
A vertical scroll shoot’em up with 3D graphics and a soundtrack with heavy metal music that certainly accompanies the constant action of the game. With our fighter plane our mission will be to save the land from the alien invasion, through 12 levels of random structure, with 3 final bosses and of course all kinds of enhancers and debilitators to add variety to the gameplay.

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Based on 13 reviews

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Of Steam reviews are positive
From a total of 84 reviews received
Data updated on 18/01/2025 at 05:01h




BD Info

Added 26/09/2014
By DeVuego

Last update 30/06/2022
By DeVuego

DVGO_ID DVGO20140926JG001048

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A vertical scroll shoot’em up with 3D graphics and a soundtrack with heavy metal music that certainly accompanies the constant action of the game. With our fighter plane our mission will be to save the land from the alien invasion, through 12 levels of random structure, with 3 final bosses and of course all kinds of enhancers and debilitators to add variety to the gameplay.




Our Review

It is difficult to innovate or find new mechanics in a genre like the martian shooter, but FullBlast does not even try. It is limited to offering the content a thousand times seen and does not exploit it to the maximum. It is not long, it is not difficult, it does not have a variety of ships, enemies or phases and it lacks secrets that encourage replayability. It is not a bad game, as it can entertain a couple of hours; It is only mediocre and generic product.

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