Yova Turnes
The Spatials sufre el problema de tantos otros juegos que han sido trasvasados de móvil a PC: pueden tener una buena base jugable muy válida para móvil, y que en teoría es perfectamente adaptable a PC, pero el jugador de compatibles necesita una experiencia mucho más profunda, sobre todo cuando hablamos de un juego de gestión y rol. La buena experiencia inicial se diluye con el tiempo y perdemos el interés en cuanto nos encontramos repitiendo una y otra vez las mismas misiones. Además, la dificultad es prácticamente inexistente, no tenemos apenas castigo a nuestros fallos y eso aumenta la sensación de no estar avanzando hacia ningún lado. Hay muchas cosas buenas en The Spatials, pero ninguna alcanza la calidad y la profundidad suficientes.
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01/04/2015 |
This is a game worth playing. The visuals and sound design are simple yet very beautiful. The gameplay is deep, and you'll find yourself playing for hours on end before realizing you have done so.
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11/04/2015 |
There are very few negative points I noted in my playthrough aside from that there isn’t much to actually challenge the player – as mentioned there is no penalty for failing a mission apart from having to redo it (which is fine by me!), there are no environmental dangers when carrying out missions (call me weird for hoping the big lava pit would have actually done something horrid to my whiny scientist guy Branson Gold…) or any enemies coming to trash your space station to slow your progress like similar games.
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27/03/2015 |
Das Spiel macht schon nach ein paar Minuten süchtig: Ständig will man seine Raumstation verbessern, mehr Touristen anlocken und natürlich seine Crew auch noch bestmöglich ausstatten und aufleveln. Die Grafik ist wirklich putzig und die Missionen sind sehr witzig aufgezogen. Nach mehreren Stunden befindet man sich immer noch im ersten Solarsystem, kann immer noch unzählige Planeten entdecken und kann immer wieder neue Kolonien aufbauen. Natürlich ist wie bei jeder Simulation irgendwann mal die Luft raus, aber nicht so schnell wie sonst, denn The Spatials bietet einfach viel mehr Abwechslung und Raum für Neues.
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09/04/2015 |
Personally, I really liked The Spatials. Gamers who are looking for a challenge will disagree but I thought it was a nice cozy game to cuddle up to when you just want to relax and build something really cool. The space combat and exploration element compliments the base building aspects nicely, and provides are much more interactive gameplay element for gathering resources. Offering a huge galaxy to explore and pillage gives real life to The Spatials, and gamers who enjoy building huge sprawling bases will spend countless hours in their cozy personal space (station).
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19/04/2015 |
The Spatials was a game I loved playing, it’s simple style but complicated gameplay and variety of features made it very interesting and challenging. However I feel that it was very let down by it’s tutorial which could have easily been fixed by being a little more in-depth or by adding a mission based tutorial system.
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19/05/2015 |
The Spatials was a game I loved playing, it’s simple style but complicated gameplay and variety of features made it very interesting and challenging. However I feel that it was very let down by it’s tutorial which could have easily been fixed by being a little more in-depth or by adding a mission based tutorial system.
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22/04/2015 |
It does have numerous tiny flaws, the biggest of which being its casual, loose design, but the fact that it's one of the only Star Trek tourist trap simulators out there more than makes up for any minor shortcomings.
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30/03/2015 |
You could certainly find a worse way to sink dozens of hours of your life away than The Spatials. It does not do much to elevate itself above other similar games, but it's enough fun with enough ways to play, and has enough personality to be worth a playthrough or two.
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07/05/2015 |
The Spatials es uno de esos juegos que te encontrarás en Steam y que aunque poco se conozca resultar ser una divertida y alentadora experiencia si eres un PC gamer que no tienen un equipo tan potente y tiene mucho tiempo libre. Si eres fanático de los juegos tipo Theme Park o Sim City, este es un buen juego para probar.
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25/04/2015 |
Overall, the game is a lot of fun. Since you have to keep up on resources and making things to keep your officers AND your visitors happy at the same time, there’s enough going on to keep you playing. The more you play, the more things are unlocked. Gameplay is easy once you know what you’re doing. I would rate it higher then a 7 except I’ve never been more frustrated in trying to figure out how to play a game. The tutorial robot is useless and I have to include that in my rating.
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05/11/2015 |
Το The Spatials μπορείτε να το βρείτε στο Steam στην τιμή των 13 Ευρώ. Αν είστε Hardcore Indie Gamer και αγαπάτε τα Base Building παιχνίδια με Resource Management στοιχεία, τότε είναι μία – αν όχι MUST – σίγουρα καλή αγορά. Διαφορετικά, αν το λιγουρεύεστε, υπομονή μέχρι να μπει σε κάποια έκπτωση.
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19/04/2015 |
Playing The Spatials, I found myself thinking that this game should've been a mobile game. The way the navigation is set up, the minimal depth in activities and even the enjoyable but simplistic art style all seem to lend itself more to a mobile platform. The game starts off incredibly ambitious but then shows itself lacking the depth required to be a game that I would want to play for days or even weeks. Combat is too simple, missions are too repetitive, and even the space station itself becomes stale before long. The best way to describe The Spatials would be that it is a good game on the wrong platform.
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17/05/2015 |
Usually its great to have a lot of imagination, but in this case, there may be too much which pushes the mechanics of this game out of the solar system, into the unknown.
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