01/04/2009 |
A solid game that you'll have fun with. It's just a shame that the slightly annoying controls slightly dampen the experience.
José Antonio González
24/03/2009 |
José Antonio González
Sin duda, y sin levantar mucho alboroto, Abylight coloca en el mercado un título muy interesante y que, sin tener muchas pretensiones, se convierte en una opción para tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir un juego para nuestra Nintendo DS. Tenemos un título divertido, interesante y con una duración ajustada que consta de doce misiones completas situadas en tres escenarios diferentes. Quizá la única pega es que una vez terminado el interesante modo “Campaña” poco más nos queda por hacer, debido a que no cuenta con elementos que garanticen su rejugabilidad o el tan necesario modo online en estos tiempos que corren, que nos proporcionaría muchas horas de juego extra. Aun con todo esto, es un juego al que debería dársele una oportunidad, que seguro nos proporcionará buenos ratos y que nos brinda la posibilidad de comprobar el buen hacer de los barceloneses Abylight en el terreno de las consolas.
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2009 |
Fun and unique, but don’t get your hopes up. Don’t try to rush through, or else recurring enemy patterns will drain your patience. Let’s see if Abylight couples this fun engine with some interesting character and story ideas in the future.
01/04/2009 |
A flawed but enjoyable shooter you can play with one hand. Pretty much on a par with Operation Vietnam, funnily enough.
2009 |
Elite Forces: Unit 77 is the type of game that you want to like despite its flaws. It brings a genre that is sorely overlooked in the handheld market, and for the most part it executes surprisingly well. If the small nuances could be ironed out, this title could really shine among other action/strategy titles. Unfortunately as it stands there is a lot of frustration buried in the DS card making this game hard to recommend outside of hardcore fans of the genre.
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Enric Mosella
01/04/2009 |
Enric Mosella
Elite Forces: Unit 77 es un juego bastante discreto sin ninguna novedad revolucionaria ni nada que ya hayamos visto con anterioridad, pero que si te gusta el género de estrategia y las tácticas militares deberías darle una oportunidad, ya que el juego engancha bastante sobre todo por su gran elaborada historia y el carisma de los cuatro personajes a controlar.
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2009 |
Elite Forces: Unit 77 mainly suffers from its generic presentation and lack of innovation. There's very little about this game that makes it stands out from other more interesting handheld action games. The gameplay itself is moderately entertaining if you can keep your squad mates from dying. It just doesn't have that spark that keeps you coming back for more.
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Matt Olsen
16/06/2009 |
Matt Olsen
Elite Forces Unit 77 is a decent overworld-based dungeon crawler that is plagued by clunky controls and a less-than-stellar presentation. The game isn't as bad as its outward appearances would have you believe, but there are much better games of the same style available for the NDS system.
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2009 |
In the end, Elite Forces: Unit 77 is an uneven effort that takes you on a roller-coaster ride of lowered expectations, a reasonable level of fun, a bit of trouble with the clunky pathfinding, a note of admiration for the level design and finally a feeling of defeat at the seemingly built-in annoyances.
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Jessika Córdoba
17/03/2009 |
Jessika Córdoba
Para que nos vamos a engañar, “Elite Forces: Unit 77" no es un juego sobresaliente ni aporta nada al género de la acción bélica. Pero al margen de sus limitaciones, cuenta con ciertos atractivos. Su sencillo control lo acaba haciendo entretenido, rápido y cómodo de jugar. Ideal para echarse partidas mientras esperas el autobús. El apartado técnico no está mal, aunque tampoco sea nada del otro mundo. Vamos, un juego entretenido, de los que no sorprenden, pero tampoco se puede catalogar como “malo".
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Massimiliano Guadagno
19/03/2009 |
Massimiliano Guadagno
Elite Forces: Unit 77, inoltre, non è affatto uno strategico nel senso letterale del termine, ma è caratterizzato da missioni colme di uccisioni, che a conti fatti lo possono etichettare anche come uno sparatutto. La stessa varietà di azioni del quartetto è solo una variante al gameplay, e di tattico c’è davvero poco. A buon intenditor…
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01/04/2009 |
Fiddly stylus controls all too often get in the way of a great DS idea that had plenty of potential.
Germán Cuellar
18/04/2009 |
Germán Cuellar
Elite Forces se queda al borde del precipicio; según el día que lo tomes el cuerpo te pedirá seguir un poco más o dejarlo para siempre. Es uno de esos títulos que, o bien te llega a divertir o lo abandonas a las dos horas en el cajón donde está el Golden Axe: Beast Rider.
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Alessandro Bacchetta
2009 |
Alessandro Bacchetta
Elite Forces, sviluppato e prodotto da società spagnole, non è un lavoro ambizioso: un action game vecchio stile, votato all'immediatezza e al divertimento viscerale. Il sistema di salvataggio, sebbene non possa piacere a tutti, è un amarcord ben contestualizzato; il gioco non riesce però a decollare per colpa di un sistema di controllo poco preciso, per l'assenza di un multiplayer cooperativo e, soprattutto, a causa di una IA scadente.
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Jon Jordan
31/03/2009 |
Jon Jordan
A simple squad-based touchscreen shooter with the occasional nice touch, Elite Forces: Unit 77 provides a B movie experience
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Hugo De Lara López
18/03/2009 |
Hugo De Lara López
Sin llegar a ser un portento en ninguno de sus apartados, 'Elite Forces: Unit 77' se postula como un entretenido y decente juego de acción que pese a su linealidad excesiva nos presenta una jugabilidad bien adaptada a las capacidades de la portátil nipona que nos permitirá acomodarnos de manera más efectiva a las misiones que se nos planteen a lo largo de nuestra aventura y amenizará algunas de nuestras horas libres. Quien busque un juego con una historia asombrosa, profunda y con un desarrollo espectacular que se dé media vuelta, el objetivo principal de este título está enfocado en lograr una accesibilidad complaciente que permita al jugador una adaptación plena al simple e intuitivo sistema de juego y que a través de ella pueda entrar de lleno en un bucle de diversión directa, sencilla y sin dolores de cabeza. En resumen: acción, diversión y poco más. Eso sí, a la española.
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06/05/2009 |
While I am a fan of tactical and shooter games of all kinds, I found it hard to enjoy this game.
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2009 |
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Craig Harris
17/06/2009 |
Craig Harris
Elite Forces: Unit 77 can't survive on its impressive visuals alone. Had the game upped the pacing, swapped out touch-screen control for traditional D-pad, added multiplayer and…oh, while we're throwing ideas out there, added an actual incentive – like a scoring system – to play the missions over again, then maybe Elite Forces: Unit 77 could have been one of those sleeper DS titles that slip in under the radar. As it is in its current, complete form, though, there's nothing special about this game other than the desire for it to be something it isn't.
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Pedro Hernandez
11/06/2009 |
Pedro Hernandez
Overall, Elite Forces: Unit 77 is a game that had potential thanks to its great touch screen controls. But decisions like forcing the player to start all over again when one character dies, the lack of additional game modes, and bland missions make this title a modest, slightly rushed effort that could have been something special.
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2009 |
Elite Forces: Unit 77 has a fun story and features some great map design, but it's dragged right down by the fiddly controls; if a smoother system was in place then it would have been a much more eventful and enjoyable game.
01/05/2009 |
The DS touch screen is perfectly suited to this style of controlling troops, but Elite Forces: Unit 77 fails to capitalise on that potential. It’s poorly executed and ends up being a boring, generic title that can’t justify a place for itself in your DS collection.
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