
20/12/2019 |

Touring Karts is an absolute blast to play and one of my favourite multiplayer experiences on PlayStation VR. It’s packed to the brim with content so you’re definitely getting plenty of bang for your buck – it’s actually a bargain at just £15.99 with potentially hundreds of hours of fun gameplay on offer across all of Touring Karts’ game modes.
It’s not perfect though and there were some technical glitches popping up during my time playing, though I haven’t encountered anything that’s completely ruined the experience for me. Still, they can be a little annoying, especially since they can occur when you’re in the middle of competing with others. Hopefully, it’s something the developers fill fix sooner rather than later…
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Todd Eggleston

15/01/2020 |

Todd Eggleston
Mario Kart is still safe and has nothing to worry about losing its throne, but unless you are willing to invest in a racing rig, Touring Karts does an excellent job of bringing an arcade kart racer into your home. The attention they paid to making sure it is accessible across a wide range of platforms is impressive. With that being said, it is meant to be played, and deserves to be played, in VR.
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A.J. Maciejewski

04/02/2020 |

A.J. Maciejewski
Overall, Touring Karts is such a great VR kart racer that I hope to see many more similar games down the road.
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13/12/2019 |

Even with that layer of polish that’s missing from the game, this is still a great new take on the VR kart racer and easily the closest we’ve come to a proper Mario Kart experience on Playstation VR.
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11/12/2019 |

Touring Karts is huge step in the right direction for what we should be expecting out of Kart racers going forward as it hit all the necessary bullet points to make this fun and repayable title remission of the more popular brands available out of VR. Physically being in the kart as you drive one-handed while tossing an item with the other is a gamer’s dream come true and when you add in the shear amount of tracks and customizations, it’s not to hard to return to this game to unlock more stuff, beat your previous best and maybe attempt to school some people online. It has issues for sure, but I can’t deny just how much fun I’m having with this!
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22/01/2020 |

Touring Karts is a game that tries to bring VR and non-VR players together and making it feel like one unit. The VR portion works well and the camera and controls work well, however outside of VR the camera is all over the place, the sense of speed is just not there and overall it left me feeling down on it. I used it as a VR game and had a lot more fun as I say the controls and camera worked well and didn’t go all over the place, tracks whilst varied they all suffer from the same issue which is thing tracks and the shorts are very short, add in the crazy camera and its all a bit of a headache-inducing experience. The power-up combo initially sounds like a great idea and it is when you pull off a good combo but as you can guess, it’s all so random that you can never really plan anything out. As it is touring Karts should be approached as a VR game but you could force fun into the non-VR play.
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«Jotape Lerex»

12/12/2019 |

«Jotape Lerex»
A nivel jugable Touring Karts es un título frenético y divertido, de lo mejor que vas a encontrar en PSVR de este género y recomendado si te gustan este tipo de juegos. El juego llega con muchas horas de diversión por delante y una jugabilidad notable que engancha, sobre todo por su modo multijugador y su propuesta desenfadada y directa, sin embargo el sistema de confort es muy exigente y aunque posee diferentes opciones, las que mejor funcionan en lo visual nos sacan de la inmersión del juego, de modo que la mejor y más inmersiva no está diseñada para todos y puede empeorar dependiendo del sistema de control del título que también influye en este apartado. En lo referente a su apartado técnico, este llega algo justo con pequeños errores técnicos, algunos sin importancia pero que esperamos se pulan poco a poco. Su modo multijugador cruzado es sin duda uno de los pilares básicos del juego, otorgándole vida casi infinita y diversión a raudales.
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Luis Miguel Calzada

12/12/2019 |

Luis Miguel Calzada
Los chicos de Ivanovich Games nos traen el mejor juego de karts a la Realidad Virtual. Es cierto que no es decir mucho dada la «competencia» que había hasta el momento, pero eso no le quita méritos a Touring Karts, ya que es divertido, accesible y puede llegar a enganchar. Tiene sus problemas, como algún método de control que no funciona muy bien o algún que otro bug por aplastar con las ruedas, pero me lo he pasado muy bien cuando he lanzado una gallina súper-sónica contra mis rivales, he invocado un AT-AT para correr entre sus piernas y mucho más.
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10/03/2020 |

An arcade style racer that anyone can pick up and play and definitely one that you will want to come back to in order to challenge your friends to some racing action. Anyone a fan of the Mario Kart style will feel right at home with Touring Karts and enjoy some unique qualities this game has to offer while still maintaining that familiar feel.
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Luke Hemming

04/02/2020 |

Luke Hemming
There is no denying that Touring Karts VR is rough around the edges. It's clearly a labour of love, though, and is far more enjoyable than something not made by the big three has any right to be. With its wealth of customisation options, and immediate gratification through objectives and trophies, nobody could be expected to want more. It's a huge surprise and delight then to find fun gameplay, great music, and some real love put into each and every distinct track. If there is a VR headset gathering dust, take the punt and pick this up. The stall has been set out for future kart sims, and it's a pretty high bar to clear, even if those bears can't skate.
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12/12/2019 |

Touring karts est un petit jeu sans prétention, mais qui avec son faible prix, son contenu, son mode multijoueur cross Plateforme et le fun qu’il peut procurer entre amis, me paraît être un très bon choix pour tous les amateurs de MarioKart ou CTR Crash Team Racing. Le gameplay est suffisamment varié pour vous donner du challenge pendant les courses et ne jamais être sûr de remporter la victoire. La concurrence va être rude car plusieurs titres du genre vont bientôt arriver sur le Store. On pense à Dash Dash World ou à Mini Motor Racing X qui ne devraient plus tarder. Pour le moment, Touring Karts n’a qu’un seul vrai concurrent : VR Kart qu’il dépasse largement ! Nous ne sommes pas encore au niveau exceptionnel d’un MarioKart VR mais pour le prix, le titre d’Ivanovich Games est tout à fait honorable !
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01/03/2020 |

realmente es un juego prometedor que no llega al nivel de gráfica de Mario Kart pero que promete una gran aventura y que si eres amante de lo cómico y competencia es un juego que va con tu estilo añadiendo que tiene multidioma.
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16/12/2019 |

El juego no esconde sus limitaciones fruto de su origen en un pequeño equipo indie, pero aún así también se percibe un gran mimo a la hora de tratar de exprimir sus recursos ofreciéndonos un título repleto de contenidos, con opciones de control para cualquier jugador y una notable personalidad en ciertos aspectos como los ítems que usamos durante la carrera; pero que unos gráficos de otra era, así como unas físicas bastante limitadas acaban condicionando un juego que aún con todo ello consigue divertir y engancharte durante horas para superar todos los circuitos y enfrentarte a una comunidad online que esperamos crezca para poder disfrutar en todo su esplendor de este modo.
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18/12/2019 |

Recensione Touring Karts – Giudizio Finale – Touring Karts sfoggia senz’altro ambizione, talmente grande da rischiare di essere schiacciato da essa. È troppa la carne al fuoco per essere cotta a puntino: quel che ne viene fuori è un gioco di corse su kart poco più che sufficiente, ricco di contenuti ma poco densi di cura, pieno di modi di giocare differenti ma pochi davvero fruibili. La buona volontà degli sviluppatori la si nota nei frequenti aggiornamenti: per adesso, tuttavia, il karting game di Ivanovich Games non rispecchia ancora i suoi desideri.
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09/01/2020 |

I think the biggest frustration in the game is simply that after one play session, you pretty much know everything there is to know about Touring Karts. There is no local multiplayer, so forget about having a good old Mario Kart style couch session. Powerups are funny the first time you see them, but you eventually run out of unique combinations. Race, get money, upgrade to go faster, continue. Controls are simple and effective, though the controller works much more intuitively than any motion control. The VR is entertaining but graphically could use some polish as the chaos of a kart racer and having full 360 degree view hit my VR nausea a lot easier than most, and I can easily play WipeOut for multiple races before tapping out. As a $20 budget title, a good deal of fun can be had for either VR addicts or those without a Nintendo device, but if you are looking for a top-notch racing experience you may want to steer clear.
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17/12/2019 |

Eu não conheço os procedimentos de certificação de um jogo na PSN, tampouco sei das condições de trabalho dos bravos funcionários do pequeno estúdio espanhol Ivanovich Games, mas a gente sabe que se o horrendo The Life of Black Tiger conseguiu ser certificado e comercializado (e é considerado por boa parte da imprensa como um dos piores jogos já lançados para PS4, talvez um dos piores de todos os tempos), então qualquer um consegue. Touring Karts conseguiu e, infelizmente, está lá disponível para todo mundo que quiser comprar.
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