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Spanish Video Games average score by country

Country leaderboard by average score given to Spanish Video Games, based on media reviews registered at DeVuego

Only countries with at least 20 scored reviews are taken into account.

Minimum reviews Año

1. Polonia Polonia 76.71 21
2. Rumanía Rumanía 75.8 40
3. Irán Irán 75.49 37
4. Grecia Grecia 74.69 54
5. Mexico Mexico 74.43 91
6. Brasil Brasil 74.02 224
7. Portugal Portugal 73.94 65
8. Argentina Argentina 73.62 143
9. Australia Australia 73.31 134
10. Italia Italia 73.12 573
11. Canadá Canadá 73.03 275
12. Francia Francia 73 378
13. República Checa República Checa 72.54 37
14. Estados Unidos Estados Unidos 72.16 2056
15. Holanda Holanda 71.74 173
16. Bélgica Bélgica 71.39 49
17. Alemania Alemania 71.37 263
18. Reino Unido Reino Unido 71.18 1488
19. Perú Perú 71.06 50
20. España España 70.02 5591
21. Austria Austria 69.43 46
22. Rusia Rusia 68.23 35
