Based on 5 reviews
Based on 17 reviews
Five press media gave it
Cosmin Vasile |
08/02/2022 | 75 | |
Cosmin Vasile
Unfortunately, engaging with the game world and its mechanics is not fun enough. Most combat encounters feel interchangeable, companions do not have much personality, there’s a lot of walking around. Working the camera never feels good, especially in tight quarters during battles. The Waylanders also needs major tweaks to its difficulty if it wants to attract more than a very niche audience. Read review | |||||
Andrea Moncada |
07/02/2022 | 71 | |
Andrea Moncada
En definitiva, The Waylanders es un RPG fantástico, inspirado en clásicos como Dragon Age: Origins, Neverwinter Nights 2 o Baldur’s Gate, con un sistema de combate estratégico e innovador, incluyendo formaciones especiales y habilidades únicas para unas batallas con alta profundidad táctica. Si eres fan de los RPG clásicos, no dudes en darle una oportunidad a este juego, cuya mejor baza es sin duda alguna, la innovación en cuanto a la temática histórica que trata. Read review | |||||
Ramón Varela |
03/02/2022 | 70 | |
Ramón Varela
La temática celta hace de The Waylanders un juego de rol especial y diferente, con varias mecánicas heredadas por los mitos y la condición del protagonista o sus compañeros, inmortales o reencarnados. Desde luego si eres un jugador habitual a RPG y te cansa la manida fantasía oscura, el juego de Gato Studio es un aire fresco que además aprovecha una cultura que al jugador español le tocará de cerca. Su mayor punto débil es que aún necesitaba un poco más de tiempo más para redondear la experiencia y que las comparaciones con auténticos gigantes del género, o simplemente los referentes que han influido su desarrollo, pueden restar mérito a las virtudes –que las hay- de este juego. Encantará a quienes busquen un RPG innovador en los aspectos de historia, algo que no es precisamente poco en una aventura de este tipo. Read review | |||||
Raúl Vázquez Santos |
07/02/2022 | 68 | |
Raúl Vázquez Santos
En definitiva The Waylanders es unos de esos juegos que si no se rodease de tan imponentes obras de arte dentro de este género podría destacar mucho más. Pero tiene ese lastre que lo hace menguarse y hacer que sus defectos resalten mucho más de la cuenta. Aunque también se podía haber aprovechado la experiencia que en este tipo de juegos existe. Read review | |||||
Jim Smale |
14/02/2022 | 66 | |
Jim Smale
Waylanders shows a lot of potential with strong storytelling and a lot of loot and character customisation, you really can build and play out your own unique character. The problem you face is the pacing is very slow, the combat is clever but does take some getting used to, no for me the problem is just the avalanche of information you have to keep taking on board, the constant up and down performance issues, and the ridiculously small text. I honestly gave it a good shot but it just takes its time to get you going that you cannot get into it, at times it’s almost like the game hates you. I tired of the constant interactions with characters as they eventually fell apart and your decisions meant nothing, it’s just a game that feels like it needed more time in early access. The game never seems to realize its own ambitions and ideals and instead serves up very generic offerings. The Waylanders was not for me and is a bland slow-paced RPG, there are much better offerings on the steam store for a lot cheaper as well. Read review | |||||
Francesco De Meo |
01/02/2022 | 60 | |
Francesco De Meo
With its unique setting and interesting story mechanics powered by time-traveling, great sense of scale, and nice visuals, The Waylanders had the potential to be a remarkable role-playing game. The uneven pacing of the story, writing with wild quality shifts, the rather run-of-the-mill combat, the clunky interface, and a general lack of polish, however, make the game often frustrating to play, preventing it from reaching the heights it could have achieved. Read review | |||||
Mick Fraser |
01/02/2022 | 60 | |
Mick Fraser
The Waylanders is a difficult game to recommend. It may appeal to those who seek a hardcore challenge, and those who can look past the iffy writing and uneven pacing may find an adventure worth undertaking. But the combat in particular needed more time in the oven, and the rest of the game doesn’t do enough to make up for it. Read review | |||||
Heather Johnson Yu |
03/02/2022 | 60 | |
Heather Johnson Yu
Underneath the intriguing concept and gorgeous graphics, The Waylanders has a somewhat meaty tactical experience wrapped around the bare bones of an RPG. And while it may be light on the actual role-playing elements, there’s enough of a unique spin in terms of story, setting, and battle system that those who prefer mechanics above anything else might have a good time. This is by no means Baldur’s Gate nor Dragon’s Age: like King Ith’s Tuatha de Danaan, those gods aren’t here. I can recommend The Waylanders, but only if expectations are managed accordingly. Read review | |||||
03/02/2022 | 60 | ||
Waylanders je nešikovný pokus o epickú RPG, takmer v každom smere nedotiahnutý, taký nemastný-neslaný. Svet s keltským folklórom a podivnými bytosťami je sám osebe pozoruhodný, ale jeho spracovanie a možnosti značne oklieštené a nezaujímavé. Miestami narýchlo odbitý príbeh sa márne pokúša zapôsobiť, rovnako ako postavy svojimi často úbohými prejavmi pri rozhovoroch. Ani boje nie sú žiadna sláva, i keď niektoré schopnosti a formácie ich zachraňujú pred úplnou katastrofou. Celkový výsledok je však nekonzistentný, nepresvedčivý a ešte aj s chybami. Read review | |||||
28/02/2022 | 60 | ||
The Waylanders desperately needed more time in the oven and hopefully, a re-launch if they’re planning on console versions. I hope GATO STUDIO can find the time and budget to rework the combat; trim the many lengthy conversations in which you have no input; and go through the game, scene to scene, ensuring each one has an equivalent level of polish. As it stands, I’m not planning on pushing on to the end until more patches are announced and I suggest you hold off for now too. Maybe we’ll eventually get a polished and consistent experience? Read review | |||||
Mark Steighner |
04/02/2022 | 58 | |
Mark Steighner
I’m not sure if more time in the oven is the answer to The Waylanders’ problems, but it couldn’t hurt. I really liked the setting and core story, but I’m afraid that the game’s bland combat and awkward controls are baked in by now. It has character, charm and style to spare but swings and misses in the execution. The Waylanders is a collection of really good ideas, almost none of which are allowed to shine without compromise. Read review | |||||
Daniele Spelta |
02/02/2022 | 50 | |
Daniele Spelta
The Waylanders ha tutto il sapore di una occasione sprecata, perché sotto i numerosi passi falsi tecnici e tra una serie di dialoghi dalla qualità altalenante, il GDR creato da GATO STUDIO ci aveva ben impressionato sulle prime, soprattutto grazie ad un universo fantasy capace di distaccarsi dai canoni classici del genere. Purtroppo le speranze iniziali sono ben presto svanite, vittime di una scrittura che si fatica a tollerare, dell'ennesimo bug che ci ha costretto a rifare intere sezioni di gioco o per via di un combattimento finito male a causa dei nostri alleati. Read review | |||||
Matthieu Pace |
04/02/2022 | 50 | |
Matthieu Pace
À n'en pas douter, The Waylanders n'est pas un mauvais RPG, encore moins un mauvais jeu. S'il a indéniablement des points forts, il faut aussi reconnaître qu'il prend trop peu de risques et se contente souvent d'imiter ce qui a déjà été fait, plutôt que d'offrir quelque chose de novateur. Ainsi, les amateurs de RPG à l'ancienne d'il y a quelques années y plongeront avec plaisir, mais les joueurs en quête d'un jeu de rôle inédit seront probablement déçus. Il y a de quoi passer un bon moment, mais on risque d'oublier le titre sitôt qu'on l'aura terminé. Petite info supplémentaire pour les intéressés, il y a quelques problèmes mineurs à prévoir au niveau de la traduction des sous-titres (rien de gênant toutefois). Désormais vous savez tout sur The Waylanders alors faites votre choix ! Read review | |||||
17/02/2022 | 50 | ||
I desperately want to like this game! It’s got charm, it’s got an evil wolf god, and I can play as a rogue werewolf who uses they/them pronouns! There’s the potential for a fun, magical story here that I genuinely think I would enjoy. And I don’t think the game is “bad,” per se. I’ve played bad games, and I can’t wait to put them down and never touch them again. But I want to come back to The Waylanders six months from now and find that it’s a much better game than when I first played it. It’s not good yet, but it has the potential to be. As things stand today, it’s trying too hard to be funny and not delivering on the core aspects of what makes a game a game. I sincerely hope the developers are able to tighten things up; I would hate for this to be the final sentence on a project they’ve clearly put a lot of heart and soul into. Read review | |||||
02/03/2022 | 50 | ||
Everything about my experience points to GATO Studio either running out of time or money (or both) before they could complete The Waylanders. A story that starts off in a fresh setting and filled with interesting characters, nice visuals and outstanding voice acting is quickly derailed by technical flaws and an ever-growing list of bugs. I rarely complain about too many side missions or additional features like romantic endeavors being added to a game, but this is a perfect example where cutting out unnecessary features would have allowed GATO Studios to focus on the things that really mattered. Sometimes, less can be more, and that appears to be the case here. Read review | |||||
Stefano Castagnola 'Revan' |
01/02/2022 | 45 | |
Stefano Castagnola 'Revan'
Nonostante l'ambizione di avvicinarsi agli standard imposti da BioWare e proporre un nuovo erede di Dragon Age, il lavoro di Gato Studio è molto lontano dal raggiungere il suo scopo. I combattimenti sono ripetitivi e poco interessanti, le missioni scorrono sui binari senza permettere quasi alcuna deviazione e anche sul fronte narrativo The Waylanders si rivela un gioco di ruolo a dir poco lacunoso. Rimane qualche idea sulla carta interessante e un'ambientazione che, se sfruttata meglio, poteva forse dire la sua, ma purtroppo non ci siamo proprio. Read review | |||||
David Losada Figueiras |
11/02/2022 | 45 | |
David Losada Figueiras
Analizamos The Waylanders, la inmersión de Gato Salvaje en los RPG con una gran profundidad en el mundo celta y sus mitos. Una obra de amor a Galicia salpicada por graves problemas en su lanzamiento. Read review | |||||
Rubén Vázquez |
13/03/2022 | 45 | |
Rubén Vázquez
Admiramos el valor de The Waylanders por apostar por la cultura celta como base para su historia, pero su mayor problema ha sido intentar parecerse a Dragon Age. Si Gato Salvaje hubiera apostado por algo más pequeño, tendríamos un juego redondo, pero no ha sido así. El guion es confuso y no acaba de concretar un camino a seguir, los combates carecen de componente táctico y clareza visual y las costuras técnicas afean un apartado artístico notable. No negaremos que el viaje en The Waylanders no ha sido el más fructuoso y gratificante del mundo, pero nos alegra saber que los desarrolladores están al tanto de ello y pretenden modificar y arreglar aquellos aspectos que, actualmente, empañan una experiencia que estaba siendo correcta. Read review | |||||
01/02/2022 | 40 | ||
Como tal, es difícil recomendar Los Waylanders en su forma actual. Aunque es encantador y entusiasta, su calidad descuidada obstaculiza seriamente la calidad general de la experiencia. Una narrativa mediocre y errores menores son fáciles de pasar por alto si el juego en general es divertido, lo cual Los Waylanders es, pero los posibles problemas que rompen el juego erosionarán cualquier buena voluntad que el título pueda haber ganado. Read review | |||||
Rob Gordon |
01/02/2022 | 40 | |
Rob Gordon
As such it is hard to recommend The Waylanders in its current form. Although it is charming and enthusiastic, its slapdash quality seriously hampers the overall quality of the experience. A middling narrative and minor bugs are easy to overlook if the overall game is enjoyable - which The Waylanders is - but potentially game-breaking issues will erode any good will the title may have gained. Read review | |||||
20/02/2022 | 40 | ||
There were, unfortunately, a lot of problems I had with The Waylanders. It pains me quite a bit to say this, as a lot of effort clearly went into this game. Some elements, like the graphics and sound, border on AA quality from an indie developer. Others, like the plot holes and the bugs, make me ask “How could they miss this?” Read review | |||||
16/02/2022 | 30 | ||
I když se vývojáři chlubí inspirací legendárními RPG a známými vývojářskými jmény, The Waylanders je jedno velké zklamání. Po příběhové stránce servíruje generický příběh a nekonzistentní postavy. Těžkopádné ovládání doplňují chyby, které vám zamezí v postupu příběhem. Hru bohužel nezachrání ani vcelku zábavný soubojový systém. Read review |
Rock, Paper, Shotgun | Jay Castello |
01/02/2022 | ||
Jay Castello
These multiplied the further into the game I went, particularly after the time skip that was touted as part of the game’s big 1.0 update. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you much about it, because not long after mysteriously being flung centuries into the future, the main quest appears to have bugged entirely for me. This is annoying not just because of the review, but because I really want to finish the game. The Waylanders charmed me even where it struggled, until it struggled so hard that I literally could not continue. Read review | |||||
FreakEliteX | Marcos José Wagih da Silva |
11/02/2022 | ||
Marcos José Wagih da Silva
Considero que, en realidad, necesita más trabajo para ser ese RPG en el que busca convertirse. Le falta pulir varios detalles que, si no son sangrantes, ralentizan el gameplay y son contraproducentes. Sea como fuere, es un juego con bastantes virtudes que cumple con su principal cometido: entretener a los jugadores. Al menos ese ha sido nuestro caso. Read review | |||||
Orgullogamers | Marcos Casal |
16/02/2022 | ||
Marcos Casal
En esta reseña de The Waylanders quise salirme un poco de lo típico, porque en lo personal, ha sido un juego muy especial. Estamos ante un WRPG que no innova en casi ninguna área, pero no deja de ser un juego muy disfrutable para cualquier ducho en el género aun con ciertos errores de diseño y de falta de pulido perdonables a juicio de cada uno. Sin embargo, lo hace tan bien a la hora de exhibir el atractivo que tiene la historia de mi tierra, que considero imperativo jugarlo a cualquiera que tenga prejuicios contra nosotros. Read review | |||||
Zero Players | Jorge Rubio |
26/02/2022 | ||
Jorge Rubio
The Waylanders es un RPG que no ha sabido estar a la altura de las expectativas creadas por sus autores. Las comparaciones directas con Dragon Age han hecho bastante daño y querer emular a este y otros juegos parecidos han llevado a sus creadores a un nivel de ambición imposible de materializar. La sensación generalizada que tenemos al jugar a The Waylanders es la de un producto a medio hacer, con ideas muy buenas ensombrecidas por una torpe ejecución. Read review | |||||
Prima Games | Liana Ruppert |
13/06/2020 | ||
Liana Ruppert
If you like BioWare's styling of Dragon Age, then you are going to love The Waylanders. Read review |
1. | Romania | 75 | 1 |
2. | United Kingdom | 63 | 2 |
3. | Sudáfrica | 60 | 1 |
4. | Eslovaquia | 60 | 1 |
5. | Spain | 59,8 | 5 |
6. | United States | 52 | 5 |
7. | France | 50 | 1 |
8. | Canada | 49 | 2 |
9. | Italy | 47,5 | 2 |
10. | Mexico | 40 | 1 |
11. | Czech Republic | 30 | 1 |