PS Vita

Spanish Video Games released on this platform

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La Deuda 25/01/2025 Diego Ortiz Más
Parkour Labs 25/07/2023 Diego Ortiz Más
2PlayersPong 28/02/2023 Diego Ortiz Más
UnMetal 21/04/2021 UnEpic Games
Furwind 27/06/2019 Boomfire Games
Zeroptian Invasion 24/04/2019 Josyan
STAY 13/09/2018 Appnormals Team
FullBlast 05/09/2018 UFO Crash Games
Ice Cream Surfer 17/07/2018 Dolores Entertainment
bit Dungeon+ 13/06/2018 Dolores Entertainment
The Count Lucanor 09/01/2018 Baroque Decay Games
Super Hydorah 13/12/2017 Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito'
Maldita Castilla EX 09/11/2017 Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito'
Twin Robots 11/10/2017 Thinice Games
Supermagical 17/01/2017 Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team
Spheroids 10/01/2017 Eclipse Games
Stranded: A Mars Adventure 15/11/2016 Mutant Games
Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent 21/07/2016 Unfinished Pixel
Funk of Titans 22/06/2016 A Crowd of Monsters
UnEpic 30/03/2016 Francisco Téllez de Meneses
Tachyon Project 29/03/2016 Eclipse Games
Phineas y Ferb: El Día de Doofenshmirtz 11/11/2015 Virtual Toys
Run Run And Die 26/05/2015 Pixel Bones Studio
Looney Tunes: Deportes Galácticos 20/05/2015 Virtual Toys
Baboon! 28/01/2015 Relevo
Nihilumbra 27/01/2015 BeautiFun Games
Invokers Tournament 03/12/2014 StormBASIC Games
Los Muppets: Aventuras de Pelicula 05/11/2014 Virtual Toys
InviZimals: La Resistencia 30/10/2014 Novarama
Tadeo Jones y el Manuscrito perdido 29/10/2014 U-PLAY Studios
History Legends of War: Patton 28/03/2014 Enigma Software
Tadeo Jones: El videojuego 04/12/2013 U-PLAY Studios
InviZimals: La Alianza 30/10/2013 Novarama
Ecolibrium 12/09/2012 StormBASIC Games
Touch Racing Nitro 22/02/2012 Bravo Games Studios
Reality Fighters 22/02/2012 Novarama
Legends of DHA Cancelled We Use Powerups
Total games on this platform: 37