Rogério Princiotti

09/01/2022 |

Rogério Princiotti
Com imagens bem bonitas e uma história envolvente porém um pouco confusa.
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Gabriel Cuesta

20/12/2021 |

Gabriel Cuesta
Hay juegos bonitos, que tienen ángel, que conectan con esa búsqueda de la belleza que llevamos todos dentro, Scarf es uno de esos títulos que brillan con luz propia desde el primer instante en el que entras en él. Tanto el manejo de la luz, la aparente sencillez de sus modelados, la música ambiental con profundos toques de melancolía, así como esa historia narrada con apenas palabras te envuelven y consiguen su objetivo, que no puedas evitar exclamar: ¡Pero qué juego más bonito!
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Andrew Farrell

20/12/2021 |

Andrew Farrell
Despite that, I did enjoy the rest of the game. The visuals are quite nice, with wide expanses and some lovely use of color, plus the controls do their job well. Everything is plenty responsive. All of the game’s elements culminate in a slight, but sweet indie game about the nature of freedom that has plenty of relaxing moments alongside plenty of strong design choices. If these kinds of games are something you enjoy, Scarf is another one to add to the list. As long as you can stand that awful, time-wasting, hide-and-seek section. I may still be just a teensy bit mad about that. Teensy.
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Jacob Zeranko

20/12/2021 |

Jacob Zeranko
Even as the final moments occurred, which also felt like it came out of nowhere, it didn't feel like the player was a hero. Given the wonderful mechanics, design, personality, and narrative intentions of Scarf, the confusing storytelling is unfortunate but, thankfully, doesn't make the game any less enjoyable. While it's never fun to push story to the sidelines, doing so will let players get lost in Scarf's beautiful worlds and have an absolute blast during its short but sweet playtime.
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Olly Smith

23/12/2021 |

Olly Smith
Is Scarf a good game then? It’s certainly not terrible. I’d suggest it might even get lost in the shuffle that is the end-of-year period, which it doesn’t deserve. The game has a great foundation for puzzle design blended with platforming and exploration. Otherwise, the shortcomings with the game’s story aren’t intrusive enough for it to be a massive problem. It’s a solid little thing to spend a couple of evenings with.
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Justin Mercer

21/12/2021 |

Justin Mercer
Scarf is an endearing experience. It wears its inspirations on its sleeve and doesn’t shatter the genre’s conventions with innovative ideas, but still finds enough sure footing to set itself apart from its contemporaries. Moreover, an unsurprising story and a few instances of intentional time-wasters in puzzles aren’t enough to lessen the benefits of its brisk pace and variety of gorgeous environments. It may not hit the highest highs of the genre, but if you’re in the mood for an atmospheric puzzle platformer, you could do much worse.
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30/12/2021 |

Scarf seems like an enjoyable casual game that you can enjoy at your own pace.
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Raúl Vázquez Santos

23/12/2021 |

Raúl Vázquez Santos
Una pequeña joyita para saborear con tranquilidad, sin tensión ni miedo, y dejándonos absorber por el entorno y su narrativo concepto visual. Una aventura que se merece muchos halagos dentro del mundo de las propuestas pequeñas y humildes, que equipos tan pequeños como la buena gente de Uprising Studios puede ser capaz de lograr. A los cuales le doy desde ya un trocito de mi corazón, a la espera de ver a donde pueden llegar en futuros proyectos.
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23/12/2021 |

SCARF es un divertido juego de plataformas en 3D donde nos meteremos en la piel de un héroe y de su bufanda mágica con el objetivo de recuperar las diversas almas que se encuentran esparcidas por los distintos mundos. Con una propuesta muy similar a Rime y un apartado artístico más que notable, SCARF nos invitará a adentrarnos en la aventura de Hyke.
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Thorne Stone

19/12/2021 |

Thorne Stone
Scarf is a beautiful puzzle-platformer that packs a lot of meaning in a small package, but only to those willing to explore all of its gorgeous locales.
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12/06/2023 |

Scarf is an enjoyable albeit short 3D puzzle platformer with tons of heart. It’s the perfect game for those who want to get their feet wet in the genre or just want to get through something in one sitting.
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Alex Prakken

20/12/2021 |

Alex Prakken
Scarf certainly is an enjoyable experience; its combination of engaging story and strong environments are enough to keep the player absorbed for its four hour campaign. But due to its commonplace gameplay, it doesn’t do enough to make it a true standout in the genre. But regardless of its issues, Scarf is for those wanting a leisurely and fantastical escape from the troubles of the world; something we could all use from time to time.
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Jim Smale

03/01/2022 |

Jim Smale
Scarf is a delightful third-person action game. You slowly over time build a bond with this scarf that in turn for your friends will help guide you and traverse the game world. The scarf will turn into different formations in order to fund the adventure. Scarf as a whole may not do a lot of new things but it does give a cohesive solid experience. Walking through water is a particular high point, you collect this item that makes water repel you so you can walk around the sea bed, it looks incredible. It’s moments like that peppered throughout that stop it all from getting stale, helps move the game along, and are genuinely astonishing to witness. I can’t say a real harsh bad word against the game as it is just a really well-crafted world wrapped in an engaging story. The combat, the traversal is all at a level that anyone can pick up and play, it’s just a well-constructed game and one I urge you to try.
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Damaso Scibetta

20/12/2021 |

Damaso Scibetta
Scarf riesce in un'impresa davvero considerevole: inserire in un'avventura narrativa un comparto di puzzle ambientali di qualità mantenendo l'esperienza semplice e approcciabile. Un gioco semplice, ma solido e non annacquato, che soffre soltanto di non riuscire a raccontare al meglio una storia già di per sé non innovativa, neppure tramite il gameplay interamente pensato in funzione della narrazione. La mancanza di un messaggio forte e di un'identità stilistica definita rendono l'esperienza poco memorabile, ma resta un prodotto che saprà farvi passare 4-5 ore piacevoli in compagnia di una sciarpa draconica e di mondi graficamente stupendi.
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Silvio Mazzitelli

20/12/2021 |

Silvio Mazzitelli
Scarf è una piccola avventura che sicuramente piacerà a chi ama i titoli dal ritmo rilassato e semplice. La storia, nella sua semplicità da fiaba, è piuttosto ben raccontata e il gameplay è molto intuitivo, con enigmi ambientali e fasi platform piuttosto facili da superare. Se cercate un’esperienza più complessa, non è sicuramente il gioco per voi; se invece avete amato titoli come Journey o Rime, date a Scarf una possibilità.
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José Luis Ortega López

20/12/2021 |

José Luis Ortega López
Scarf es una propuesta muy bella a nivel artístico y audiovisual en general, pero su concepción como videojuego está por debajo del nivel que alcanza en las cotas mencionadas. Su desarrollo apuesta por ser reflexivo y emocional, pero eso no debería estar en disputa a la hora de ofrecer un reto mayor en los puzles. Aunque dentro de su estilo contemplativo, es muy difícil hacer eso con la sencillez y la magia que desprenden otros juegos como Journey, en el cuál se inspira claramente, pero queda lejos de la magnitud de lo que consiguió en su día thatgamecompany.
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Nat Smith

20/12/2021 |

Nat Smith
As a platformer, Scarf doesn’t particularly break new ground, and veterans of the genre will hardly pause for thought when solving its puzzles. That makes it liable to be written off as ‘just another platformer‘, which is a real shame. A full playthrough of the game can be comfortably achieved in one sitting, and the valuable message that lies at the heart of its narrative is more than worth taking the time. Scarf isn’t designed to challenge or frustrate, but provides the player with the satisfaction of puzzle-solving and a gently introspective allegorical tale.
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Rob Kershaw

20/12/2021 |

Rob Kershaw
Scarf doesn’t brave new platforming territory, but platforming newbies will appreciate its forgiving nature, and it tells an interesting and often dark story in an engaging way.
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Leonardo Faria

20/12/2021 |

Leonardo Faria
Scarf is a good game, but not one that left an impression. I played it, enjoyed it while it lasted, but once I was done with it, all I could think about is that I would have enjoyed it a lot more three years ago, back when it was first announced, and back when 3D indie plaftormers were still a niche, a breath of fresh air in the market. This game was released a few years after the hype had died out, sadly enough. It’s still worth picking up if you’re a fan of titles like RiME, Journey, and Super Lucky’s Tale, but don’t expect to be wowed by it.
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Chris Hyde

20/12/2021 |

Chris Hyde
It’s interesting that Scarf’s story hints at something more. There are clues to uncover that there’s more than meets the eye here. Because as a player, I also wanted more. By the time the credits had rolled, whilst there was nothing fundamentally wrong with what I had played. I wish it could have been longer, or maybe pursued additional traversal options or had an extra diverse world to explore. Just as it starts getting going, it seems to abruptly stop, even if you discover the “proper” ending. Scarf feels short, definitely sweet, but also safe. And me wishing it was longer is definitely a deserved compliment, but it also shows that it left me feeling, ironically, a little cold on its overall experience.
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Ben Lyons

19/12/2021 |

Ben Lyons
Even though it isn't perfect, the basic collectibles being one of the flaws, Scarf is a game that I find hard to see as anything less than charming. It's around 5-6 hours long, meaning it doesn't overstay its welcome, and it will make you want to keep playing until you reach the conclusion. Sure, the narrative isn't the easiest to make sense of, but that is made up for with the engaging puzzles and the fun gameplay mechanics. This isn't a title that is designed to challenge you, but it will leave you feeling contempt, and considering Scarf is launching just ahead of the holiday period, it's hard to see this game as anything less than a prime way to relax over the next couple of weeks.
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Adam Ryan

20/12/2021 |

Adam Ryan
A simple, yet enjoyable puzzle platformer, Scarf is a beautiful title that plays around with the tried and true tale of the hero defeating evil.
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Sean Davies

05/01/2022 |

Sean Davies
While it’s not pushing the genre any further forward, Scarf is a perfectly pleasant way to spend 6 hours of your life. As a non-combative puzzle platformer, it lacks originality. Thankfully, a clever two sided narrative carries the game as it tells both sides of a tale and positions the player in the centre. Just make sure you play this game with a guide so you don’t have to replay whole levels again.
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Ali Rezazadeh

04/12/2021 |

Ali Rezazadeh
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Engin Vural

23/12/2021 |

Engin Vural
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Alexandre Galvao

17/07/2023 |

Alexandre Galvao
Scarf é uma aventura simpática e carismática, mas não consegue se destacar o suficiente para merecer uma grande dedicação de nosso tempo. Os quebra-cabeças são criativos, a jogabilidade em plataforma é minimamente satisfatória e a direção de arte consegue transmitir sentimentos positivos. No entanto, uma vez concluída, esta é uma jornada que acaba sendo facilmente esquecida.
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Will Quick

20/12/2021 |

Will Quick
Scarf is a 3D platform puzzle game about retrieving energy from several vibrant worlds with the help of a living scarf. It presents a lovely world with a visually interesting story and the relationship between two very different beings. It suffers from a lot of technical issues, slippery gameplay, and repetitively easy puzzles. Though, if you’re looking for something light and colorful, a scarf may be the right fit for you.
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Simone Tagliaferri

20/12/2021 |

Simone Tagliaferri
Scarf è un gioco molto semplice che offre un'esperienza limitata. Finisce per essere un platform rilassante, che non impegna più di tanto il giocatore nelle poco più di tre ore che dura. L'unica vera attrattiva che offre è il suo stile visivo, anche se da solo non giustifica l'impresa. Non è terribile, perché in fondo si lascia giocare, ma non colpisce mai veramente a fondo e svela le sue poche carte fin troppo rapidamente, non dando oltretutto al giocatore alcuno spazio di manovra al suo interno. Sembra quasi una di quelle opere "ispirate da" che colgono solo in parte lo spirito della loro fonte, non riuscendo però a essere altrettanto incisive e, soprattutto, radicali.
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Artura Dawn

21/12/2021 |

Artura Dawn
SCARF is a singer without a voice and a dancer without legs. There were tons of things that could have been great within it, but none of them were capitalised on, and it felt like there weren’t enough resources spent on where it mattered.
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