31/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine has an excellent sense of atmosphere during its tense levels, thanks to its visual and audio work. Damian Sanchez, the composer of the game’s soundtrack, with his music keeps the battles intense and the overall theme epic. For example, the strings of the soundtrack are beautiful to listen to in the track, Seashores, but it maintains an epic battle for survival throughout. The developers cleverly manipulate the music to scale up the tone of the song depending on what’s happening on screen. For example, boss battles have stages to them and on the last stage, the song gains more percussion, creating more tension with the player.
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08/10/2018 |
The finale to this story ends in fantastic conclusion that concludes as strong as the game first started. Rise and Shine is a brilliant 2D platformer that references some of gaming’s most iconic franchises while offering a unique experience all of its own. It’s packed with non-stop action, twists and the art style and animation make it one of the most gorgeous games on the Nintendo Switch to date. It’s certainly a “Git Gud” game as there is no hand holding here and only the most determined gamers will finish this one. The experience one gets from the campaign makes every death and respawn completely worth it and it’s easily one of my favorite games of 2018.
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12/01/2017 |
La difficoltà di base è davvero elevata e nonostante possa piacere a molti, per quelli esperti ma più attempati come me, potrebbe risultare frustrante in alcuni casi. Tanto per farvi un esempio, ci ho messo 20 minuti a sconfiggere il primo boss: un paio di errori e tocca rifare d’accapo.
R&S ha il sapore dei giochi di una volta, quelli delle generazioni 8 e 16 bit, ma con uno stile moderno e avvincente. Sfoggia una estetica davvero sontuosa e la condisce con una colonna sonora piacevole ed efficace.
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12/01/2017 |
If a bullet hell had a baby with a puzzle/platformer and then threw in classic gaming pop culture references, you'd get Rise & Shine.
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12/01/2017 |
Oftast rör det sig från bildruta till bildruta där en ny delikat uppgift måste knytas upp. Det känns ofta som små minibossar och tack vare det finns det många inre belöningar att plocka upp längs vägen som håller spelaren sysselsatt. Det upplägget skulle kunna torrlägga bossfajterna, kännas som man redan har gjort det, men så blir det inte. De är oerhört praktfulla och tar spelet till sin yttersta spets.
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Chris White
12/01/2017 |
Chris White
Rise and Shine is yet another game published by Adult Swim that hits the spot, both in entertainment value and replayability. I had a few issues with the game freezing, to which I had to restart from the beginning of a section. I adored Headlander, and I’m equally in love with Rise and Shine. It’s not the longest of games, but its gorgeous style, great control scheme and constant gaming references offer plenty of reasons to keep playing and come back to. Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team have done a fantastic job here, and I’m really glad I got a chance to play it.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine prende il concetto dello sparautto bidimensionale a scorrimento orizzontale e lo esalta, infarcendolo di una grafica splendida, di controlli precisi e semplici. In più lo arricchisce con una storia intrigante e un visibilio di citazioni del mondo dei videogiochi che faranno sbrilluccicare gli occhi e titillare la mente ai giocatori anziani come il sottoscritto, ma anche alle nuove leve. Anzi proprio a loro consiglio di giocare a Rise&Shine, perché la sua brutale difficoltà potrebbe insegnare a molti come si giocava una volta, spellandoti le mani con il pad (o meglio al tempo con il joystick) affrontando dei giochi che richiedono impegno, abilità ed arguzia. Un plauso a Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team che ha realizzato un gioco veramente egregio.
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12/01/2017 |
Una grata sorpresa en forma de juego Indie que hará disfrutar tanto a los jugadores de corte más clásico como a las nuevas generaciones. Difícil, divertido y nostálgico garantiza horas de diversión. Su precio reducido hacen de la compra algo imprescindible.
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12/01/2017 |
A love letter to gaming that has more than enough to stand on its own merits, Rise & Shine could be a dark horse for one of the best of 2017.
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12/01/2017 |
What all this adds up to is a game that is incredibly unique and challenging, while at the same time being a visual delight. Admittedly, there were times when I got mad at the game and wanted to give up; I thought the section I was stuck at was impossible to pass. Thankfully with a little time away and some fresh eyes, I always managed to make progress. Rise & Shine takes many risks with its design and blending of gameplay genres; thankfully it came out the other end smelling like roses. While I don’t think any game is perfect, Rise & Shine is incredibly exemplary. Highly recommended.
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01/2017 |
Rise & Shine es una carta de amor a los juegos de antaño, es un homenaje a las arcadias y a aquellos títulos con los que crecimos muchos de nosotros. Es un juego divertido, retador, y aunque puede parecer que es “más de lo mismo” sinceramente te recomiendo que le des una oportunidad.
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Iván Hernández 'Blansi'
13/01/2017 |
Iván Hernández 'Blansi'
Rise & Shine es muy divertido, de los juegos que nos pondrán a prueba en todo momento. Lo que si os puedo decir es que, si os gustan los Shooters 2D, coged vuestros Giles, Rupias, Dolares, Euros o gotas de petróleo y tirárselas a la cara a Steam y adquirirlo porque no os defraudará.
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Maxi Maidana
13/01/2017 |
Maxi Maidana
En conclusión, Rise & Shine es el primer gran Indie del año. En su aventura se consolidan todos sus apartados para dar forma a un título redondo, totalmente completo. La puesta en escena es simplemente gloriosa, y mantiene el frenesí en cada momento de acción. Gracias a sus controles tan intuitivos es natural salir de la cobertura, saltar y bailar sobre los disparos enemigos, pero obviamente vamos a caer, no una vez, ni siquiera dos, seran muchas… muchas veces hasta conseguir esa victoria interior que buscamos, pero ¿no es justamente eso lo que busca Rise & Shine? El sentimiento de amor y odio de los 90’s. Para finalizar, el estudio español puede estar seguro de que ha creado algo totalmente único que le hace honor a su lema. Un videojuego sencillamente Mega Hyper Fascinante que cumple con todas las expectativas fijadas y no tiene nada que envidiarle a los más titánicos del género.
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Alejandro Alcolea
12/01/2017 |
Alejandro Alcolea
Es un juego más que notable al que le pasan factura dos cosas: lo corto que se hace y una historia que se siente desaprovechada debido al rico universo que tenían disponible. Sin embargo, el apartado artístico es una auténtica maravilla, así como el sonoro. En términos jugables, si buscáis un reto y una aventura de esas que os dejan satisfechos cuando la termináis, por 15€ no tenéis excusa para no haceros con el primer desarrollo ''grande'' de SuperMegaTeam.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine manages to keep the action fun an interesting throughout. With clever puzzles and a beautiful presentation, and the only complaint that can be levied against it is that it ends too soon.
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Agustín 'Stylus'
12/01/2017 |
Agustín 'Stylus'
Rise and Shine es un shooter 2D de amplia calidad, cuidado hasta el más mínimo detalle. Por un lado dispone de una cantidad de humor al más puro estilo Adult Swim. Por otro, una cantidad de acción sin descanso que, eso sí, puede llegar a frustrar en exceso. Rise and Shine es un reto en el que no te cansarás de reaparecer y volver a intentarlo.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine is a fun side-scrolling puzzle platformer that effortlessly blends together some fantastic functions and mechanics, which is further married to fluid and satisfying gameplay. There’s a great deal of variety not just to the level design but to the enemy variants too, which helps to keep the game feeling fresh throughout. Sadly the campaign is much shorter than expected, lasting south of five hours in total. Granted, the implementation of added collectibles pushes forward a couple of extra hours worth of play, but that’s not enough to justify the overall story length. That being said, the price point is more than reasonable so it’s hardly like you’re going to break the bank either way. Another brilliant thumbs up is the ridiculously funny humor that will have you in fits of laughter and stay with you until well after the credits roll. If you’re looking for an innovative and challenging adventure to begin the year with, Rise & Shine is a great place to start.
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13/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine es un título único, encandilador, entrañable y muy disfrutable. A su favor lo tiene todo para atraparte y hacer que salves “Mundojuego” acompañando a estos dos protagonistas tan carismáticos. Quizás en su contra juegue su corta duración, pero sin lugar a dudas es una experiencia que no deberías pasar por alto este año, más si eres amante de los retos y el sector de los videojuegos, dado que es todo un homenaje a los grandes clásicos.
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15/01/2017 |
Le jeu est magnifique, les couleurs sont chaudes et riches et les détails fleurissent dans tous les sens sans pour autant polluer l’immersion. La durée de vie se fera selon votre humeur et votre doigté. La difficulté supérieure appelée Iron Man se débloquera à la fin du jeu, histoire de satisfaire les plus hardcores d’entre nous avide de challenge mais aussi les chasseurs de succès que je suis. La direction artistique, les références et l’humour tout y est. L’année commence très bien avec ce titre, véritable bouffée d’oxygène dans ce genre . Malgré sa difficulté au premier abord, le jeu pourra être apprécier par tout le monde avec un double regard et le temps passé dessus glissera sur nous comme une chips sur le t-shirt d’un geek.
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Antón Vázquez Mora
31/01/2017 |
Antón Vázquez Mora
Más allá de la valoración personal que se le pueda dar, creemos que lo justo sería decir que si este juego hubiera salido 20 años antes estaría considerado como uno de los grandes del mundo de los videojuegos, a la altura del anteriormente mencionado Ghost & Goblins. Espectacular en todos los aspectos del desarrollo del juego solo se le puede achacar el que pueda resultar corto para el jugador hábil.
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12/01/2017 |
There’s little more that I can say about Rise & Shine now, having put all of my thoughts down onto paper (well, so to speak). For the most part, it’s a special little game that will challenge and impress players with its charming presentation and unforgiving gameplay. It is, however, not a perfect game, although that’s easier to overlook given that this is a studio’s debut effort, and a very good one at that.
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25/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine does a brilliant job of enticing players into it’s challenging gameplay; with jaw-dropping art work, adorable animations and cameo appearances from some of gamings greats (and not so greats).
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26/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine es un juego que se mueve entre la nostalgia a las mil maravillas, que nos evoca sensaciones de juegos pretéritos y nos transporta a la edad de oro de los años 90. Su excelente y variada jugabilidad, principal baza del software, unido a su bello apartado artístico, con unos valores de producción sensacionales para un titulo indie, hacen de Rise & Shine un videojuego necesario y totalmente recomendado para todos aquellos que pretendan volver por unas horas a su más tierna infancia. Rise & Shine consigue “tocarnos” la fibra, y eso a día de hoy, es mucho.
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Alberto Ansola 'SouL'
19/01/2017 |
Alberto Ansola 'SouL'
El trabajo realizado por Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team es sin duda una obra de arte que merece ser experimentada. El equilibrio entre puzles y disparos es perfecto, gráficamente tremendo, correcto el apartado sonoro y por ultimo sus geniales diálogos hacen que este título sea una necesidad en nuestro catálogo de juegos. Su único punto flaco es su duración, es demasiado breve ya que nos deja con ganas de más, pero, ¿Podría ser esa la voluntad de los diseñadores?
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12/01/2017 |
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine is a fantastic adventure and a change of pace for the traditional 2D side-scroller. A great looking game that plays well and has a lot going for it. Great gameplay, interesting characters and a nice change of protagonist as well. Sadly, the game is a bit on the short side and can be beaten in 4-5 hours. The ride is definitely worth the time spent, yet once you beat the game the first time, there's nothing to do afterward.
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Luis Miguel Calzada
12/01/2017 |
Luis Miguel Calzada
Rise & Shine es la forma perfecta de iniciar este 2017 para la industria española, ya que estamos ante un juego realmente bueno en todo lo que hace y lo que propone, ya sea su apartado técnico, lo ajustado de su jugabilidad y lo divertido de su planteamiento general. Basar un juego en las referencias a otros clásicos puede salir mal, pero aquí el resultado es encomiable.
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12/01/2017 |
Influenced by adventure-platform games of the past, Rise & Shine manages to enrich a classic gameplay formula with a tight mix of different genres, interesting combat depth, and varied puzzles. Shooting controls can be a bit uncomfortable on a gamepad, but this is the only gripe in a game that's objectively very well put together. Highly recommended to fans of Another World and Flashback as well as to those looking for a quirky and fun experience that doesn't overstay its welcome.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine is a great little title that incorporates a few gaming styles well. it features a decent soundtrack and a good handful of gaming character parodies that will sure put a smile on your face. Shooting is a little tricky to begin with and will require some getting used to to get through some of the tougher sections of the game. In all though a nice little challenging game that's well worth picking up.
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Marco Gonzálvez
12/01/2017 |
Marco Gonzálvez
Cuando se asume que es una experiencia breve que seguramente acabaremos de una o dos partidas es cuando se puede disfrutar de esta píldora de genialidad. Porque no ponemos en duda que este lanzamiento es uno de los más importantes en el desarrollo independiente nacional e internacional, una forma divertida y fresca de abrir el año con una pieza de jugabilidad y arte de un nivel sobresaliente.
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12/01/2017 |
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine è un titolo per pochi non tanto perché offre un gameplay esotico o meccaniche particolarmente strambe e originali, ma perché basa la sua intera essenza sulla prontezza di riflessi e la capacità di analisi della situazione da parte dell'utente. Giocare Rise & Shine non è di certo un'esperienza per tutti.
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Alejandro Pascual Montero
12/01/2017 |
Alejandro Pascual Montero
Rise & Shine logra de forma muy efectiva mezclar muchas de las mecánicas clásicas de los shooters arcade junto a plataformas y puzles, en un título que homenajea el propio mundo de los videojuegos de formas muy imaginativas. Puede que tropiece en el ritmo y la implantación de algunas mecánicas, pero logra alcanzar su objetivo a base de vidas infinitas y conectar con el jugador, sobre todo el más clásico.
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Carlos Leiva
12/01/2017 |
Carlos Leiva
Rise & Shine se ha convertido por derecho en una de las primeras sorpresas de este 2017. Un título entretenidísimo y muy variado, desafiante, bien diseñado, con un apartado visual precioso y con un atractivo ineludible para cualquiera que lleva años disfrutando de este hobby. Quizá lo intransigente que es con el jugador no lo haga muy recomendable para los usuarios con menos paciencia, ya que la muerte aquí es una constante (pudiendo provocar cierta frustración y hastío), pero si os apetece una buena aventura que mezcle con acierto puzles, plataformas, acción y amor por los videojuegos, os recomendamos darle una oportunidad al viaje de Rise y Shine.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise and Shine est un très bon jeu quoique bien trop court pour prétendre devenir une référence en la matière. J’ai éprouvé, mine de rien, plus de difficulté à comprendre ce que je devais faire pour toucher certains boss que pour terminer les niveaux. Certains puzzles sont parfois assez nébuleux mais on fini toujours pas comprendre ce qu’il faut faire pour avancer. Les mini-jeux sont sympathiques mais ils n’apportent pas assez de variété au gameplay pour devenir une réelle plus value au jeu. La maniabilité est irréprochable à la manette même si on ne dispose pas de possibilité de modifier les contrôles (2 pauvres options).
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12/01/2017 |
Home / Xbox One Xbox One Reviews Rise & Shine Review
Rise & Shine Review Tyler Schurwan January 12, 2017 Reviews, Xbox One, Xbox One Reviews No Comments
After playing over 150 Xbox One games (and many more on various other consoles), I have found that nearly all games share several aspects with other games. This is not a bad thing so long as it is done in moderation and games with similar mechanics or aesthetics don’t start to actually copy one another. In Rise & Shine, players will traverse platforms, collect power ups, and shoot enemies with an oversized gun. At first glance this all seems pretty familiar, but just a few minutes with the game and players will see that Rise & Shine uses these common game aspects in tandem in a refreshing way.
Simply getting to the end of a level isn’t all that hard, it’s the sheer number of enemies and puzzles that are nearly always solved with accurate shooting or simply more bullets. Since the game sports such simple controls (run, aim, jump, shoot, switch bullets), tackling these puzzles and enemies feels wonderful and rewarding. Whether it be because you figured out which bullet type to use or got a headshot on a space marine and got to watch his head exploded cleanly off their shoulders. I enjoyed all of this plenty until certain areas became too difficult either by having too many enemies (thus too many bullets to dodge) or puzzles that require players to guide a bullet to a target (which is behind obstacles) while dodging enemy bullets and lasers. A section being difficult wouldn’t be too bad if it weren’t for the slightly too long respawn times.
In Rise & Shine, the protagonist, Rise, is able to respawn indefinitely so long as he carries Shine, a legendary weapon that has many important properties. This is all explained much better in-game through the linear story that takes no time at all to start-up. Within the first few minutes of the game, players will be given Shine and tasked with saving the world. The cliché here is intentional as even the character that gives you Shine looks awfully similar to a certain green tunic wearing adventure we all know. Having such a general, overused plot (unlikely hero gets magic weapon, saves world) allows the game to get away with all the references that it has on offer.
In fact, the entire lore of the game relies heavily on these references. The game’s world is called Gamearth and is correctly inspired in every aspect from the scenery to the characters the player will meet. There are several unique and original characters, but there are just as many that are inspired by (or direct references to) characters from other games. Personally, I think most gamers, especially Xbox gamers, will be able to easily tell who Rise’s father is supposed to look like.
Even though the writing in the game does cover a ton of the references, I feel like it could hold its own if the game had its own lore and what not. The writing breathes life and personality into the game’s characters as they deal with one another. Besides developing character, the writing is constantly making jokes that will at least make most players crack a smile. In fact, I found myself smiling throughout most of this game and don’t have too many complaints.
From the adorable characters to the satisfying music and sound effects, Rise & Shine delivers in droves. Having several levels filled with either hordes of enemies or just a few very large enemies such as bosses and mini-bosses. There are quite a few of these scattered throughout the game and each requires their own technique to beat. These larger enemies always seem to show up at the perfect time as well due to the game’s linear level design. Even though I’d normally dislike this linearity, it feels natural in Rise & Shine. Combined with the various power ups found throughout the game, the levels feel like they are constant action from start to finish. Each level I played in the game was fun and kept me engaged until I ran into one of those areas that felt far more difficult than the areas before it. Other than that, I would tell anyone that is even slightly interested in the game to give it a shot.
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Richard Seagrave
12/01/2017 |
Richard Seagrave
All things considered though, if you like a good challenge and value quality gameplay over length, which you should, Rise & Shine is a great little title and a great start to the gaming year. The visuals impress from start to finish, the audio constantly delights despite a lack of voice acting, and the frenetic action is varied and addictive. It’s a game for gamers who’ll chuckle at every little visual cue that’s generously strewn throughout its running time and then go back to see if there’s any they may have missed. Those with little patience may quickly find themselves throwing their pads in despair, but those who can hack it will be utterly charmed.
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12/02/2017 |
Not to say this makes a negative impact on Rise and Shine as the good really does outshine here. This has been one of the most refreshing and enjoyable side scrolling shooters I’ve experienced in a long time and love the lateral, thought-provoking action gameplay. I loved the colourful and beautiful art style and the fantastic, respectable homage to gaming.
This is an absolute recommendation from me despite some short comings.
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Fernando Sánchez
05/10/2018 |
Fernando Sánchez
Rise & Shine es un juego bastante interesante que sabe mezclar adecuadamente los run & gun, los bullet hell, las plataformas, y los puzles, todo ello sobre una base de ensayo y error, propiciada por las vidas ilimitadas de las que dispondremos. Un juego de bella factura técnica, que brilla en su apartado artístico y con una jugabilidad sólida aunque le pesen los cambios de ritmo y dificultad. Si te gustan los géneros que aquí se combinan, este es tu juego, y si no, el propio fan service al mundo del videojuego te hará darle una oportunidad.
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31/05/2017 |
Rise & Shine can be finished as quickly as 2-3 hours, or as much as 10-12 depending on someone’s skill level, and if they want to 100% the game. By 100% I mean get all the achievements and find all the secrets. So is it worth the $14.99 USD price on Steam? Personally I would say yes, given I played it and loved it. I can see, however, if you are looking at it and never played it, nor seen it played, that you might be iffy about it. Lastly I will say this about any video game you’re looking at: Do your research and make sure it’s for you. For me, this game definitely is.
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09/02/2017 |
Rise and Shine is a welcome entry into the 2D side scroller genre. It captures what made retro games fun and challenging (and maybe frustrating at times) but successfully maintaining that sense of nostalgia and entertainment. It falls short in replayability but makes up for it in a charming and humorous journey.
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13/03/2017 |
Rise and Shine ist das perfekte Spiel für den geneigten Ü-Dreißiger, der sich mit Vorliebe in die guten 2D-Zeiten zurückversetzen und dabei auch noch gehörig gefordert werden möchte. Zwar ist die Rettung von Gameroth kein reines Run and Shoot-Game, sondern liefert eher taktisch anspruchsvolle Duelle bei denen Denkvermögen mindestens so wichtig ist, wie Geschicklichkeit. Die Schusstechnik ist mit seiner Twin-Stick-Mechanik zudem sicher nicht jedermanns Sache und könnte zusammen mit dem doch hohen Schwierigkeitsgrad Skeptiker schnell frustrieren. Dafür punktet Rise and Shine mit toller Optik, abwechslungsreichen Boss-Gegnern, hervorragendem Humor und eben auch mit feiner Steuerung. Die Spieldauer hätte jedoch mit ca. vier Stunden auch etwas wohlwollender ausfallen können. Wer also auf kreative und dabei harte Oldschool-Kost steht, der wird mit Rise and Shine einige vergnügliche Momente erleben. Wer sich nicht ganz so sicher ist, wartet vielleicht besser auf eine Preissenkung, da der Titel mit 14,99 Euro, gemessen an der Spielzeit, ordentlich zu Buche schlägt.
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Anthony Gravel
13/01/2017 |
Anthony Gravel
Si vous êtes un amateur de jeu de plateforme en 2D assez difficile, il n'y a aucun doute que Rise & Shine saura vous plaire. Malgré une histoire peu développée, l'excellente jouabilité du titre va vous embarquer dans l'action et les nombreux casse-têtes vous creuseront beaucoup les méninges.
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Mathias Oertel
12/01/2017 |
Mathias Oertel
ackende, aber gegen Ende extrem fordernde Action mit intelligenten Umgebungsrätseln und vielen Videospiel-Anspielungen.
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Juan García Garrido 'xcast'
12/01/2017 |
Juan García Garrido 'xcast'
Un juego divertido y muy disfrutable, aunque se quede corto en su propuesta y llegue a desesperar por las imprecisiones de su sistema de control, si lo juegas en consola. Si ese no es el caso, disfrutarás mientras te dure, con su peculiar mezcla de acción y puzles, con una altísima dosis de humor.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine è un titolo ben realizzato e capace di divertire il giocatore: tra un esplosione e una battuta non ci si annoierà mai. Il lavoro svolto da Super Mega Team è sicuramente apprezzabile, visto che il risultato finale è un’opera priva di difetti tecnici e belle da vedere. Se tra voi c’è un amante degli shooter arcade, noi di VMAG vi consigliamo assolutamente di provare il titolo, mentre se non siete proprio fan del genere vi invitiamo a riflettere prima di procedere all’acquisto: la qualità non si discute, ma potreste semplicemente non divertirvi in questa avventura.
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Moisés Artacho
01/02/2017 |
Moisés Artacho
Como conclusión final, no podemos sino rendirnos ante las virtudes de Rise & Shine, que llega como un clarísimo homenaje a todos aquellos buenos momentos de los 90 en los que la diversión se medía por balas desperdigadas en el suelo. Es una lástima que dure tan poco y que no resulte demasiado rejugable, pero sin duda esos minutos serán gloria bendita para todos los veteranos del lugar y todos aquellos que busquen de una propuesta divertida y frenética a partes iguales.
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Juan Emilio Palomino González
12/01/2017 |
Juan Emilio Palomino González
Rise & Shine nos gustará más de lo que nos divierte. La mecánica de juego tan exigente choca frontalmente con los tiempos de carga después de cada muerte, un problema que esperemos logren solventar con una actualización, porque realmente se convierte en un problema. Nos queda un juego brillante en cuanto a su puesta en escena, tanto por su impactante colorido como por la cantidad (y calidad) de los guiños que se han introducido, pero que no mantiene el mismo nivel en cuanto a jugabilidad por las mencionadas interrupciones de ritmo. Continuamente estaremos probando para progresar poco a poco, lo que sumado a las numerosas muertes supondrán cortes jugables que terminan por penalizarle. Un gran juego en apariencia al que le ha faltado muy muy poco para conseguir el mismo resultado a la hora de pulsar los botones.
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Francisco Corica
12/01/2017 |
Francisco Corica
Rise & Shine è un titolo decisamente valido, ma che avrebbe potuto essere qualcosa di più: il gameplay è divertente ed impegnativo al punto giusto, ma la longevità è veramente troppo corta. Trattandosi comunque di un titolo indie a prezzo budget, è sicuramente da tenere d’occhio.
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Giovanni Calgaro
12/01/2017 |
Giovanni Calgaro
Rise & Shine, per certi versi, ci ha ricordato quella pietra miliare che va sotto il nome di Metal Slug. E, per un momento, il nostro cuore ha ricominciato a palpitare. Un inferno di esplosioni e nemici pronti a farci la pelle, pattern d'attacco calibrati al millimetro e morte, morte ovunque (anche se purtroppo, cosa piuttosto grave, nella modalità principale non esiste il Game Over). Il titolo degli spagnoli Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team è splendido a vedersi, nonché cattivo e intransigente quanto basta per conquistarci - e metterci alla prova con diversi puzzle ambientali ben congegnati - per le quasi cinque ore spese in compagnia del ragazzo e della sua arma leggendaria. Rise & Shine, però, soffre di una cronica carenza di contenuti che azzoppa il fattore rigiocabilità e non riesce a stuzzicare il giocatore con sfide o altri succosi extra. Una volta portata a termine l'avventura, insomma, non si trova alcun valido motivo per tornare su Gamearth.
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Juan Entrena Garrido
14/01/2017 |
Juan Entrena Garrido
A pesar de todo, Rise and Shine se ha convertido en uno de los grandes del software español y no podemos dejar de sentirnos orgullosos de lo que Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team nos propone. Es corto, es difícil en muchos puntos, sobre todo el jefe final que puede llegar a sacarte de quicio, pero tiene un arte maravilloso y dos personajes que más quisieran muchas compañías grandes tener en su haber de propiedades intelectuales. Rise y Shine son amor, son el Marco Rossi del software español y espero con ansia una segunda aventura. Si quieres un juego directo, que te haga disfrutar aunque sea por poco tiempo, Rise and Shine es tu elección y encima está de oferta en Steam. Dale una oportunidad, no vas a arrepentirte, al menos las 4 o 5 horas que te dure.
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16/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine feels like a game that tries too hard to be too much, ultimately coming together in a fun package that could have been great. The action is tight and rewarding, the gameplay is varied, and the difficulty is satisfying, if a bit frustrating in some parts. Fans of old-school arcade shooters will find plenty to love here, even if the jokes don’t always hit home.
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Carlos Forcada
12/01/2017 |
Carlos Forcada
Rise & Shine hace muchas cosas bien. Sus gráficos, banda sonora y propuesta jugable están a un nivel más que destacable. Sus puzzles son algo simples pero se integran bien en un conjunto que rebosa carisma y buen hacer. Su argumento tiene gracia y esconde multitud de referencias a otros juegos de ayer y hoy. Lamentablemente, su escasísima duración y su rejugabilidad prácticamente nula (entre otras cosas por las vidas infinitas) le impiden llegar a las metas que podría haber alcanzado por su portentoso apartado artístico.
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Guillermo Nicolau
23/01/2017 |
Guillermo Nicolau
Rise & Shine es una experiencia agradable pero no perfecta, un reto duro, pero con algunas decisiones que hacen el juego aún más difícil, pero de forma molesta. Volvemos al caso de la línea entre dificultad y diversión, la satisfacción de superar un reto difícil hace que nos alegremos y sigamos adelante, pero sí el reto empieza a frustrar esa sensación se esfuma y produce molestia. Y en algunos momentos, esa línea es cruzada en Rise & Shine hacia la frustración. Aunque eso no quita que detrás del mismo hay un gran trabajo puesto por parte de Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team, el juego está estupendamente optimizado con unos fps rocosos que hacen de Rise & Shine una experiencia divertida con quizá alguna parte algo frustrante, pero nada que no pueda superarse con esfuerzo.
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30/09/2018 |
If you’re a shooting fan who is up to some crazy battles where you’ll need to use your brains as much as your reflexes Rise & Shine is a pretty good match. It won’t coddle you hardly at all, which will be either a positive or a negative depending on the type of gamer you are. I don’t recall ever having played a shooter that has had puzzle elements to it like this, so that does help it stand out from the crowd. Just keep in mind the caveats that come along for the ride when you decide whether to check it out.
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13/01/2018 |
Avec une direction artistique aux petits oignons, un humour et un univers assumé, le jeu propose un divertissement intense, qui mettra vos réflexes et votre sens de l'adaptation à rude épreuve. À réserver surtout aux amateurs de culture vidéoludique et n'ayant pas peur de jouer à un jeu à la difficulté bien troussée.
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14/01/2017 |
Deixando os problemas com enredo de lado, o game consegue ser bastante divertido. Seja combatendo os brucutus de Nextgen e suas máquinas mortíferas, ou então, procurando as inúmeras referências espalhadas por toda a jornada, o título tem capacidade de entreter por algumas horas.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine, sulla carta, ha tutto per diventare un vero classico dei videogiochi: una grafica disegnata a mano curatissima con animazioni splendide, un'infinità di cameo, citazioni e frecciatine alla storia dei videogiochi, un gameplay run 'n' gun frenetico con una difficoltà pure piuttosto alta, capace quindi di offrire divertimento notevole. Tutto questo però funziona a tratti: alcuni dei combattimenti finiscono in una serie di trial and error, o durano fin troppo grazie a obiettivi che richiedono troppo tempo, per non parlare delle sezioni puzzle-platform dove dobbiamo guidare proiettili telecomandati che spezzano fin troppo il ritmo del gioco o di alcune hitbox dubbie. Nei momenti in cui Rise & Shine fa quello che gli riesce meglio, però, è soddisfacente, esilarante e brutale al punto giusto: se siete appassionati del genere, dateci un'occhiata!
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine turned out to be a very charming game that met me with challenges around every corner. The puzzles and battles were fairly manageable on their own, but it was when they combined the puzzle mechanics with the fights that I found myself really enjoying the game. This coupled with the plethora of references to popular games makes Rise & Shine out to be a great game to kick off 2017.
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12/01/2017 |
Attachant et méchant, Rise & Shine n'a pas tout pour plaire à tout le monde. Son esthétique et sa bande-son aux petits oignons hameçonneront les plus sensibles. Son gameplay die and retry sans concessions, garni de bonnes idées pour vous mettre plus bas que terre, tout en satisfaisant les plus aguerris, fera peut-être s'empourprer celles et ceux habitués aux assistances de toute part et faciles à submerger. On regrettera que sa durée de vie nette - taxe des décès soustraite - ne soit pas plus importante, ainsi que quelques couacs dans le répondant des commandes. Mais dans l'ensemble, son studio peut être fier, car son jeu est bien plus qu'un honnête passe-temps de début d'année.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine étonne, surprend, amuse et frustre à la fois. Plateformer/shooter ingénieux et intelligent, il rend un joli hommage aux jeux rétro et apporte un message de fond très appréciable. La direction artistique est sublime et immerge immédiatement. Les phases à énigmes sont bien pensées et varient un peu d’une progression plutôt linéaire dans l’ensemble. Jouant d’un humour à la fois burlesque et cru, on ne peut nier qu’il possède sa propre identité. Nerveux, dynamique et addictif en même temps, il m’a séduit et ma donné la dose d’arcade que j’étais venu chercher.
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12/01/2017 |
Despite its winning concept, all the comic homages, and the solidly executed gameplay, Rise & Shine goes out on a decidedly abrupt and anticlimactic note. In a way, it seems as if the developers got up and stretched but ultimately decided to go back to sleep.
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12/01/2017 |
It only took three hours to get through Rise and Shine in its entirety but it was an enjoyable experience. With beautiful visuals and some exciting boss fights, there's plenty of flash to get your attention. The combat is interspersed between cool set pieces and interesting puzzles, which keep things fresh as you die your way through the game. The only hiccup was the finale where two fights accelerated the difficulty to such an extreme degree that playtime can nearly be doubled. That, combined with a hit and miss story, made this game a little weaker than it could have been. Ultimately, Rise and Shine is a game that fans of the genre and those looking for a quick experience will enjoy, but hesitant players may not find their experience worth the purchase.
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Kyle LeClair
13/01/2017 |
Kyle LeClair
Despite its brevity ultimately doing some notable harm to it, Rise & Shine is still ultimately a solid platformer for the most part, one that has a lot of cute callbacks to classic video games while still having its own unique charm, along with some impressive graphics and nifty ideas sprinkled throughout. The action gets nice and intense, and save for the end, puts up a meaty yet fair challenge. So while it isn’t exactly the greatest at skewering gaming culture while also honoring it, it’s still an overall good game, and one that may indeed be worth checking out. At the very least, you get another chance to kill the Duck Hunt dog again, just in case you still couldn’t get enough of that before.
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11/02/2017 |
Συνοψίζοντας, το Rise & Shine είναι ένα παιχνίδι που θα μπορούσε να θριαμβεύσει στην αγορά του σήμερα αλλά δεν καταφέρενι να μείνει στην ιστορία. Το χιούμορ του, τα εξαίσια σχέδια και γραφικά του καθώς και το gameplay του, δεν είναι αρκετά για να μας εντυπωσιάσουν στον βαθμό που χρειάζεται. Είναι μικρό σε διάρκεια (2 ώρες) και έτσι δεν προλαβαίνουμε να το χαρούμε όσο θα θέλαμε. Αξίζει όμως μια δοκιμή από φίλους του είδους και από εκείνους που θέλουν να θυμηθούν τις παλιές καλές εποχές του gaming.
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01/10/2018 |
Overall, Rise & Shine takes a very common genre and tries to turn it all upside down with unique bullet mechanics and story. It attempts to do something new with a gun that can think, and it will be easy for anyone to enjoy who is looking for an interesting mix of puzzle arcade shooting and bullet-hell action. Unfortunately, some of the gameplay mechanics did not feel right and while it tries many things, it never excels at any of them. Still, Rise & Shine looks great and the shooting felt satisfying and fun.
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03/10/2018 |
Rise and Shine is a colorful and hilarious, if a bit short, adventure through an incredible gaming inspired world. Arcade fans, indie fans, those who aren’t afraid of a few hundred deaths, all will have a lot of fun with this title. If you haven’t checked out this title yet, it would make a great addition any indie gamer’s library.
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10/02/2017 |
Rise & Shine te atrage prin grafica superbă și povestea cu substrat din prezentare, însă gameplayul te va îndepărta iremediabil de joc. Din păcate jocul nu-și merită cei 15 euro ceruți pentru 2 ore de joc și zero rejucabilitate. Grafica e superbă și ăsta e singurul lucru pentru care aș putea recomanda să încercați jocul.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine aveva un incredibile potenziale, era già noto dai primi trailer. Alla prova dei fatti, però, il titolo di Super Awesome Hyperdimensional Mega Team si dimostra appena sufficiente. Ciò è dovuto alla scarsa varietà e agli errori nel level design, a sezioni e boss fight frustranti quando non noiose ed infine alla durata quasi imbarazzante dell’esperienza, attestata sulle 2-3 ore se non siete delle cime. C’è del buono in Rise & Shine ma per apprezzarlo appieno bisogna ignorare i sopracitati difetti. Se riterrete di riuscirci, procedete pure con l’acquisto. In caso contrario attendete i prossimi saldi di Steam.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine is a fun game with some exhilarating moments of combat. It is rough around the edges in many areas, but I walked away from my playtime feeling satisfied. At its price point, Rise & Shine is definitely worth it for fans of the genre.
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12/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine has a lot of interesting ideas to keep players on their toes. It’s just a shame that some of the fun turns sour due to repeated puzzles and poor gun accuracy.
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13/01/2017 |
At its best, Rise and Shine is a marvelous reinvention of shooter mechanics wrapped up in puzzle-heavy stages that require some serious grey matter to think through. But most of the time? Rise and Shine’s charm can’t save it from its sadomasochistic formula.
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13/01/2017 |
Once I defeated the final boss, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride; my victory was well-earned. I had a great time playing through Rise & Shine, but sadly, I know I'll never go back to it. I wanted to complete it; I very much so enjoyed the final twist of the story and the end "solution" even more. Enjoying the end, however, doesn't change the fact that the glitches, bad button layout and overly annoying self-awareness, really make it hard to enjoy at times.
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Víctor Martínez
19/01/2017 |
Víctor Martínez
A toro pasado, Rise & Shine tiene algo especial, más difícil de cuantificar que el número de armas o niveles, que me impide tenerlo en baja estima; quizá sea que en el fondo es un buen juego que entra muy bien por los ojos, o quizá sea el potencial que podría tener otro proyecto con este nivel de mimo que, sin perder de vista a los veteranos, se propusiera dejar una marca suficientemente importante como para que en el futuro alguien se animara a parodiarlo.
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08/10/2018 |
A solid, if uninspiring run ‘n gun title with some very nice visuals. The game’s length and difficulty make it hard to recommend without reservation but if you are after something a little quirky you might enjoy your brief time with this.
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20/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine is a fantastic start for the studio, but it just comes up a bit short in a few key areas and never fully develops, or reaches the potential that I saw from it. I still would recommend the game for fans of the genre, but you should probably wait for a sale.
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24/01/2017 |
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12/01/2017 |
I’m sad that my enthusiasm for Rise & Shine dropped so thoroughly during my playthrough, because it’s not all bad. My favorite parts are the ones that lean heavily on puzzle-solving, like using your radio-controlled bullets to avoid incoming fire and hit switches. The art direction is also impressive, with colorful hand-drawn characters and landscapes that make the action pop. I even liked some of the nods to other games, including characters who are only as different from Mario, Link, and Marcus Fenix as law requires. However, even these references get stale as you realize that the world has no identity of its own; it’s just an amalgam of game industry winks and nudges. That kind of erosion sums up my feelings about Rise & Shine as a whole; it feels clever and promising at first, but doesn’t change its approach when the formula wears thin.
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02/10/2018 |
Rise and Shine is undoubtedly one of the best-looking games on the Switch. The animations, level design, and characters are nothing short of a feast for the eyes. While this is all well and good, the rest of the game never really finds its footing because of its brevity and lack of focus. If you’re planning on jumping into this adventure, be prepared for a game with elements of an action platformer, with bullet hell moments, that is constantly stifled by the need to be everything all at once.
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01/10/2018 |
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Matthew Zawodniak
05/10/2018 |
Matthew Zawodniak
When everything is put together, Rise and Shine is incohesive, and no aspect of it is compelling enough in its own right to make the game more than the sum of its parts. It probably isn’t a waste of an afternoon to play Rise and Shine, but it's probably better to do anything else instead.
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08/10/2018 |
Taken individually, these issues were not that bad on their own. However, they start to add up, especially in so short a game. Despite all of this, I did enjoy my time with Rise and Shine. The shooting encounters, puzzles, and huge boss set pieces were great. Having all of that in a beautifully rendered world was awesome. This makes it even more unfortunate that Rise and Shine feels more like a demo for a full game. Nearly everything that the game attempts, it does exceedingly well. However, there is just not enough of it to be fully satisfying.
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13/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine is a great looking game that elicits a few chuckles and grins, but doesn’t have the gameplay chops to stand up to the big names in the genre. If you’re desperate for a 2D puzz-ooter (puzzle/shooter. Yeah, I just coined that phrase. It’s a good one, right?), Rise & Shine might fit the bill if you can deal with mechanical trouble and repetition for the promise of fabulous art and some yucks. Otherwise, I’d definitely point you to any number of other titles under this big ol’ 2D umbrella.
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Jed Whitaker
12/01/2017 |
Jed Whitaker
To summarize in a similar vein to Rise & Shine's humor: This game could have been a triumph, but then it took an arrow to the knee. The graphics make you think the gameplay cake is real, but the cake is a lie. All you'll find are Flappy Birds, a dead Princess Peach, and Marcus Fenix. But hey, at least you can kill the Duck Hunt dog, so that has to count for something. Oh, and this is the Dark Souls of video game humor. Take that for what you will.
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17/01/2017 |
Rise & Shine est un jeu visuellement splendide, prometteur sur le papier, mais qui fait tout son possible pour susciter l'inimitié. Ses phases de shoot se résument bien souvent à rester collé au bord de l'écran en arrosant au petit bonheur, ses puzzles manquent autant de variété que d'inspiration, et sa compréhension de l'art délicat du die & retry se limite à buter gratuitement le joueur pour ralentir sa progression. De manière totalement objective, on pourrait également lui reprocher ses deux heures de durée de vie, mais la répétition étant déjà de mise au bout d'une, ce serait finalement se tirer "une flèche dans le genou ;-)". Vous avez compris cette "référence geek" ? Notez-la bien dans un coin de votre tête, car c'est probablement l'une des seules qu'aient su éviter les auteurs du jeu, pour qui un catalogue de clins d'oeil lourd comme un bottin peut manifestement remplacer un scénario. On en a vu passer, des jeux "meta" et des apprentis Wreck-It Ralph interactifs, mais un forceur de cette trempe commercialisé sans claquer des genoux, c'est franchement une première.
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30/09/2018 |
To be a successful parody a game needs to just as good if not better than the games it is mocking. The controls need to be precise, the genre laser-focused and there should be at least one wholly original gameplay element. Rise & Shine doesn't check of any of those boxes. Rise & Shine is a disappointment of a game that could've (and should've) been so much better.
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