
The concept of this game is simple: it consists of 49 different levels, to complete them you must collect all the diamonds; This will be achieved by making your character jump and move through the different platforms.

The real challenge in this game is not to get all the diamonds in the level through jumps and movements, but you have to get all the diamonds in each level BEFORE time runs out! What makes this game so addictive and exciting lies in the fact that with each level passed, the next one will prove to be even more arduous than the previous one.

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BD Info

Added 16/12/2014
By DeVuego

Last update 16/12/2014
By DeVuego

DVGO_ID DVGO20141216JG001161

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The concept of this game is simple: it consists of 49 different levels, to complete them you must collect all the diamonds; This will be achieved by making your character jump and move through the different platforms.

The real challenge in this game is not to get all the diamonds in the level through jumps and movements, but you have to get all the diamonds in each level BEFORE time runs out! What makes this game so addictive and exciting lies in the fact that with each level passed, the next one will prove to be even more arduous than the previous one.



