Hello Pocoyó!
Zinkia Games
Hello Pocoyó!
Captura 1 de Hello Pocoyó!

Captura 2 de Hello Pocoyó!

Hello Pocoyó!

Genres Adventure Child Etiquetas Short description

Hello Pocoyo! is an accessible and intuitive adventure for Nintendo DS. A fun game but also stimulating for the creative thinking of children and the not so young.

The adventure begins when Pocoyo accidentally makes all his friends disappear with a magic pencil. Traveling through the typical settings of the universe of the award-winning series, the player and Pocoyo will have to find all the missing characters, who will join them in the search.

About Zinkia Games

Zinkia Games is a spanish video game development studio based in Madrid, Madrid, founded in 2001.

As a development studio it has developed five spanish videogames, being some of the most importantn Hello Pocoyó! (Zinkia Games, 2008) o PlayChapas Football Edition (Zinkia Games, 2008). They have also developed other video games such as Pocoyó Racing (Zinkia Games, 2011), Love Panic (Zinkia Games, 2007), and Santa Claus Express (Zinkia Games, 2006).

You can know more about Zinkia Games through their profiles in Web, X, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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