Cross the Line

Cross The Line is a fun and innovative puzzle game in which you have to solve the different puzzles presented on a blackboard. Swipe and throw a sphere with your finger and try to cross the line while you draw and interact with different geometric elements, all with different and surprising properties. In each scenario you will find a lot of new challenges and ways to interact with the environment, from pieces that move as you please to holes in the board that will swallow the sphere!

Genres / Themes


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BD Info

Added 26/04/2014
By DeVuego

Last update 10/06/2015
By DeVuego

DVGO_ID DVGO20140426JG000881

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Cross The Line is a fun and innovative puzzle game in which you have to solve the different puzzles presented on a blackboard. Swipe and throw a sphere with your finger and try to cross the line while you draw and interact with different geometric elements, all with different and surprising properties. In each scenario you will find a lot of new challenges and ways to interact with the environment, from pieces that move as you please to holes in the board that will swallow the sphere!


