Woody Cloud is a mobile game development studio recently created in Bilbao with the idea of innovating and creating new quality projects in the mobile gaming industry.
Woody Cloud was born in the year 2024 in the province of Bilbao, created by Ander Fernandez, designer and 3D animator, with the idea of creating video games for mobile devices with which to innovate in the industry.
Our goal is to establish ourselves as one of the leading mobile game studios in the Basque Country and Spain.
A very ambitious studio, we seek to satisfy the entertainment needs of people who use mobile devices for gaming... Through fun and creativity!
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As a development studio it has developed one spanish videogame, specifically The Ultimate Tomato Run! (Woody Cloud, 2024).
You can know more about Woody Cloud through their profiles in Web, X, Instagram, or YouTube.
This biography has been automatically generated by DeVuego from the information stored in its database, so it may be incomplete.
Current members

This studio is currently active
Woody Cloud has been 1 years active
Approximate team size of
1 in DeVuego
1 with verified profile
Other profiles and activities
BD Info
Games developed [1]
Crossy Tomate: Reto Culinario! | 2024 | Woody Cloud | Action |
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