Alejandro González Fiel
Alejandro González Fiel

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Alejandro González Fiel is a spanish video game developer. He's currently Founder in Milkstone Studios since march 2008.

As a developer his most common role is Developer. He has participated in a total of 36 spanish video games, being some of the most important Farm Together 2 (Milkstone Studios, 2024), where he has been Game Design or Ziggurat 2 (Milkstone Studios, 2021), where he has been Game Design too . Also took part in other video games like the DLC Astaroth (Milkstone Studios, 2017), where he took part as Game Design, the DLC Corey & Shaira (Milkstone Studios, 2017), where again he took part as Game Design, and the DLC Okiku (Milkstone Studios, 2017), where also he took part as Game Design.

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Spanish Video Games

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