Based on 11 reviews
Based on 29 reviews
Twelve press media gave it
Mathias Oertel |
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19/01/2016 | 86 | |
![]() Gut ein halbes Jahr nach seiner Erstveröffentlichung auf der Xbox One überzeugt der Zweistick-Shooter Tachyon Project auch auf der PlayStation 4. Eclipse Games hat eine gelungene Mischung aus bekannten Elementen und frischen Einflüssen geschaffen und inszeniert abgesehen von einer ungewöhnlichen Spitze innerhalb des angenehm fordernden Schwierigkeitsgrades, eine Baller-Tour-de-Force, die es in sich hat. Das Zusammenspiel aus Punktewahn und Abschüssen, die nicht nur den Multiplikator, sondern auch das restliche Zeitlimit für den jeweiligen Abschnitt erhöhen, ist so simpel wie effektiv. Man hat auch nach gegnerischen Treffern oder Kollisionen stets eine ordentliche und zumeist faire Chance, durch schnelle Abschüsse wertvolle Sekunden auf die Uhr zu schaufeln. Ein zielsicheres Artdesign, das sich zwar an Geometry Wars orientiert, aber eigene Akzente zu setzen versteht sowie eine ungewöhnliche Hintergrundgeschichte runden das überraschende Action-Vergnügen ab. Da alle mittlerweile durchgeführten Ergänzungen bzw. Änderungen der Xbox-One-Version wie der noch stärker fordernde Modus „New Game +“ sowie die deutlich aufgestockte Anzahl an auch kooperativ spielbaren Herausforderungen integriert wurden, hat sich die ohnehin schon sehr gute Ballerei auf der PS4 eine kleine Aufwertung verdient Read review | |||||
Mathias Oertel |
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15/07/2015 | 85 | |
![]() Trab gehalten, da man ihre jeweiligen Bewegungs- bzw. Angriffsmuster lernen muss, um später auch nur den Hauch einer Chance zu haben. Und es gibt im Verlauf einige Gegnerzusammenstellungen, die sehr schnell die Sekunden von der Uhr knabbern. Weniger auf Trab hält einen der Elektro-Soundtrack. Prinzipiell passen die beatlastigen Kompositionen gut zur Action. Doch die Musik wird weder dynamisch eingesetzt, noch ist der Soundtrack besonders umfangreich. Und der Loop an immer gleichen Melodien erzielt etwa ab dem sechsten Kapitel keine Wirkung mehr. Read review | |||||
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22/02/2016 | 85 | ||
![]() When judging the game based solely on its originality, Tachyon Project stands on shaky ground. When judging the game based on pretty much anything else, especially its entertainment vaue, it absolutely shines. In fact, it’s been quite some time since I’ve had as much fun with an arcade shooter. It takes the Geometry Wars formula, duplicates it to near perfection, and changes just enough to allow it to effectively stand on its own and keep interested those who have spent a lot of time with that series (or other twin-stick shooters). This game is well worth its $9.99 price tag. Read review | |||||
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15/07/2015 | 84 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project is a really fun and enjoyable game. The story itself took a while to get going and does not have too much narrative content to it, however this did not really detract from the gameplay. The levels themself do start to get slightly repetitive but the variation in the different enemies and upgrades for Ada seem to not cause to much of an issue. The game plays very smooth with lots going on in some sections. This game is definitely worth picking up if you like a dual stick shooter style game. It will also be a must game for the completionists and gamers who want an enjoyable 1000 gamerscore. All in all Eclipse games can be proud of Tachyon Project. Read review | |||||
Nick Herber «Chalgyr» |
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16/07/2015 | 80 | |
![]() Tachyon Project does not reinvent the wheel for twin stick shooters, but it does add some creative new tread that allows it to feel familiar yet fresh at the same time. There are plenty of modes, challenges and customisations to try out, so fans of the genre should have plenty to keep them busy throughout their time with it. Read review | |||||
Alejandro Alcolea |
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20/07/2015 | 80 | |
![]() Hay poco más que decir, arreglando el frame-rate cuando multitud de naves exploran a la vez, añadiendo un nuevo nivel de dificultad y, sobre todo, traduciendo el juego, que no hacen falta voces en castellano pero al menos subtítulos en un título de factura española, sería un juego perfecto. Sin embargo, pese a esas cosas que se podrían mejorar, Tachyon Project es un título muy a tener en cuenta este verano, sobre todo si tenemos gente con la que jugar. Read review | |||||
Neil Watton |
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17/07/2015 | 80 | |
![]() Overall and Project Tachyon is a lovely fireworks display on steroids; an attractive display complemented by some lovely solid gameplay. The omission of a scroll-able leaderboard and full stats page is a big miss however, with the twin stick shooter genre relying heavily on being able to compare your stats to your friends. I’m not overly bothered about the strangers that frequent the leaderboards near me, all I want to see is how I compare to my nearest and dearest, so why Eclipse have not included leaderboard filters or scrolls is beyond me. Similarly, online multiplayer, or at least the inclusion of online co-op, would have been a massive winner. Read review | |||||
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10/01/2016 | 80 | ||
![]() So overall, should you play Tachyon Project? If you like the faux retro arcade genre popular among many indie games, definitely – Tachyon Project isn’t a game I will sit and play until completion, but one of those that sits quietly and unassumingly in my Game Library for years, but one that I will still play long after many of my triple A games have been left on the shelf or traded in. Perfect in quick bursts or when you have a few minutes to spare, you can jump straight in and within seconds the control scheme is in place, and the story becomes superfluous to what is just fun, solid arcade game. Read review | |||||
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02/01/2016 | 80 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project is a solid and fun twin stick shooter. The AI is varied yet challenging. The story mode is short depending on your skills but the upgrades and unlocks really change the game. The game will surprise you in terms of just how fast and fun this game is. A must for twin stick shooter fans. Read review | |||||
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18/01/2016 | 80 | ||
![]() I got the feeling there is a hint of Resogun about the game, in its quality of manufacture, and testing of the skills.At the end though, it a fun, super little game, with very little fault, other than maybe a split screen or online mode to give the game more depth. For the price it is though, it’s still a very good value for money game. Read review | |||||
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19/01/2016 | 80 | ||
![]() With a ton of modes bundled in and a fun story Tachyon Project doesn’t necessarily do anything particularly groundbreaking in terms of gameplay and certainly doesn’t bring much more to the table than what we’ve played several times before, it’s been made with serious passion, which is immediately evident. There’s been plenty of love been put into the game and it must be commended. Visually it’s vibrant and full of life, the audio mix is clear and tight and well, it’s all just damn good fun. Read review | |||||
Alejandro Alcolea |
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20/01/2016 | 80 | |
![]() Tachyon Project es un juego que, aunque dure poco, nos dará mucha diversión y nos permitirá jugar con otros tres amigos en la misma consola. Tiene buenas ideas y una ejecución jugable impecable. Read review | |||||
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31/01/2016 | 80 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project is an awesome time-waster to play in between your giant AAA backlog, especially considering it’s lightweight story and easy to understand mechanics. Tachyon Project‘s gameplay especially shines through due to the level of finesse that went into making the game feel natural. Unfortunately, however, the same lack of care was not given to the other aspects of the game. The story, music, and graphics are not bad, but neither are they outstanding. I recommend picking up Tachyon Project if you enjoy twin-stick shooters and are looking for something to short and sweet to play in between larger releases. Read review | |||||
Alberto Comeche |
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27/01/2018 | 80 | |
![]() Estamos ante un juego atractivo, sencillo y rápido, pero que ofrece un reto a todo tipo de jugadores, incluso a los más experimentados con su modo historia+. Cuenta con modo multijugador tanto en historia como en misiones de desafío. ADA cuenta con grandes opciones de personalización y sus enemigos son numerosos y diferentes entre si. Técnicamente correcto, no hace grandes alardes pero tampoco los necesita. Su pega más importante, el estar íntegramente en inglés, aunque para un juego de este tipo no suele molestar en exceso. Read review | |||||
Javier Artero |
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24/07/2015 | 76 | |
![]() Tachyon Project es un arcade muy divertido, muy capaz de darnos un par de tardes de buen vicio. Jugablemente está muy bien y las 10 fases (con sus correspondientes 6 oleadas) son muy adictivas. Por otro lado, se agradece el intento de dotar al juego de una historia y de los añadidos de los retos y el multijugador local. Por otra parte, en lo negativo, es indudable que tiene una duración breve y que aporta relativamente pocas novedades a un género en el que hay un juego por encima de todos los demás: Geometry Wars. Raro también que no se hayan traducido los textos, aunque a nivel global y por menos de 10 euros, sin duda se trata de una apuesta sin riesgo: es divertido a rabiar. Read review | |||||
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17/07/2015 | 76 | ||
![]() As far as Twin-Stick shooters go, you could do a hell of a lot worse than Tachyon Project for £7.99. There are a good few hours of fun to be hand in the story mode, and the Challenge Mode with Leaderboards will only extend this gameplay, with the constant murmuring in your ears of “one more game”. It doesn’t have the stunning art style of Geometry Wars, but Tachyon Project has a lot of it’s own merits that certainly make it worth checking out. Tachyon Project is available on The Xbox Store now. Read review | |||||
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16/07/2015 | 75 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project seems to take a lot of inspiration from Geometry Wars but puts its own spin on things. Taking cues from one of the best twin stick shooters ever made, isn’t a bad thing in the slightest. Read review | |||||
Ramón Nafria «Naeval» |
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30/07/2015 | 75 | |
![]() En resumen, podemos decir que Tachyon Project es un juego perfectamente recomendable. No sólo dispone de un modo campaña muy interesante, con una historia que sorprende más por su existencia y coherencia que por su originalidad, sino que es jugable hasta por cuatro jugadores, y tiene marcadores en línea para competir entre usuarios. Si no tuviese la competencia de un juego tan conocido como Geometry Wars lo cierto es que hablaríamos de un imprescindible a día de hoy entre los matamarcianos de Xbox One. Read review | |||||
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16/07/2015 | 75 | ||
![]() achyon Project è un twin-stick shooter che assomiglia nettamente a Geometry Wars, sia nel gameplay che soprattutto nello stile grafico. Ma guai ad etichettarlo come un clone qualunque, perché aggiunge diversi elementi piuttosto innovativi come la sostituzione delle vite classiche con un sistema di countdown a tempo, la presenza di una storia abbastanza interessante e la massiccia personalizzazione della navicella del giocatore. Con 10 livelli abbastanza lunghi e ampiamente rigiocabili per le classifiche più 3 sfide giocabili in cooperativa locale, la nuova opera di Eclipse Games è capace di offrire diverse ore di adrenalinico divertimento al buon prezzo di lancio di 9,99 Euro. Pur senza livelli di eccellenza, è un gioco che si lascia giocare con piacere e gli appassionati degli shoot 'em up e dei twin-stick shooter dovrebbero dargli una chance. Read review | |||||
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22/07/2015 | 75 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project è un dual stick shooter semplice, immediato e in grado di presentare anche alcune interessanti meccaniche. Il suo unico difetto è quello di durare un po' troppo poco, ma c'è da dire che in rapporto al prezzo (10 euro) la cosa pesa molto meno. Da prendere in considerazione per tutti gli amanti del genere e per i divoratori di gamerscore. Read review | |||||
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02/09/2015 | 75 | ||
![]() Players looking for a game that reinvents the twin stick shooter genre won’t find Tachyon Project worth their time, but for those of us that know what this genre offers won’t be disappointed even if it isn’t a game that we’ll be playing a year from now. The predictable story fits well with the gameplay and gives the player an added dimension other than fighting off the bad guys. Sure it may be the same vanilla story told a hundred times before with dated visuals, but players will look past that with the excellent controls and variety of ship options. After all the mediocre “arcade” releases this year it is refreshing to get into a game that offers a bit of nostalgic appeal and brings a decent challenge to the table. Read review | |||||
Kim Snaith |
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25/07/2015 | 75 | |
![]() It’s far from perfect, but despite its gripes and grizzly bosses, there’s something charming about Tachyon Project that makes you keep wanting to play. Its very simplistic nature makes it easy to pick up and play, making you want to indulge in “just one more level”. The timer system is frustrating, and frequently being told “you ran out of time” rather than “you were brutally one-hit-killed” gets rather irksome, but the quenching satisfaction of speeding around a screen filled with enemies as you blast every one of them into tiny pieces outweighs the niggles. Any fan of retro-style shooters certainly should give this one a go. Read review | |||||
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28/05/2016 | 75 | ||
![]() Zoals aan het begin van de review al werd benoemt: Tachyon Project is een verslavend spelletje. Niet alleen krijg je de mogelijkheid om een heleboel challenges te voltooien, ook valt er een heleboel uitdaging te halen in de verschillende modi. Nu komt deze uitdaging in het begin voornamelijk doordat het spel je in het diepe gooit door niet direct uitleg te geven over de besturing, maar later voornamelijk door de grote variatie aan verschillende vijanden die telkens weer zullen proberen om je ruimteschip zo snel mogelijk te laten crashen. Read review | |||||
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09/08/2015 | 71 | ||
![]() I really enjoyed Tachyon Project, a lot more than I thought I would after first sight. It is a fun, fast paced and hectic title that has a good difficulty curve and solid fundamentals. It doesn’t reinvent the genre but it does a great job at making it its own and for ten bucks, you could do a lot worse. Read review | |||||
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22/07/2015 | 70 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project is a twin-stick shooter with a few major differences that affect things in a positive way. Enjoyable and thrilling while it lasts but also all too short and a shade too easy for those with any sort of skill in the genre, it's one that will surely hit the spot to while away an afternoon. Just don't expect it to last all that much longer than that. Read review | |||||
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14/07/2015 | 70 | ||
![]() As far as addictive Geometry Wars-style twin-stick shooters are concerned, you could do a hell of a lot worse than Tachyon Project. There's a good few hours of frantic blasting fun to be had here, and while it doesn't have the replayability or overall appeal of Geo Wars (it's hard not to keep drawing the comparison), Tachyon Project does have a lot of its own merits that make it worth checking out. Read review | |||||
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20/07/2015 | 70 | ||
![]() Even if you’re quite skilled in the genre like myself, be warned of an extreme spike in difficultly in the last few levels. I found myself stuck on one of the levels where the difficulty ramped up completely out of nowhere and it was incredibly frustrating. Once you do complete the campaign, the lack of compelling extra modes really does hinder the title as a whole, again, unless rising up on the leaderboards are your thing. Tachyon Project does enough things to make itself stand out against the bigger names in the genre and be competent, but falls short on doing much else to really rise above and beyond the kings of the category. Read review | |||||
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25/08/2015 | 70 | ||
![]() wasn't sure about this game when I got it as it’s not down my alley, but after trying out Tachyon Project I really enjoyed the feel and challenge, sure the game is short but that’s what £7.99 gets you nowadays. People spend that on FIFA FUT packs and get no satisfaction, whereas this has life in it and is fun to play with friends, it will not make you smash your room up and looks pretty for the cost I think it is a great game. Read review | |||||
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19/01/2016 | 70 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project is a great twin stick shooter. It has the versatility and speed of Geometry Wars with the customization of weaponry and perks that you usually find in shoot’em ups. The story mode isn’t the longest, but trying to climb the global leaderboard in challenge mode ensures you’ll get more than enough bang for your bucks. Read review | |||||
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21/01/2016 | 70 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project does enough to get noticed in the sea of modern twin-stick shooters thanks to its inventive setup, but there’s still something missing that means it never hits the heights of the very best in the genre. For what it is, and what it costs, you’ll get more than enough out of it. Read review | |||||
Jason Bohn |
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21/01/2016 | 70 | |
![]() Describing Tachyon Project as derivative is not intended to be dismissive. It manages to be what it sets out to be: fun. The joy of working up the leaderboard ranks is present and managing to surmount a particularly nasty swarm of baddies feels great. Eclipse Games picked a good target to copy and pulled it off with gusto. For the neophyte looking to get into this type of game, however, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions is a better package overall. That one includes the basic version along with a host of different modes. Tachyon Project is for the people who have played that to death and want something else along the same lines. Read review | |||||
Oriol Minguillón |
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09/04/2016 | 70 | |
![]() En términos generales Tachyon Project es un juego sólido y recomendable, que gustará a los que busquen un reto frenético y puramente arcade y a los amantes de superarse en las puntuaciones. No inventa nada pero es francamente divertido y cumple muy bien su cometido. Read review | |||||
S. C. G. S. |
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13/04/2016 | 70 | |
![]() En un mes donde no tendremos prácticamente nada por parte de Wii U tras 'Star Fox Zero', os recomiendo encarecidamente que guardéis en la lista de juegos pendientes a este 'Tachyon Project', un proyecto que cumple con todo lo que se le pide, que es sólido en su propuesta y que no tiene más ambición que la de dar satisfacción a los fans de 'los juegos de naves', como se suele decir: una forma de viajar treinta años atrás en el tiempo en pleno 2016. Desde aquí me encantaría poder jugar una continuación de este 'Tachyon Project' en el futuro, pero con más niveles, más contenido y algún que otro modo de juego que le permita alargar su vida útil unas cuantas horas. Por lo demás, muy recomendable. Read review | |||||
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10/04/2016 | 70 | ||
![]() Tachyon Project aún siguiendo una linea argumental no desarrolla un cambio en el gameplay, pues es un arcade que ademas está orientado al juego rápido, lo cual puede ser una ventaja o un inconveniente dependiendo del tipo de gamer. La parte triste, aunque en proceso de ser solucionada, es ese 66% de los trofeos glitcheados que te hace sentir como que gastaste dinero en comprar un juego incompleto o cuanto menos, sin un testeo completo por parte del estudio desarrollador. Read review | |||||
José R.V. |
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09/05/2016 | 70 | |
![]() Si bien sus gráficos no resultan especialmente llamativos, ni ofrece unas mecánicas realmente innovadoras, Tachyon Project se basa en el entretenimiento puro y duro, además de ofrecer un argumento bastante notable de fondo. Read review | |||||
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11/06/2017 | 70 | ||
![]() Un gran juego que debe se contemplado a la hora de ampliar el catálogo de Wii U. Un shooter que no deja de ser único, y que incorpora elementos en su historia y en la variabilidad de posibidades y opciones que lo enriquecen y aumentan considerablemente las horas de juego. En definitiva, los dos elementos negativos antes mencionados restan un punto significativo en nuestra calificación. No es un punto menor, y esperamos que sus desarrolladores contemplen la posibilidad de dar por terminado definitivamente un proyecto que le falta una última revisión. Read review | |||||
Albert Manjón |
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16/02/2016 | 65 | |
![]() Tachyon Project hace cosas muy bien, con un conjunto cyberpunk armoniosamente conjugado entre diseño y música consigue disparar nuestra adrenalina como todo buen twin-stick shooter. Sin embargo quedaron algunos elementos por pulir. La curva de dificultad, la profundidad del modo historia o las caídas de frame rate en algunos momentos merman lo hubiese sido un juego mucho más redondo. En resumen, Tachyon Project consigue ofrecer una experiencia jugable corta pero intensa. No será el juego que todos recordaremos en unos años pero sí que ofrece lo que promete y a un precio muy interesante de 9,99EUR. Read review | |||||
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20/07/2015 | 60 | ||
![]() In the end, Tachyon Project is a half-decent game that will appeal most to a select group of gamers. Despite boasting a unique take on incurred damage, the title’s slower pace and occasionally dull engagements hold it back from being as good as it could’ve been. Read review | |||||
Juan Ramón Herrera «juanramonh» |
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12/08/2020 | 51 | |
![]() Tachyon Project tiene buenas ideas y es un título entretenido, al mismo tiempo de que nos esperábamos algo más de él. Podremos disfrutarlo de un modo a veces frenético, con un buen control aunque en líneas generales sin más complicación que tener un poco de habilidad. Hemos echado en falta un poco más de ambición en el proyecto con la incorporación de mayor dificultad o retos que nos tengan sin soltar el mando. Un multijugador de adorno, una historia escueta y poca duración son aspectos que en caso de una segunda entrega habria que mejorar, sin olvidar pequeños fallos técnicos y por supuesto la ausencia de los textos en castellano cuando ha sido desarrollado aquí. Si te gustan los logros fáciles y rápidos tambien es una buena opción, aunque el precio de 9.95 euros puede ser un poco elevado. Read review | |||||
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25/01/2016 | 50 | ||
![]() These flaws are representative of where Eclipse Games went wrong with Tachyon Project—mostly every new twist they’ve made to the Geometry Wars formula they have aped is poorly executed. Considering you can buy Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved on PS4 and that the stellar alternative Super Stardust Ultra is also available on the platform, there’s no real reason to opt to play this inferior take on the twin-stick shmup genre if you’re already acquainted with its more successful predecessors. While it’s passable in terms of quality, it’s wholly derivative of its source of inspiration, and the attempts made by Eclipse Games to carve out its own identity mostly fall flat. Read review |
1. | Germany | 85,5 | 2 |
2. | Australia | 80 | 1 |
3. | United Kingdom | 76,6 | 10 |
4. | Italy | 75 | 2 |
5. | Netherlands | 75 | 1 |
6. | Spain | 71,5 | 11 |
7. | United States | 71,4 | 11 |
8. | Canada | 70 | 1 |
9. | Mexico | 70 | 1 |