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Eurogamer.net 24/04/2024 Stellar Blade review - no thinking, just slashing
Gaming Nexus 13/03/2024 Wizard With a Gun, now with more guns
Destructoid 12/03/2024 Dead by Daylight patch welcomes The Unknown, nightmarish new map, and Killer changes
Destructoid 08/03/2024 Dead by Daylight community rejoices over upcoming Pig buff
Destructoid 16/02/2024 Review in Progress: Skull and Bones
Gaming Nexus 25/01/2024 Outcast - A New Beginning launches March 15th, nearly 25 years after the first game
Gaming Nexus 13/09/2023 Sci-fi social deduction multiplayer game Mannequin announced for PS VR2
The Sixth Axis 17/08/2023 The Lamplighters League is a desperate turn-based race to save the world
The Sixth Axis 16/08/2023 Genshin Impact 4.0 is out, here are the patch notes
The Sixth Axis 16/08/2023 Giveaway – Win a copy of Miasma Chronicles!
Vandal 02/08/2023 La tercera expansión de Saints Row se lanzará el próximo 8 de agosto
Eurogamer.net 01/08/2023 Saints Row reboot's third and final expansion arrives next week
The Sixth Axis 26/07/2023 See 10 minutes of Armored Core VI gameplay in new preview trailer
Gaming Nexus 24/06/2023 Former Bungie devs launch realistic military sim Six Days in Fallujah
The Sixth Axis 23/05/2023 Destiny 2’s Season of the Deep begins, here are the patch notes
The Sixth Axis 06/05/2023 Saints Row Sunshine Springs update patch notes released
Gaming Nexus 17/02/2023 Battlefield 2042’s fourth season ‘Eleventh Hour’ launching February 28th with lots of new additions
Sector.sk 15/11/2022 Podmorský vojnový titul Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter dostáva Ambush update
The Sixth Axis 14/10/2022 Elden Ring update 1.07 drops huge list of changes