Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito' (
Málaga) is a spanish video game developer.
As a developer his most common role is Developer. He has participated in a total of 16 spanish video games, being some of the most important Super Hydorah (Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito', 2017), where he has been Developer or Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) (Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito', 2016), where he has been Developer too . Also took part in other video games like Toxic Tomb (Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito', 2024), where again he took part as , Solar Gladiators (Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito', 2020), where he took part as Developer, and Darkula (Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito', 2019), where also he took part as Developer. In this section, it should be noted that he has received one Premio DeVuego Mejor Desarrollador in 2017.
You can know more about Juan Antonio Becerra 'Locomalito' visiting his social media profiles in Web, or X.
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