Críticas con puntuación
Con un total de 3 críticas con puntuación publicadas
De media, Craig Harris puntúa
-4,91 puntos
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De media, Craig Harris puntúa
igual que el resto de analistas de IGN
De media, Craig Harris puntúa
los juegos de DS -23
puntos por debajo del resto de plataformas
De media, Craig Harris puntúa
los juegos de Game Boy Color 23,00
puntos por encima del resto de plataformas
Videojuegos españoles analizados (con puntuación)
Elite Forces: Unit 77
17/06/2009 |

Craig Harris
Elite Forces: Unit 77 can't survive on its impressive visuals alone. Had the game upped the pacing, swapped out touch-screen control for traditional D-pad, added multiplayer and…oh, while we're throwing ideas out there, added an actual incentive – like a scoring system – to play the missions over again, then maybe Elite Forces: Unit 77 could have been one of those sleeper DS titles that slip in under the radar. As it is in its current, complete form, though, there's nothing special about this game other than the desire for it to be something it isn't.
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Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion
05/08/2000 |

Craig Harris
Each Turok game on the Nintendo 64 vary in quality from one game to the next, but Turok on the Game Boy systems increase in quality with every release. This game is the best yet, and is a well-designed action game on the handheld. I still want a two-player link cable mode somewhere in the Game Boy version ¿ maybe when Acclaim moves the series to the Game Boy Advance. Until then, this game makes for a great action-adventure fix.
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Turok: Rage Wars
17/12/1999 |

Craig Harris
I liked Turok: Rage Wars a lot more than the past two bland Turok games from Acclaim. I'm a little disappointed that Bit Managers didn't adopt the N64 design for the Game Boy Color rendition ¿ a deathmatch game would have been really cool on the Game Boy Color, even if it had to be put into an overhead perspective. Still, for what it is, Turok: Rage Wars is a decent action game that blows away its successors.
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