
09/06/2015 |

A solid shoot-’em up is on offer for fans of the genre. Colourful cell-shaded style 3D models fly by smoothly with no hint of slowdown in the game engine regardless of amount of particles on screen. Tight controls and a challenging Normal mode round off an excellent 2-player co-op experience. Lack of content and endlessly repeating enemy waves, incidental backgrounds and Bosses are the only downsides in the package.
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20/01/2016 |

FullBlast încearcă să reînvie jocul de tip shooter arcade clasic, aducând o grafică îmbunătățită unui gameplay clasic. Acest gameplay este bun, dar nu reușește să aducă multe lucruri noi și nu va trece de stilul casual. Jocul este bun de jucat împreună cu un prieten, dar în afară de satisfacția de a finaliza nivelul nu are nimic e oferit. Majoritatea îl vor juca până la finalizare și îl vor abandona mai târziu.
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15/12/2014 |

"FullBlast" es un matamarcianos de la vieja escuela cargado con unos gráficos muy atractivos y una banda sonora de corte rockero realmente inspirada. Quizás sea injusto con el jugador en algunos compases y poco variado en lo que a sus jefes finales se refiere. Sin embargo, su endiablada dificultad te mantendrá pegado hasta que lo completes al cien por cien. Una gran compra. Y por cierto, compatible al 100% con iCade para que parezca que estamos delante de una recreativa.
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04/06/2015 |

FullBlast is a classic Shmup and it’s great to see one of those in the eShop. It’s a shame the developers went for such a traditional approach, resulting in a rather generic experience. It does what it has to do and the level of difficulty is just right but it lacks some soul and identity. It’s not a bad game at all but it’s not as innovating as we hoped.
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12/01/2016 |

It’s possible that nostalgia has quite a bit to do with it, but I had a great time with FullBlast. Those who miss the genre, or who simply aren’t quick-reacting enough for the more punishing bullet hell style, should certainly give it a look.
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31/08/2015 |

Truth be told, I had some fun with FullBlast. The visuals are solid, the gameplay is good, and it could have been a stellar title with some more polish. The strange text issues show that this was a bit of a rushed game, along with the fact that the game actually crashed on me twice while looking at the leaderboards. If you are a fan of the classic days of shmup games, FullBlast is worth checking out, just don’t expect anything revolutionary in the genre.
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06/09/2015 |

FullBlast on the Wii U eShop is your average vertical scrolling shooter that, while enjoyable, brings nothing new or exciting to the shoot 'em up genre.
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Jonathan Town

09/06/2015 |

Jonathan Town
At the end of the day, there's not much especially wrong with Fullblast. It plays fine, looks quite nice and even with its minor flaws it's a pretty fun little game. If you haven't experienced much of this genre before you'll probably find it quite refreshing and great fun. Veterans may get an all too familiar feeling of déjà vu and it's definitely not up to the standards set by the true classics, however it's a good enough distraction for a few hours. Let's be clear; there aren't enough of these types of game as it is on modern home consoles, so it's a welcome addition to the Wii U library and it's not going to break the wallet either due to the (current) reasonable price point.
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20/05/2015 |

Au final on se retrouve avec un bon gros jeux de tir qui ne vous tritura pas les méninges mais qui servira de bon défouloir si vous aimez dézinguer des crustacés aliens sous fond de heavy metal pour un bon prix. Sinon vous risquez de vite vous lasser car le jeu manque cruellement de profondeur et reste finalement trop classique pour pouvoir devenir un incontournable du genre.
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09/09/2015 |

Overall I think ‘FullBlast’ is a decent game, especially considering its very modest price tag. It’s a fun game to pick up and have a quick blast with, and even more fun if you have a friend to tag along with you. Having said that, I think this could be the basis of a much better game if the developers take this engine and build some more variety into it. A new theme, along with a wider range or weapons, enemies, stages and maybe something progressive like an upgrade system or branching paths, that would make a truly amazing arcade shooter.
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Dario Bianchi

09/06/2015 |

Dario Bianchi
FullBlast si rivela un titolo senza troppe pretese, che si limita a svolgere il compitino e, va detto, non sempre riuscendovi. Una varietà di ambientazioni e nemici scarsa, l'assenza di un ricco arsenale, da sempre punto forte degli "shmup" più idolatrati, e una longevità striminzita restituiscono il quadro di un prodotto che ha potuto ritagliarsi un suo spazio nel mercato mobile, ma che su console casalinga avrebbe dovuto assicurare una profondità e un numero di contenuti decisamente superiori per soddisfare il differente target di pubblico. É anche vero che il titolo viene venduto al prezzo di una pinta di birra; a voi quindi scegliere se soddisfare la vostra sete o dargli una chance.
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Rudy Lavaux

24/08/2015 |

Rudy Lavaux
FullBlast is hard to fault entirely in one particular of its many aspects. It doesn't do much wrong: it controls well, the music is nice enough, the visuals, while not impressive, do look clean. It gets the action going, yet it fails to capture the attention because it's too repetitive and not engaging enough. It's neither good nor bad, it just feels dull. Nothing outstanding distinguishes one level from the next, and the lack of anything truly surprising or groundbreaking means that it feels more like work than entertainment to get through all the levels and see the ending. Online leaderboards, while they are a good addition (and are seriously lacking in the brilliant re-releases of old classics on Nintendo platforms), won't be its saving grace. The boring repetitiveness of the action, music, and scenery is likely to put off the most purist of fans, who will likely prefer to whip out an old classic rather than sticking around for too long in this newer title. Lack of content, replayability, and engaging factors hold back what could have otherwise been a much better home console experience, and proves that copy-pasting a mobile game onto a home console is not a good idea.
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Moisés Artacho

19/09/2018 |

Moisés Artacho
FullBlast seguramente pasará sin pena ni gloria por el catálogo, ya que existen decenas de rivales en el género con mucho mejor acabado. Siempre es elogiable cualquier desarrollo que intente traer de nuevo la nostalgia clásica a nuestras televisiones, pero hay que intentar aportar un mínimo de carisma y personalidad, más allá de recoger porciones clásicas de aquí y de allá y juntarlas sin pretensiones.
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