24/05/2018 |
Now, it is pretty damn clear by now that I am impressed with this game. When it comes to design, this team nailed the most important aspect of a VR game. It has to feel natural. This goes into every area of game design, from world building, to narrative, all the way to how the player interacts with a button on a desk lamp. Red Matter is a shining example of what making the correct design decisions, for the story your trying to sell, looks like.
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24/05/2018 |
Red Matter ist mehr als nur ein Puzzlespiel, denn dank der spannenden und toll ins Gameplay integrierten Story fühle ich mich stets mittendrin in diesem surrealen Alternate Reality-Abenteuer. Der Detailreichtum und die audiovisuelle Untermalung tun ihr Übriges dafür, dass die Immersion und Atmosphäre in Red Matter ihresgleichen suchen. Dazu tragen auch die Rätsel bei, die hier nicht als Mittel zum Zweck erscheinen, sondern als echte, nachvollziehbare Aufgaben, die ich auf meiner Suche nach der Wahrheit lösen muss. Fans von alternativen Realitäten, guten Sci-Fi-Stories und/oder Rätseln können bei Red Matter meiner Ansicht nach bedenkenlos zuschlagen - solange sie eine Oculus Rift besitzen und keine deutsche Synchronisation brauchen.
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16/12/2018 |
Red Matter delivers an intriguing retro-future cold war story with confidence. In VR, setting is half the battle, and Red Matter nails its Soviet-era underground bunker with a realistic visual flair. With achievable puzzles that never slow down the story and a great control scheme, Red Matter sets a new standard for the VR adventure genre. This is a game that deserves to break free from the crowd.
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18/12/2018 |
Games like The Station and Downward Spiral left me wanting similar games and Red Matter does enough to satiate my appetite for VR adventure games, if temporarily. It’s a short game, taking about an hour or so to reach the end credits but the time is well spent and nothing feels wasted or padded for length. The game’s puzzles are just right, neither too easy or too hard, and in some cases make a great use of the facility’s retro-futurist technology. Some might balk over the absence of enemies or outright peril but hungry aliens, killer robots, or demon possessed soldiers would only serve as annoying distractions and just get in the way. All in all, Red Matter is an awesome science fiction yarn built with an eye for dreamy, retro futurism aesthetic.
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19/12/2018 |
Red Matter brings an intriguing narrative, enjoyable puzzling, and an impressive world together into one thoroughly enjoyable virtual reality experience, and it easily stands out as one of the most impressive titles that has hit PlayStation VR this year.
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Luis Miguel Calzada
13/08/2019 |
Luis Miguel Calzada
Por si no había quedado claro, si no teníais Red Matter y disponéis de unas Oculus Quest, debéis haceros con el juego, o en cualquier visor de VR directamente. Estamos ante un port que mantiene su altísima calidad en todos los apartados, y sigue siendo sencillamente genial. Viendo el buen hacer de Vertical Robot, está claro que nos volverán a sorprender con su próximo proyecto, pero mientras tanto, a disfrutar de la infiltración en la base soviética volgravia.
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'Jotape Lerex'
10/12/2018 |
'Jotape Lerex'
Gráficamente sobresaliente y con un apartado sonoro potente, Red Matter es una aventura de exploración y suspense llena de puzles, que aunque algo lineal logra tenernos en vilo toda la historia y nos lleva a vivir una épica espacial de espías en un pasado distópico en un planeta lejano. Una aventura con una ambientación sublime y una narrativa impecable. Puede que lo peor de Red Matter es no tenerlo en formato físico, es uno de esos juegos que merecen un sitio en las estanterías de los coleccionistas.
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24/05/2018 |
'Red Matter' showcases impressive worldbuilding, a knack for high degree of polish, and an engaging enough story to make this a single sitting game worth at very least three hours of your time. Puzzles aren't terribly difficult, but usually come to a satisfying enough resolution, and always feel necessary to the overall narrative. While the game's commander, a voice over guide, can grated on my nerves, it's an easy defect to ignore in the face of an overall excellent sci-fi thriller adventure.
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Juan Rubio
20/12/2018 |
Juan Rubio
Red Matter nos ha gustado mucho. Es un juego bien diseñado, que aprovecha la sensación de inmersión de la realidad virtual gracias a sus puzles bien planteados y a la interacción que consigue a través del uso de los PlayStation Move. Aparte, se ve genial y nos llega con voces en castellano, algo que se puede esperar al venir de un estudio español, pero que siempre se agradece.
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24/05/2018 |
Si te gusta la ciencia ficción, si compartes la visión retro-cosmológica de la antigua Unión Soviética y sabes disfrutar del buen hacer en los detalles y en su música, este juego brillará en tu biblioteca. Si te gustan los puzles que cuentan historias, también. Red Matter, del estudio Vertical Robot, es una apuesta que nada tiene que envidiar a los mejores juegos de estas características tanto en 2D como en el catálogo virtual, y ofrece una experiencia virtual de alto nivel.
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21/05/2018 |
All in all, Red Matter is a very high calibre VR experience, neatly weaving its story and puzzle elements together. It by no means perfect, following the line of other puzzles in VR that are seemingly unable to offer plenty of reasons to come back for more. So like a good meal take it slowly and savour the moment.
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29/05/2018 |
Red Matter is an enjoyable and immersive adventure experience that takes full advantage of the Oculus Touch controllers. It's also a pretty good looking title, and I didn’t run into any issues running it on our studio PC with all the video options cranked to the limit. Right before release, Vertical Robot added additional locomotion options to appease everything, something that not all developers have embraced. Personally, I didn’t use the smooth locomotion options, as I really enjoyed using the boosters, but I did like knowing that both options are available. Red Matter has undoubtedly left an impression based on the world-building and interactions within.
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21/12/2018 |
Red Matter is nothing short of a textbook example of how to do VR adventure games right. It emphasizes design and experience, putting immersion front and center, making a bullet-proof case for why it needs to be seen and played in VR. Short length and some troublesome puzzles betray its winning streak to some degree, but don’t change the fact that this is one sci-fi story you shouldn’t miss out on.
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22/12/2018 |
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18/07/2018 |
Ilman minkäänlaista ennakkohypeä Red Matter ilmestyi kuin tyhjästä ja teki suuren vaikutuksen kertaheitolla. Suorastaan huikea grafiikka ja persoonallinen design siivittävät tutunoloista, mutta silti mielenkiintoista tarinaa läpi todella fyysisten pulmien. Ongelmien pähkäily on miellyttävää ja ratkaisujen löytäminen tuntuu kivan palkitsevalta. Ainoastaan tarinan helvettiosiot ovat hiukan tylsähköjä mutta niiden määrä muussa vahvassa kokonaisuudessa on niin pientä, ettei se tunnelmaa pilaa. Tälle pelille kannattaa antaa huomiota, sillä se on sen ansainnut. Näistä tekijöistä tullaan kuulemaan vielä.
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19/12/2018 |
All in all, Red Matter is one of the best PSVR puzzle games on the PSVR. It boasts the most enjoyable puzzles yet on the PSVR, some of the most beautiful graphics and created a plot/game play combo unlike others of its kind. If you are a puzzle fan this game is a must play at some point in the near future. Even if you aren’t a puzzle fan once on sale I strongly suggest you consider it because Red Matter is that good. I can only hope that other developers use this game as a benchmark of what a good game looks like and will follow suit.
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24/12/2018 |
Red Matter è un ottimo adventure, forte di un gameplay solido e di una realizzazione tecnica ed una caratterizzazione davvero degne di nota. Vagare per la struttura volgraviana sarà un vero piacere, mai troppo banale e sorretto da una tensione sempre ben calibrata, che non scadrà mai nei jump scare più beceri. Gradevolissimo anche il gameplay, con una serie di puzzle intriganti e che richiederanno una buona dose di acume ed ingegno per essere risolti, con soltanto una longevità un po’ troppo risicata a rappresentare il limite più grande della produzione Vertical Robot. Anche al netto di ciò, se amate le ambientazioni sci-fi e le trame ben scritte, non vedo perché non dovreste dare un chance a Red Matter.
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