Rexifirus Nightshade
30/05/2023 |
Rexifirus Nightshade
With all this and probably more coming to Friends vs Friends, this game is one of a kind while taking on the basics of gun warfare as seen in online PvP games such as Fortnite or Valorant, minus the map size and loot boxes, while smoothly integrating deckbuilding aspects into the game. This game is a fantastically chaotic game to play with friends or solo that will keep you occupied for hours.
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Kyle LeClair
03/06/2023 |
Kyle LeClair
Quick to learn, quick to play and delivering large doses of fun regardless of whether you’re trying to master it or just seeing how many insane card effects you have in a single match, Friends vs Friends is a gem of a PvP shooter that can easily keep you sucked in for lengthy sessions. So grab as many friends as you can (assuming you can get them to pick up the game or gift copies to them) or just jump in casual play to take on “friends” you haven’t met yet, because either way, you’re in for a blast here.
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30/05/2023 |
Friends vs Friends is a solid multiplayer shooter with a ton of style with a focus on casual pvp. Casual players as well as sweats should find plenty to enjoy in this funky deck building shooter.
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31/05/2023 |
Friends vs Friends surfa na onda dos jogos de arena e que buscam inovar a experiência e gameplay, porém por mais que ofereça uma jogabilidade com atrativos para diversos públicos, a velocidade em que ele exige e a habilidade para lidar contra apenas um inimigo pode ser um impeditivo para quem, assim como eu, não tem tanta familiaridade com esse tipo de jogo. Por mais que a diversão e vontade de jogar existam, a frustração pode ser ainda maior.
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Luan Gabriel De Paula
30/05/2023 |
Luan Gabriel De Paula
Friends vs Friends é a investida ideal pra quem ama um bom indie e adora trocar tiro com a galera. Como o próprio nome indica, juntar amigos contra amigos nunca foi tão divertido. Espere uma experiência divertida e compacta, sem muitas surpresas, mas com muita identidade visual e ideias bem criativas em como você pode sobrepujar seus amigos com as habilidades das cartas, ou sua habilidade na mira.
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Aaron Márquez «Daarcket»
09/06/2023 |
Aaron Márquez «Daarcket»
Gracias a su gran combinación de disparos con construcción de mazos, nos encontramos ante una experiencia divertida como pocas. Mucho contenido para explorar, gran rejugabilidad y una forma perfecta de perder a tus amigos.
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Francisco Manuel García Matas «narfm»
07/06/2023 |
Francisco Manuel García Matas «narfm»
Friends vs Friends no es el próximo juego al que dedicarle por completo los siguientes meses de tu vida. Es, al contrario, un shooter multijugador que hemos disfrutado más en las sesiones de juego cortas, pero que también nos ha dejado pensando en él cuando no estábamos frente a la pantalla, ya sea por el pique o porque se nos ha ocurrido una nueva estrategia que querríamos probar. Es un título que transmite a la vez sensaciones de familiaridad y de originalidad, que mezcla lo sencillo y lo profundo. Sí da la sensación de que la progresión está un tanto ralentizada porque el contenido por desbloquear no es amplísimo (aunque preferimos esto a que estuviera repleto de micropagos, totalmente ausentes); y que hay cositas que retocar, como el matchmaking y algún bug importante. La clave es que cada partida, incluso cuando nos toca contra alguien mucho más hábil, es tensa, ágil y divertidísima; poco más se puede pedir.
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Jim Smale
02/06/2023 |
Jim Smale
This is a marmite game in that some will love it and some will hate it. For me personally, I love marmite but the game is straight down the middle. The look and idea of card abilities are implemented well and look fantastic. The parts I don’t like are only two levels and 1v1 and 2v2, it’s not that fun playing it like that every time. Yes, bots are in but the progress is so restricted that it’s almost obsolete. Gaining new characters and cards is slow and requires a lot of playtime and whilst the games are relatively quick, it’s not always fun to play with its claustrophobic corridors and small deck size. I’m just waiting to see how a few updates or two could really set it off but for now, I’m going to say it’s a fine little thing to play with friends… Occasionally.
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30/05/2023 |
With an original mix of deck-building and FPS, Friends vs Friends brings a fresh coat of paint to the PvP shooter genre and is a title with some promise if it can keep its player base engaged.
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03/06/2023 |
Friends vs Friends weet een unieke positie in te nemen op de oververzadigde first-person shooter multiplayer markt. Het is een aandoenlijk fuifje en weet middels een sterke kern vermakelijke gameplay aan te bieden. De mix van de kaarten en de gunplay zorgt ervoor dat je al snel gehecht raakt aan de loop en dat je wilt blijven spelen. Echter, de ontwikkelaar Brainwash stelt onze vriendschap soms op de proef. De progressie heeft echt werk nodig en de balans is soms nergens te bespeuren. Voor die paar euro die je eraan kwijt bent, is dit echter te vergeven. Ik hoop dat Brainwash het voor elkaar krijgt om de paar issues op te lossen, want dan kan ik Friends vs Friends daarna beschouwen als een vriend voor het leven.
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03/06/2023 |
Friends vs Friends has a good foundation and concepts that could make for a quirky shooter. But it needs many further patches that change combat balance, progression, and an introduction of new features and modes. Currently, this feels like an Early Access game, which needs additional work. Those with three or more friends who are interested should consider purchasing multiple copies or hold off on Friends vs Friends entirely.
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