At 8-10 hours in length, The Crow’s Eye hits the sweet spot between being too short, and becoming repetitive. The grand reveal at the end of the game, the reason for why your character is being put through these trials, is satisfying, if a bit disappointing considering the build up. The entire game is centered around movement, but in the final scene, you’re rendered immobile while being treated to an extended expository dump. On the bright side, it’s learning about Holtwick’s other experiments that really make the story interesting. Things get very creepy as you approach the finale, and I was once again re-evaluating what kind of game this was. Strangely, this inconsistency improved the game. You were never able to tell whether the next room contained a cool puzzle, or a horrific revelation. This was the lasting impression The Crow’s Eye left me with. Although there are a scattering of minor annoyances, it was the enjoyment of unraveling both the story and the puzzles that you’ll remember.

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