Keenan McCall
14/09/2022 |
Keenan McCall
When all is said and done, Temtem is far more than its inspirations. Though it stumbles occasionally, the game offers an experience that even the most grizzled Pokémon fan will enjoy while also building up a new world for fresh players to marvel at. It’s a must-play and a strong showing of what could be a major series moving forward.
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Scott Jeslis
12/10/2022 |
Scott Jeslis
If you’re a Pokémon fan you need to pick this one up, even if you’re not the casual laid back play is enjoyable for creature hunters of all levels!
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John Carson
16/09/2022 |
John Carson
Temtem may look like a copycat on its surface, but its deviations from the Pokémon formula pay off considerably. With unique battling elements and an engaging MMO structure, Temtem evolves as its own experience and offers a vast, challenging adventure that even those without a Nintendo console can enjoy.
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Roberto Barragán
14/09/2022 |
Roberto Barragán
Por más que queramos evitarlo, cuando algo se inspira de tal manera en una saga tan popular como Pokémon y trata de replicar casi todos sus elementos uno por uno, es imposible no entrar constantemente en comparaciones. Por suerte para Crema Games, Temtem cuenta con argumentos suficientes para salir bien parado de más de una. De hecho, nos ha parecido una gran alternativa para cualquier amante de la saga de Game Freak que desee una propuesta más compleja y desafiante. Si nos olvidamos por un momento de la alargada sombra proyectada por su principal —y única— fuente de inspiración, seguimos teniendo un interesante RPG con captura de monstruos, combates por turnos con un notable componente estratégico y contenido a raudales. Si tenías el título en tu agenda desde que comenzó su andadura en acceso anticipado, la versión final no hace más que reafirmar las buenas sensaciones que muchos tuvimos en su momento.
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Guillem Sanchís
20/09/2022 |
Guillem Sanchís
En definitiva, TemTem es una compra obligatoria para todo fan del género, Crema Games ha creado una aventura absolutamente genuina. Una experiencia que ofrece al jugador mucho contenido, con multitud de criaturas de cazar y un combate muy interesante, más estratégico. Su argumento es original y visualmente muy colorido, ofreciendo una experiencia cercana al anime. En líneas generales nos encontramos ante un rival digno de Pokémon, que sin duda sacar a relucir algunas de sus carencias y demuestra que hay vida más allá de GameFreak con una propuesta sólida, con carisma propio y una esencia única.
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Alexandru Constantin 'ElRumano'
23/09/2022 |
Alexandru Constantin 'ElRumano'
Crema Games ha desarrollado un increíble juego sobre «tameo de criaturas» tipo MMO. Es un título único, divertido y multijugador (Si tienes amigos que tengan el juego claro). En algunos aspectos falla pero como veterano de la saga Pokémon tengo que reconocer que cuenta con mecánicas y elementos que lo hacen muy distinto, como poder jugar con amigos y combatir juntos o el hecho de poder interactuar con los npcs de maneras que nunca había visto en Pokémon. Se que lo estoy comparando mucho con Pokémon pero siendo un juego que se ha influenciado en esté mismo tenía que comparar algunos aspectos de ambos, pero eso no quita que TemTem es otro mundo completamente diferente de Pokémon. Si eres un fan de los videojuegos de «tameo de monstruos» debes hacerte con esté título y disfrutarlo.
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Lennard Willms
11/02/2022 |
Lennard Willms
Knuddeliges Monster-Fang-MMO, das ”Pokémon”-Konzepte sinnvoll erweitert und sich dabei seine eigene Identität bewahrt.
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Alberto Lloret Padierna
17/09/2022 |
Alberto Lloret Padierna
Si la fórmula Pokémon es lo tuyo, Temtem la lleva un poco más lejos con sus novedades en el combate, su multijugador y un nivel de desafío más elevado. No tiene el refinamiento de Pokémon en ciertas áreas, y su componente "siempre online" imposibilita jugar en portátil con Nintendo Switch, si es en un sitio sin conexión Wi-Fi.
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José Ángel Martínez Díaz
25/09/2022 |
José Ángel Martínez Díaz
TemTem es un ‘monster taming’ con mucha personalidad, un diseño cuidado, elementos RPG que hace que la aventura sea satisfactoria y un sistema de combate que ofrece los suficientes ingredientes diferenciadores como para que no tengas la sensación de estar jugando a más de lo mismo. El juego me tiene aún terriblemente enganchado, y el convertirte en el mejor domador de criaturas del archipiélago es un reto desafiante.
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Fabián Álvarez
24/09/2022 |
Fabián Álvarez
Temtem es una obra con el fin de elogiar y críticar, innovando y refinando a una fórmula de más de 20 años de antigüedad en la industria, siendo este una experiencia tan paracida a Pokémon y la vez tan única que vale la pena jugar.
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José Miguel Rodríguez Ros
20/09/2022 |
José Miguel Rodríguez Ros
Temtem es un videojuego muy bueno, divertido, llenísimo de contenido, con muchas opciones PvE y PvP. Desde ya, se convierte en un referente del género de los RPG de coleccionismo de criaturas. Consigue superar a Pokémon en ciertos elementos, con una escena competitiva muy rica y trabajada, pero también tiene áreas que se sienten algo anticuadas y que ralentizan la jugabilidad.
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Lowell Bell
14/09/2022 |
Lowell Bell
Even without the endgame content, Temtem is worth a look for anyone who has enjoyed a Pokémon game in the last two-and-a-half decades, especially those who have wanted a steeper challenge to go along with their critter collecting. It’s a familiar, imitative experience in so many ways, yet we came away satisfied with just about every tweak made to the well-established formula. Sure, the main quest becomes a bit of a slog, and yes, the Nintendo Switch does struggle to keep up at times. Despite these qualms, Temtem's engaging battles enshrine it as one of the most innovative additions to the genre in recent memory.
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Alex Orona
10/10/2022 |
Alex Orona
Temtem proves that there is still room for competition in the monster catching and battling space. There’s also proof here that games like Digimon or Pokemon, while doing a lot well, leave a lot of things on the table and that’s where Temtem shines. It’s easy to write it off as a copy-pasted clone, but the additional features of co-op battles, deep synergy combat mechanics, and rich endgame content culminate in a real diamond in the rough for those finding the competitors lacking. The main story content can be rote but for those hardcore fans wanting something deeper, Temtem may be what you’re looking for. Temtem is both better and worse than the opposition, and I think that’s okay.
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Stefania Netti
10/10/2022 |
Stefania Netti
Insomma, se siete appassionati del genere vi consigliamo di immergervi in questa nuova avventura. Può essere divertente anche per i novizi, ma alcune dinamiche potrebbero essere più frustranti del solito (come i troppi combattimenti ravvicinati). Chissà, magari un giorno riuscirete a conquistare tutti i Dojo ed essere gli Allenatori più temuti al mondo…
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Manu Delgado Osuna
16/09/2022 |
Manu Delgado Osuna
Temtem es un juego enorme y ambicioso, un proyecto que claramente ha sabido entender las peticiones de la comunidad del monster taming: tiene una agradable base audiovisual y un contexto narrativo lo suficientemente interesante como para poder enmarcar en ellos unas pulidas mecánicas de captura, entrenamiento y, sobre todo, combate con temtem. Todas las posibilidades que ofrece convierten al juego en un lugar al que nunca parar de acudir para disfrutar de sus bondades, uno de esos títulos a los que siempre apetece volver a sabiendas de que va a haber contenido esperándonos. En la orilla contraria de su profundo sistema de combate y la magnífica dirección artística, que son sus puntos fuertes, nos encontramos con hilos sueltos como un desaprovechado componente multijugador, la falta de modo sin conexión o la presencia de pases de batalla y mircopagos que no molestan demasiado, pero existen. A nivel general, es una propuesta sólida, con carisma y pulida a un nivel muy profesional.
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Josh Broadwell
17/09/2022 |
Josh Broadwell
Temtem may play a lot like Pokemon on the surface, but a suite of tweaks to the battle system, exciting visual design, and heavy emphasis on PvP more than make up for the similarities with it and other monster catchers. While a deeper story would certainly be welcome, Temtem is a unique and rewarding experience for those with the patience to master its intricacies.
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Shaun Musgrave
28/09/2022 |
Shaun Musgrave
In its current state, Temtem is moving in the right direction and is absolutely worth your time on Switch as long as you’re ok with the online-only aspect of it. I still have issues with the lack of any sort of offline support for a portable system like Nintendo Switch, but the core gameplay loop and amount of content available with the 1.0 launch is well worth the asking price. The Switch port is also very good considering the hardware and how it runs on other platforms as well. The ideal portable experience for this is Steam Deck, but thanks to having full cross platform support, I’ve been enjoying Temtem on Switch, Xbox Series X, and Steam Deck. I can’t wait to see how it evolves over time. -Mikhail Madnani
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Connor Christie
28/09/2022 |
Connor Christie
Temtem offers a monster-taming title that has enough to tear us away from the king of the genre, with an attention to detail across all elements from monster design to competitive online battles. With a little more charm, and a few quality-of-life improvements to the solo experience and the MMO aspect, this could be the closest the Pokémon series has ever come to a real challenge to its monster-taming monopoly.
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Marc-Antonie Bergeron Côté
06/09/2022 |
Marc-Antonie Bergeron Côté
Temtem s’attaque à l’une des plus grosses licences du monde et réussit à tirer son épingle du jeu. Si certains titres qui demeurent en accès anticipé pendant plusieurs années ne proposent jamais de sortie finale, l’objectif du studio Crema était clair dès le départ. Offrir aux joueurs une aventure massivement multijoueur et une alternative très sérieuse à la franchise Pokémon. Si le jeu ne réinvente pas la roue et propose une direction artistique qui ne plaira pas à tous, je dois admettre qu’il s’agit d’une solide option offrant un contenu plus que conséquent et une technique sans faille. Il ne vous reste plus qu’à réunir votre équipe et partir à l’aventure !
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Sara González Carrillo 'Diamond'
07/10/2022 |
Sara González Carrillo 'Diamond'
Temtem pretende ofrecer una experiencia diferente a la de su gran inspiración, y lo logra. Desde el principio, los combates adquieren ese toque estratégico que muchos buscan, con muchos desafíos a lo largo del camino. Los mapas son enormes y enrevesados, y la historia se complica por momentos. Lo que ya no encaja tan bien son tantos aspectos habituales de los MMO y los inmensos requisitos para desbloquearlos, algo solo al alcance de los domadores más concienzudos. Pero como experiencia para un jugador, ha resultado grata y recomendable.
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Dominic Tarason
18/09/2022 |
Dominic Tarason
While I would have appreciated a few more in-game reference pieces (like a hotkey to bring up the dizzying damage-type matrix), Temtem puts most of the key info in sight, although players that commit everything to heart will have the advantage. If you want to be the very best, you'll have to learn them all. Even falling a little short in terms of charm, and with the battle pass feeling slightly out-of-place, Temtem is easy to recommend to fans of Pokémon wanting something a little tougher and meatier while still feeling familiar.
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22/09/2022 |
If you like collecting, leveling up and breeding cute animals, then Temtem is a game is worth your attention. There is still a lot of room for improvement, but the creature-collecting part of the game shines brightly.
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alan Murilo
22/09/2022 |
alan Murilo
Temtem é um RPG divertido, mas que definitivamente sofre com a ausência de originalidade. Sem muitas ideias próprias, fica difícil não pensar no conceito de oportunidade perdida, especialmente quando se leva em conta as ambições multiplayer dos criadores e a fórmula consideravelmente estável. Ainda assim, trata-se de uma aventura recomendada aos fãs do gênero — basta que as expectativas sejam adequadamente dosadas, pois não há absolutamente nada de revolucionário aqui.
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Yasmine Hubbard
24/09/2022 |
Yasmine Hubbard
Temtem is unequivocally a homage to the Pokémon franchise, but it does bear its own unique traits. The game is worth checking out for anyone looking for an experience that harbors the core DNA of Pokémon with an alternative take on the battling system.
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Alexander Thomas
21/09/2022 |
Alexander Thomas
Temtem is a unique yet familiar take on the monster-collecting genre. Its blend of MMO mechanics gives it the potential for a long-running, sustainable community with more to enjoy than a single-player narrative. The new combat mechanics are a fantastic upgrade. However, the Tems themselves and the overall lack of guidance aren’t quite up to standards. Tems aren’t that memorable themselves and many of their names just don’t click. Having no guidance on typing, advantages, or explanations on a number of smaller features drops the enjoyment of gameplay. It’s a great experience, but it expects you to already have a certain amount of knowledge of both genres before picking up the controller.
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Juan Pedro Prat Medina
01/01/2021 |
Juan Pedro Prat Medina
Crema tiene trabajo por delante y pueden estar muy orgullosos del trabajo que están haciendo, ya que la experiencia en PlayStation 5 es sólida. No hay caídas, no hay fallos, no hay flecos. Algo que, aunque pueda sonar sorprendente, no es tan común en los tiempos que corren.
GTM [061] Enero 2021
Nicolò Bicego
18/09/2022 |
Nicolò Bicego
Temtem è forse uno dei migliori Pokécloni in circolazione. Sicuramente è il più ambizioso, con un forte accento su una componente MMO inedita per la serie da cui prende ispirazione. Ciò detto, per quanto il gioco sia sicuramente stato sviluppato con competenza, rimane inevasa la domanda: perché scegliere un Pokéclone quando esiste Pokémon? A meno che non siate privi di una Nintendo Switch, non ci sono veri motivi per preferire Temtem. La formula di gioco è la stessa, ed il gioco perde qualsiasi occasione (o quasi) per proporre qualcosa di nuovo rispetto a Pokémon, o anche solo per migliorare la storica formula. Peccato, perché prendendosi qualche rischio sarebbe potuto risultare più fresco e avere qualcosa di davvero unico da proporre.
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Stephen Tailby
18/09/2022 |
Stephen Tailby
Temtem may look like a copycat on its surface, but its deviations from the Pokémon formula pay off considerably. With unique battling elements and an engaging MMO structure, Temtem evolves as its own experience and offers a vast, challenging adventure that even those without a Nintendo console can enjoy.
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Ule Lopez
09/10/2022 |
Ule Lopez
Temtem is a fantastic game when you look at its story and gameplay mechanics alone. However, when you see the variety of activities it has to offer and the way its economy is structured, it will make you second-guess your stay after the main story campaign is done and over with.
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Alex Prakken
24/11/2022 |
Alex Prakken
With its online implementation and improved strategic combat, there are certainly appealing qualities to Temtem, but its entrenched ties to old-school Pokemon prevent it from blossoming into something greater. It isn’t redefining what we already know, so for those simply looking for another Pokemon-like experience who just wanna catch ‘em all, this one might be a good fit.
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Omi Koulas
18/09/2022 |
Omi Koulas
Temtem isn’t just a copycat Pokémon. Incorporating MMO elements and engaging characters into fan-favourite gameplay is an overwhelming success, with an abundance of addicting endgame content. Unfortunately, Temtem suffers from optimisation issues and needs to present its most captivating features at the forefront rather than behind the MMO grind and a slow main story. I can’t deny how much fun it is to play Temtem, it just needs more time and polish to be the best there ever was.
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Sire Ataru
14/09/2022 |
Sire Ataru
Temtem se pose comme une alternative solide au maître Pokémon. Bien équilibré, doté d’un système de combat stratégique et assez profond, et surtout très complet sur tout l’aspect en ligne, le titre propose une expérience de qualité.On regrette cependant une direction artistique assez fade et un côté un peu trop copié-collé de son modèle sur certains aspects.
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Andrew Bottino
29/09/2022 |
Andrew Bottino
Overall, Temtem is a fine alternative to other monster-collecting games with plenty to do. The balance can be a bit troublesome, but that may vary from person to person. However, it offers enough differences to be unique, with its default two-on-two battles and mechanics adding variety to each fight. Plus, playing with friends is easy and a blast.
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Preston Dozsa
11/09/2022 |
Preston Dozsa
Temtem shakes up the Pokémon formula in several ways, yet is held back by poor pacing and a world that needs more things to discover and do.
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Matt Sainsbury
09/09/2022 |
Matt Sainsbury
Temtem’s disappointing, because it promised to be so much. In a genre that has been so utterly dominated by one particular property, and then lightyears back to the nearest rival, here was a game that seemed like it had the ambition and scope to actually rival Game Freak’s giant on its home turf. Unfortunately the result is more akin to the more egregious MMOs – a waste of time that exists to be a waste of time.
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Eric Halliday
19/09/2022 |
Eric Halliday
Bugs, lackluster graphics and questionable design choices prevent Temtem from becoming the Pokemon alternative many had hoped it would be.
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Aleksandra Wolna
19/09/2022 |
Aleksandra Wolna
Niestety, to raczej kwestia mojego gustu, sympatii do mechanik z Pokemonów i zauroczenia słodkimi stworkami niż zalet samej gry. Jest przyjemna, wygląda ślicznie, a walki stanowią wyzwanie, jednak trudno powiedzieć, by zachwycała, wyróżniała się czymś szczególnym czy też – przede wszystkim – by była stuprocentowym MMO.
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