxing to see where the ball ends up if given a little push. It's neat, but don't expect anything profound.
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Blind Fate: Edo no Yami
Chris DeAngelus «Atom»
15/09/2022 |

60 |
Chris DeAngelus 'Atom'
Blind Fate is a game with great ideas but doesn't live up to them. The combat system is a lot of fun, but the title does everything it can to not let it shine. Outside of the combat, you're left with a predictable story, dull levels, and a boatload of QTEs. I can see a sequel that polishes up some of the mechanics that feel half-baked, but at the end of the day, Blind Fate doesn't really do anything that stands out.
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Red Matter 2
Andreas Salmen
24/08/2022 |

82 |
Andreas Salmen
Overall, Red Matter 2 is a great sequel that builds on the strengths of the first entry and further improves upon the visuals and gameplay. It simply looks and runs phenomenal on the Quest 2, with mostly captivating puzzles and an interesting mystery to solve at its core. It's not perfect and still exhibits some bugs, and I probably could've done without the shooting sections, but that's a small price to pay when the rest come together as well as this. If you own a quest, this is a six-hour adventure you don't want to miss.
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Evil Dead: The Game
Andreas Salmen
03/08/2022 |

74 |
Andreas Salmen
Evil Dead: The Game is clunky but loveable. It's a very good movie-to-video game adaptation, and it's likely as close as we're going to get to a proper and decent "Evil Dead" video game. I had a good deal of fun with it, both as a fan of the movies and as a gamer. It twists a familiar game concept just enough and bolsters it with additional mechanics so that it feels fresh again. Longevity is definitely a concern in terms of content, but at least console cross-play ensures that its player base will stay healthy for a little while.
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Aeterna Noctis
Chris DeAngelus «Atom»
14/12/2021 |

70 |
Chris DeAngelus 'Atom'
A lot of what I write sounds negative, and that's the difficult part of discussing Aeterna Noctis. It does a lot of things that I genuinely like: It has excellent boss fights, some creative levels, an absurdly huge amount of content, and the platforming mostly works well. That level of heartfelt dedication makes it all the more frustrating when you get caught up on the areas where it still needs polish. I enjoyed a lot of the game, but I remember the annoyances more than the enjoyment. If you're willing to work past that, there's a lot to play in Aeterna Noctis, but it's easy to imagine someone reaching a particularly annoying bit of platforming and moving on to something else, especially because the game's long length can make it feel more exhausting than exhilarating. Metroidvania fans should absolutely give it a shot, but don't expect something as easy to pick-up-and-play as some of the genre greats.
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Metroid Dread
Chris DeAngelus «Atom»
11/10/2021 |

90 |
Chris DeAngelus 'Atom'
Metroid Dread is a fantastic return to form for the 2D Metroid titles. Building upon the lessons of Samus Returns, it captures the feel of Metroid nearly perfectly. It's incredibly fun to play, balances the story and gameplay in the way a Metroid game should, and in general, it's just excellent. Its few flaws stood out more in retrospect than while I was playing the game. It's easily one of the best 2D Metroid titles, and it's a fantastic way to close out the ongoing storyline.
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Call of the Sea
Chris Barnes
23/12/2020 |

75 |
Chris Barnes
These gripes didn't detract too much from my overall enjoyment of Call of the Sea . With a gripping, well-paced story that isn't afraid to delve into the realm of surreal and weird, Call of the Sea is an adventure title that's sure to please fans of the genre. You won't feel like the next Einstein when completing its puzzles, and the love story won't bring you to tears, but there's something charming about it for that very reason. It's a concise, seven-hour journey that progresses at a steady rate without ever overstaying its welcome.
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Joseph Doyle
21/10/2020 |

88 |
Joseph Doyle
Mighty Polygon unabashedly stands on the shoulders of giants with Relicta. The wheel is not reinvented but rather pleasantly spun around and flipped on its head. While further investment into the artistic aspects of this game may have helped clarify some of the issues with sameness and emptiness, the gameplay and narrative overpower these concerns. Puzzles pose just enough of a challenge to keep the player fascinated while the narrative, strong character, and world give the player incentive to progress. Throw in collectibles to round out the details, and you've got quite the adventure for the curious. With a $20 price tag, Relicta may have its shortcomings, but it's challenging, narratively compelling, and — dare I say it? — magnetic. If you enjoy the likes of Portal, get this game.
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22/03/2019 |

85 |
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Los delirios de Von Sottendorff y su mente cuadriculada
Brian Dumlao
04/01/2016 |

70 |
Brian Dumlao
A few camera and sound issues aside, The Delusions of Von Sottendorff and His Square Mind is a pretty enjoyable puzzle platforming romp. The use of the slide puzzles and standard puzzle platforming elements, like hitting the correct switches and moving boxes around, blends well together and creates an experience where every puzzle solution feels well earned. The story is told in a way to keep things intriguing, and when it is all said and done, it turns out to be a pretty good tale. It could use some polish in the presentation area, especially with a pretty uncooperative camera, and it could also offer something once the main levels are finished, but if you're looking for something a little different, you might want to check out this game.
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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
Chris DeAngelus «Atom»
27/02/2014 |

50 |
Chris DeAngelus 'Atom'
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is about as much of a step backward as a direct sequel can be. It takes a step forward in some areas but several strides back in others. The improved combat mechanics are hindered by poor level design, incoherent plot, badly implemented set pieces, and awkward new features. When you add the problems inherited from the original Lords of Shadow, not even the well-made boss battles can salvage the rest of the game. Despite the long development cycle, Lords of Shadow 2 feels unfinished and unpolished, like a game rushed out the door to meet a quota. Even die-hard Castlevania fans will have a tough time finding much to like. The long-running plot limps along to the finale, and anyone expecting an apocalyptic battle between Dracula and Satan will be very disappointed.
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Scourge: Outbreak
Brian Dumlao
03/09/2013 |

40 |
Brian Dumlao
Scourge: Outbreak is pretty bad. The gameplay suffers from terrible AI and a good number of balance issues. Graphics are below average for this late in the console life cycle, and the sound is just as underwhelming. The controls feel like an alpha version of what has come before, and the multiplayer community is nonexistent. It may only be $10, but considering the genre and the number of games that offer more or do better for that price, there isn't much of a reason to get your shooting fix from this title.
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Adam Pavlacka
01/08/2012 |

65 |
Adam Pavlacka
It's obvious that Deadlight is a game that was born of passion. It's not perfect, but it is by no means a cookie-cutter cash grab. Given the short length, limited replay value and 1,200 MSP ($15 USD) price point, it is difficult to recommend across the board. For genre fans, though, Deadlight is a refreshing take on the zombie trope and an experience that stands on its own.
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InviZimals: La otra dimensión
Brian Dumlao
26/12/2010 |

65 |
Brian Dumlao
Invizimals: Shadow Zone may sport some marginal improvements, but the core game still isn't much to talk about. With a narrative that you rarely interact with, you'll watch most of the game instead of playing it. Even when you get to control something, it feels minimal in comparison to other games of this type. Still, the allure of playing with augmented reality is impressive, and until one discovers the trick behind seeking out new creatures, the intended audience will have fun running around trying to discover new entries for their army and powering them up. While the game can't be recommended over many similar DS titles, if you only have a PSP, then this really is your best bet.
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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Adam Pavlacka
05/10/2010 |

80 |
Adam Pavlacka
When all is said and done, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has much in common with the Super NES version of Dracula-X that was released in the U.S. Lords of Shadow is a solid action game that incorporates some of the best moments from across the genre, but it's not the next great Castlevania game. If you can overlook the rough spots, there's an enjoyable romp here, but this reboot strays a bit too far from the core elements of the franchise and borrows too much from other titles to be the standard bearer for the mantle.
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Elite Forces: Unit 77
Matt Olsen
16/06/2009 |

65 |
Matt Olsen
Elite Forces Unit 77 is a decent overworld-based dungeon crawler that is plagued by clunky controls and a less-than-stellar presentation. The game isn't as bad as its outward appearances would have you believe, but there are much better games of the same style available for the NDS system.
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Wanted: Weapons of Fate
Sanford May
05/04/2009 |

65 |
Sanford May
When I say that Wanted: Weapons of Fate is short, I mean, you know, really short. It'll provide six hours of gameplay on the moderate difficulty setting, maybe eight if you hunt down all of the collectibles to unlock comic book covers and video. It might take 10 or 12 hours if you play on the highest difficulty the first time through. The other way to extend the game's life is to keep playing and collect all of the Achievements. You'll have to care a little about Wanted and a whole lot about esoteric Achievements. I can't recommend this game to anyone other than gamers who are long-time fans of the Wanted comic books. Even then, there aren't any life-changing revelations in the game's ho-hum ending. Wanted is mediocre and too short, and it's only of vague entertainment even for players with prerequisite interests.
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The Abbey
Reggie Carolipio
14/10/2008 |

58 |
Reggie Carolipio
Despite the boast of having over 1,000 backgrounds and over 40 hours of gameplay, Murder in the Abbey is not an RPG, and veteran investigators may have an easier time with this over a weekend than others might. Murder in the Abbey shines due to its unique graphics, stirring soundtrack, and the care given in telling its somewhat-familiar story. The clunky gameplay has too many problems to make it feel as if it were worth the effort, though, even with the occasional fun moments that manage to creep in. If sweeping your mouse over every scene just to find a vital item tickles your investigative fancy, and if you enjoy taking leaps of logic that make sense only to the NPCs, then you might find have found your calling in this medieval murder mystery. Otherwise, you should simply rent "The Name of the Rose."
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Cosmic Family
Dustin Chadwell
25/09/2008 |

65 |
Dustin Chadwell
However, if you absolutely need something to keep the little ones busy, you can definitely pick up Cosmic Family on the cheap, and there's nothing to worry about when it comes to offensive content or overly difficult or obtuse controls. It's the perfect game to plop in front of a five-year-old for an hour or two, but don't expect to have your kids coming back to it down the road. Maybe give it a rental first, if possible, and see what the ultimate critic, your own kids, think about Cosmic Family.
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Chronos Twin
13/02/2008 |

55 |
The retro look, the insanely difficult gameplay and the dual-screen madness in Chronos Twin make for an interesting challenge. If you like challenges, then you'll absolutely love Chronos Twin, as the complex combination of puzzles, shooting and boss battles will keep any avid gamer busy. Those of us who haven't been blessed with three sets of eyes, four thumbs and cheetah-like reflexes, however, should think twice before approaching this title.
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Clive Barker's Jericho
Chris DeAngelus «Atom»
24/10/2007 |

62 |
Chris DeAngelus 'Atom'
Jericho is a title with great ideas. The squad-switching mechanic works very well, the various magic abilities are mostly sound and the plot is potentially very interesting. However, great ideas don't make up for shoddy execution, and Jericho just isn't a $60 game. It's far too short and easy, and the complete lack of any post-game content is almost unforgivable. The much-hyped Clive Barker storyline does little to save the game, devolving into cliché and unsatisfying incoherence so quickly that your head will spin. There's simply not enough content here when compared to similar titles on the market, especially in the wake of the content-filled Halo 3, which is selling at the same price. Unless you're desperate for an FPS fix, Jericho's secrets may be some that are just better left buried.
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Runaway 2: El Sueño de la Tortuga
Judy Thai
13/07/2007 |

73 |
Judy Thai
With its cheeky sense of humor and immense visual appeal, Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle can be a good time for adventure gamers with a taste for the wacky, enough so that it could renew interest in the original title. Unfortunately, the more esoteric puzzles will leave you scratching your head, and the linearity of the gameplay will sometimes require that you take missteps before the correct solution will be accepted. What it all comes down to is this: you'd have to search far and wide to find another game that lets you sic a hormonal polar bear on an unsuspecting nature lover dressed in a bear costume. Whether you're willing to play through the game's flaws in order to attain that experience is up to you.
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Commandos: Strike Force
David Wanaselja
10/09/2006 |

65 |
David Wanaselja
Overall, Commandos Strike Force is a decidedly average title with little to distinguish it from the rest of the World War II shooters out there. It's certainly more of the same when it comes to the stealth action and FPS genres that it follows, and doesn't really rise above or try anything particularly new in order to provide that little bit of an edge that it needs to make it out of the realm of mediocrity. While the sound certainly has a lot to like, most everything else about Commandos Strike Force remains mired in the past. If you absolutely must have more World War II action and want to revisit a bygone era, then Commandos Strike Force might be right for you.
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Imperial Glory
Thomas Leaf
20/07/2005 |

80 |
Thomas Leaf
f anything, Imperial Glory does look exciting and does permit a good degree of strategizing. Seasoned tacticians might be disappointed, but if there is someone out there looking for a good look at the Napoleonic Era of warfare, then Imperial Glory can provide a fun and easy window to look through. I hope that Pyro considers updating this game with an expansion pack or even a sequel. The issues I've taken with the game are certainly not deal breakers and can be easily fixed or massaged with some more refinement and design.
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American McGee presents: SCRAPLAND
09/02/2005 |

69 |
n the final analysis, Scrapland is fantastic eye-candy. I wish I could give it a higher rating, I really do. It's sort of like saying you loved a really bad movie (like "Plan 9 From Outer Space") or saying you really hated a great movie (like "Gone With The Wind"). As a rule, I don't read other critics' reviews of games I am working on until I have published, but in this case, I wanted to see if anyone else had the same troubles as I did with the control scheme. A few did, but it seems that I am going to be in the minority when I give American McGee's Scrapland a mediocre score. The whole is just not up to the sum of its parts.
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Gordy Wheeler
10/01/2005 |

40 |
Gordy Wheeler
Look, I could keep going about this game and trying to find some good in it, but when my notes contain lines like "How cute, pedestrians don't know how to handle stairs," and "Why won't this game just end?" I think it's a good sign that this is impossible. Torrente is tedious and only worth trying out if you can laugh at a game with very few redeeming factors. It's too long, it's too uninspired, and it just isn't much fun.
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War Times: European Frontline
Tony Mitera «OUberLord»
19/08/2004 |

67 |
Tony Mitera 'OUberLord'
War Times does have moments where it could seemingly shape up as a good WW2 RTS, but most of the time the gameplay never crests much higher than mediocre. Realism nuts won’t like how relatively simplistic the combat and base building is, but armchair generals will appreciate how easy the game is to pick up and play without having to concentrate in large amounts of battlefield data. The play control could be a little tighter, there are a few bugs to stomp and kinks to oil, and the ability to pitch the camera a bit more would be a welcome change, but at its core War Times is a relatively entertaining game in the same vein as classics such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert, though not nearly as high quality. If you find games like Blitzkrieg to be overly complex you might want to check out War Times, whether bought new at the bargain price of $30 or from the pre-owned bin later on, as while it does involve the same fighting men and machines as the former it doesn’t have as steep a learning curve and can be entertaining despite is bugs and quirks.
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Wanted Guns
14/03/2004 |

25 |
Combining third person action, horse-riding and sneak’em up assassination with a cinematography inspired rail shooter FPS mode, Wanted Guns is a story driven action game for the PC set in Mexico and the Wild West during the American Civil War. You play as Reverend Devlin, an unforgiving priest whose dubious past as former leader of Los Gauchos, a Mexican gang of gold-thieving gunslingers, has finally come back to haunt him. Doesn't sound too bad now does it? Well, you're wrong, it's worse ...
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Monster 4x4: Masters of Metal
01/02/2004 |

30 |
4x4: Masters of Metal is one of the worst games I have ever played, yet it is also a wonderful piece of entertainment. Sadly, I am here to review it for what it should have been, not what I think it is. It should have been a videogame, meant for quality entertainment through gameplay, graphics, and sound. As a videogame, 4x4 fails completely. But as a piece of entertainment? If you are even slightly sardonic on a regular basis, you'll enjoy this game. If you're looking for a laugh, give 4x4 a rent. If you're looking for a videogame, take your dollars elsewhere
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