Hi! I'm Sky, indie game developer and founder of the studio "SkyGames Studios". I am mainly dedicated to design, although I am a generalist in all digital areas of development!
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Sky Dusky 'SkyTheDragon_Dev' is a spanish video game developer. He's currently
SkyGames Studios since .
As a developer his most common role is . He has participated in three spanish video games, among the most recent Sky's Nightmares: The Last of Them (SkyGames Studios, 2026), where also he took part as , Sky's BackRooms [PC] (SkyGames Studios, 2022), where again he took part as , and Sky's Nightmares: After The Darkness (SkyGames Studios, 2021), where also he took part as . Besides, he took part in one video game developed outside Spain, SCP: Event Classified (Archotech, 2024), where he was Level Designer, y SCP: Event Classified (Archotech, 2024), where he was Translator.
You can know more about Sky Dusky 'SkyTheDragon_Dev' visiting his social media profiles in Web, Instagram, YouTube, Discord (Servidor), Discord (Usuario), Patreon, Steam (Comunidad), itch.io, Gamejolt, or eMail.
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