One Last Breath
Lee Chesnalavage
28/03/2024 |

Lee Chesnalavage
One Last Breath sits comfortably between Inside and Planet of Lana and should be considered another triumphant example of the atmospheric puzzle platforming genre. If you love either of those games, you will want to play this one!
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Lords of Exile
Lee Chesnalavage
25/02/2024 |

Lee Chesnalavage
Should you play Lords of Exile? If you can train yourself to play like you had no choice 40 years ago, then definitely. It’s a difficult game but not an annoying one. It’s beautiful to look at, although the screen can feel cluttered when there are a lot of animations and assets going off like a fireworks show. The chiptune soundtrack is a delight to listen to, which goes a long way to immerse you in a retro experience.
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Lee Chesnalavage
25/07/2022 |

Lee Chesnalavage
If you’re looking for a long campaign with loads of levels to explore you’ll adore Souldiers. With 3 classes to choose from, there’s ample replay value too. The numerous elemental suits add a level of strategy and the Metroidvania landscapes only add to the breadth of discovery available from Souldiers.
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Deiland: Pocket Planet
Lee Chesnalavage
29/04/2021 |

Lee Chesnalavage
Deiland isn’t a console experience. It wants to be a casual, relaxing pick-up-and-play but because of its clicky-clicky grinding mechanic it awkwardly lands in the shallow pool of mobile gaming. Every part of Deiland – from the planet to the story – feel half-baked and hasn’t been fully realised.
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Narita Boy
Lee Chesnalavage
09/04/2021 |

Lee Chesnalavage
Narita Boy is a perfect example of its genre. It has simple gameplay mechanics and doesn’t punish players for slipping up. It has a deep, enlightening story to discover that’ll leave you salivating for more. The world is colourful and expertly crafted, with a host of characters that deserve saving.
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Arise: A Simple Story
Lee Chesnalavage
22/02/2020 |

Lee Chesnalavage
I get frustrated with clumsy controls quite quickly but if you are more forgiving (and more patient) you will have a good time.
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They Are Billions
Lee Chesnalavage
26/07/2019 |

Lee Chesnalavage
If you’re after a fun survival RTS or a game that tests your ability to make strong defences, before kicking you to the floor They Are Billions is for you. The game is fun, but take a few failures to really get into.
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Lee Chesnalavage
05/04/2019 |

Lee Chesnalavage
I’m a hard guy to impress because I’m a cynical man who sees the glass as half empty but I would wake up early before work just to spend time in the world of Moonlighter. It’s not the perfect game but I loved it (mostly). If you’re looking for a pick-up-and-play experience where you’ll lose hours of your life without realising it, I suggest buying Moonlighter. I played it on PlayStation 4 but Moonlighter’s style is built for long commutes, so I recommend buying it on Switch and playing it on your long travels.
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