Adrián Hernández

03/11/2014 |

Adrián Hernández
Sin lugar a dudas el título cumple con la función que se propone, que es la de entretenernos a través de combates con cantidades grandes enemigos de diferentes maneras y en variados escenarios, asumiendo al mismo tiempo múltiples retos extras que cumplir. Una experiencia que cuenta con la original inclusión del ‘Rock And Roll’ en su temática y que nos ofrece un temible mal al que enfrentarnos usando la música como arma durante aproximadamente 4 horas de juego para un jugador casual.
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09/04/2015 |

En todo momento nos da la sensación de estar ante un aspecto gráfico irregular. La ciudad está muy bien recreada y cuenta con un modelado de escenarios perfecto para el estilo de juego. Todo está diseñado en 3D y con efectos de luces y sombras correctos. En contraposición a esto, las animaciones y algunos modelos de personajes contrastan con el acabado del juego. Por ejemplo el modelado del personaje de Zoe está mejor creado que el de Sasha, que cuenta con una cara un poco más poligonal. Lo mismo pasa con el aspecto de algunos enemigos. Entre ellos encontraremos zombis de varios tipos, arañas y otros monstruos, lo cual dará bastante variedad al desarrollo....
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19/12/2014 |

Pour conclure, si vous aimez les beat’em all à l’ambiance très rock’n roll alors jetez-vous sans tarder sur Rock Zombie qui ne vous laissera certainement pas de marbre. Certes, les textes sont en anglais mais l’ensemble est parfaitement compréhensible. Le jeu reste un très bon divertissement dans tous les sens du terme et il serait dommage de ne pas en profiter.
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04/12/2015 |

A nostalgic side-scrolling beat'em up in the early 90's tradition. A so bad it's good affair that people who like some polish with their games should probably avoid. Good fun if you don't want to take your zombie slaying too seriously.
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Moisés Artacho

09/12/2015 |

Moisés Artacho
Con todo ello, podemos contar con varias horas de juego si pasamos por alto sus altibajos en la jugabilidad, y como no existen demasiadas alternativas hoy día si somos fans del género seguramente estemos entretenidos un buen rato. Nos hubiera gustado encontrar mayores virtudes en el conjunto final, pues la idea tenía potencial para más calidad, pero siempre son de agradecer estas propuestas que devuelven géneros semi-olvidados a la palestra de la actualidad.
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Jowi Meli

07/11/2014 |

Jowi Meli
It's hard to fault a game like Rock Zombie. It's a perfectly serviceable beat 'em up with a number of ridiculous choices that, whether intentional or not, will probably make you laugh. It's not the most technically refined gameplay experience you'll ever have, and a lot of the elements just don't add up, but it's campy enough to make you believe it was trying to be epic — and that might just rope you into trying its cheesy brand of arcade action.
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John Rairdin

11/11/2014 |

John Rairdin
All-in-all Rock Zombie has many of the trappings of a great game. The core mechanics work, and all of Rock Zombie’s failings are the sort of things that could be fixed in future updates. For now this may not be the arcade experience you’re looking for but with a little work, it could be a welcome addition to anyone’s Wii U home screen.
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04/12/2015 |

I did have some fun while playing Rock Zombie and the game does function well, to a degree. It really isn't a shining example of modern technology, but does have the marks of an older brawler game. It gives off a whole arcade like vibe while playing, though I'm unsure how many will really love that. There were many strange aspects when it came to AI and I feel it would have been better if a cooperative part was added in as it seems like that game should have had that. There were also driving portions that appeared every so often which was a neat change in gameplay, though these were quickly annoying due to length and that it was completely repetitive. Rock Zombie was an alright game with some decent campaign length though really nothing too spectacular.
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20/11/2014 |

Il est alors très difficile de noter un jeu comme Rock Zombie car tout dépendra de ce que vous attendez d’un jeu vidéo. En tant qu’hack’n slash à l’ancienne et indépendant, le jeu tire une copie correcte sans être inoubliable. Les choix réalisés sont cohérents et, à défaut d’avoir des graphismes corrects, nous avons dans ce jeu une très bonne bande son et un gameplay, qui, loin d’être innovant, répond bien aux attentes du joueur. Quelques scènes pourront faire sourire certains joueurs tandis que d’autres seront particulièrement atterré par les niveaux en moto ou en voiture. Bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas du gameplay ou de l’expérience la plus enrichissante sur l’eShop, Rock Zombie s’en tire avec les honneurs et proposent aux joueurs de prendre part à un gameplay de bourrin dans une ambiance sonore plaisante. Le jeu s’adressera particulièrement aux personnes à la recherche d’un gros défouloir sans prise de tête. Si l’on peut cependant faire un gros reproche, c’est l’absence d’un mode multijoueur. Le jeu mettant en scène trois héroïnes, il paraît presque inconcevable de ne pas parcourir les différents niveaux avec un ami, voir, avec deux amis. Autant niveau graphisme, on pardonne volontiers, autant l’expérience multijoueur aurait été un gros plus dans un jeu de la sorte. Dommage…
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Luna Eriksson

08/12/2014 |

Luna Eriksson
Rock Zombie is playing on nostalgia from the time when arcade halls were everywhere and arcade styled beat 'em up titles were flooding the console market - the 'Golden Age' of arcade games. Sadly, however, due to misbalanced difficulty and an overly simplistic fighting system and enemy design, the game falls flat. Even with 'permadeath,' the difficulty never feels threatening and the adrenaline never pumps like it should. It all feels cold and lifeless, just like the zombies that this game is focused on killing. It is time to put the lid back on the coffin again and hope the next try to revive this genre in the West is more successful.
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Craig Grannell

16/11/2014 |

Craig Grannell
Despite its shortcomings, not so much a bad game as just a boring (and buggy) one that lacks bite
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19/12/2014 |

Em suma, Rock Zombie tenta ser muita coisa e falha rotundamente em tudo excepto na banda sonora. Alguém que não soubesse que tal não é possível na Wii U pensaria que este jogo se encontrava numa fase “Early Acess” mas tal, obviamente, não é o caso. Para quem procura um beat’em up novo para jogar, o melhor será continuar a procurar. Quem apenas quiser ouvir umas boas músicas em estilo Indie Rock, é aconselhado a comprar o jogo, lançá-lo sem ninguém o jogar e deixar o Rock tocar.
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João Xabregas

04/12/2015 |

João Xabregas
n summary, those who have played the game on other platforms will notice that the Xbox version is nothing more than a poor port of the original game, where the only changes are the control schemes which have been adapted to the Xbox controller. Besides that, the game continues to have the same issues that seem to have afflicted the previously released versions and that is something which disappoints me. With a bit work in a bunch of different aspects, this could have been a promising game, but in its current state it’s hard to recommend it as a good game.
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Matt Sainsbury

14/11/2014 |

Matt Sainsbury
It's worth giving Rock Zombie the benefit of the doubt that it wanted to be a trash Z-grade grindhouse game. And if so, mission accomplished. It's just so bad it's worth throwing on in a drunken haze for a laugh or two.
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04/12/2015 |

Overall, Rock Zombie relies more on what’s popular these days and nostalgia over solid gameplay and reverence for the source material that it is based off of. Much like the zombies that are littered in the 20 levels of the game, everything is just cold and lifeless. The characters, plot, and gameplay are largely uninspired and generic. All this along with the technical issues and lack of any co-op gameplay makes Rock Zombie a difficult game to recommend to even the most diehard zombie or beat ‘em up fan.
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20/01/2015 |

Rock Zombie s'avère être une véritable daube, une honte très mal finalisée qui n'atteint même pas le stade de nanar rigolo.
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