27/02/2018 |
I may have had my reservations about a game titled Immortal Redneck, but the sheer enjoyment of a well designed roguelite and the satisfaction of progressing with each run were enough to overshadow my disdain of a character so heavily rooted in bad stereotypes.
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25/04/2017 |
Satisfying Combat, RPG elements, Witty humor
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28/04/2017 |
The actual problems behind the game are mere flaws which hold it back from perfection, and even with them this remains an excellent FPS experience. This is easily one of the most creatively insane shooters the gaming industry has seen in years. After all, where else are you going to play as an electric flamethrower wielding zombified hick fighting mummies? Watch the trailer, take a look at the enemies, and if you’re the slightest bit interested, grab a copy immediately.
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30/04/2017 |
Overall, the appeal of constantly upgrading a seemingly neverending tree of skills in order to rush back and try to defeat the pyramid, getting more coins to upgrade the tree some more, rinse and repeat, is enough to make Immortal Redneck incredibly moreish, and it's definitely one of those games that'll make you go "just one more try". While there could be more thematic variety, the mix of weapons, abilities, characters, items, and rooms more than makes up for that, and it's an incredibly fun game to sink time into.
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Richard Seagrave
27/02/2018 |
Richard Seagrave
Immortal Redneck is a game that rarely frustrates, even though it'll kick your ass. Repeatedly. Why? Because it always feels fair. The controls are perfect, the visuals are charming, and no enemies or traps ever feel overpowered. Being a roguelike you're always destined to fail, sure, but it never feels the odds are unduly stacked against you. As you unlock new characters, bolster your stats and become more knowledgeable about the game, you know victory will one day come, and that makes your desire to keep at it even stronger. Immortal Redneck is perhaps the best roguelike I've ever played because of that fact, and it's a title you should definitely check out now that it's available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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Carlos Santuana
26/02/2018 |
Carlos Santuana
It may not immediately strike as a must-play title, but Immortal Redneck shouldn’t be overlooked. With tons of replayability, tense fast-paced gameplay, fluid controls and enjoyable combat, this is a game that will offer great gameplay for hours on end. To bring things into context, Immortal Redneck is exactly what you could expect to find if you were to blend Serious Sam with Indie 2015 indie hit Ziggurat, and I for one find that to be an exciting prospect.
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24/02/2018 |
Så alt i alt, vil jeg anbefale Immortal Redneck til alle som elsker de tre genrer, jeg har nævnt, men også til dem der ikke har prøvet dem, for det her spil kan gøre en afhængig, med dets miskmask af gameplay-former. Men pas på! Spillet kan godt stjæle mange timer fra ens liv, jeg er et glimrende eksempel på dette.
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09/05/2018 |
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09/05/2018 |
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26/02/2018 |
I was surprised how much enjoyment I got doing basically the same thing repeatedly. I entered the pyramid, slayed dozens of enemies, stole their gold, died, upgraded and did it all over again. I love how each run never felt like a failure, despite ending with death. Upgrading my character meant that the next run was that much easier, barring any terrible scrolls. If I had to change one thing about the game, I wish I didn’t have to lose all my leftover coins. I would love a way to bank them, even if a fraction of the total had to be sacrificed. I can see myself returning to Immortal Redneck for a long time, whether to farm coins or attempt to beat the entire game in one sitting. As a shooter, a platformer and rogue-lite, Immortal Redneck might be your next gaming addiction.
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25/04/2017 |
Шутерок на вечерок, каким игра показалась вначале, способен стать ни много ни мало - убийцей свободного времени. Лёгкость игрового процесса, низкий порог вхождения, приятная глазам графика, многообразие тактик прохождения, фантазия разработчиков в части дизайна залов и уровней пирамид подарят игрокам массу положительных эмоций, и главное - удовольствия! Среди инди-игр Immortal Redneck может претендовать на самые высокие места; но и разработчикам ААА-проектов есть, чему у этой игры поучиться.
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24/04/2017 |
Learning from games both old and new, Immortal Redneck is a gameplay focused old school shooter at heart. Once you get up to speed, you'll have a tough time putting this excellent game down.
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27/04/2017 |
Un grandioso juego nacido en España que no te dejara indiferente por su desenfreno y su sentido del humor
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Álvaro López Rodriguez
08/05/2017 |
Álvaro López Rodriguez
Con tres mazmorras para completar que harán que sea todo un reto, junto al buen diseño gráfico y la banda sonora, se nos queda un juego que, sin duda, dará mucho de qué hablar en los próximos meses.
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26/02/2018 |
Don’t judge a book by its cover, Immortal Redneck isn’t as one dimensional as your typical redneck and offers hours of fun with loads of replay value. For fans of classic arena shooters with Rogue-like and RPG elements thrown in for added value. The lack of checkpoints within the pyramids are frustrating at first, but this becomes less painful as you level up. I do wish Crema Games would lessen the holy tribute toll to only a percentage instead of taking all of your remaining gold to enter pyramids. Immortal Redneck is a rare gem you shouldn’t miss.
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28/02/2018 |
Twórcy Immortal Rednecka zwyczajnie rozumieją, co sprawia, że fani roguelike’ów chcą podchodzić setki razy do losowo generowanych poziomów. Nawet gdy trafiała się większa plansza i nie mogłem znaleźć ostatniego potworka, po chwili załączało się widzenie przez ściany – ot tak, dla wygody. Jest nawet polskie tłumaczenie, jednak musiałem grać po angielsku, po gra odmawia wyświetlania polskich liter i dostajemy takie kwiatki jak porada na ekranie ładowania „Sarkofag pozwala wybra ostatni odblokowan ask .”. Do tego klimatyczna, przejrzysta oprawa graficzna i zagrzewająca do walki ścieżka dźwiękowa, które czynią z Immortal Rednecka prawdziwą perłę w swoim gatunku. Nic rewolucyjnego, po prostu przemyślana, solidnie wykonana i rozumiejąca swój nietypowy gatunek produkcja.
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25/02/2018 |
Apresentando um combate rápido, variado e divertido, Immortal Redneck se destaca como um jogo obrigatório aos apreciadores do estilo roguelite. Apesar de não se destacar em demais áreas além da jogabilidade, isso não é um demérito para um jogo que sabe exatamente onde focar seus esforços e atrair seu público.
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09/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck est une vraie belle surprise que l’on n’attendait pas mais qui semble maintenant indispensable. Proposant un mix parfait entre le Fast-FPS et le rogue-like, le jeu promet une belle durée de vie sans oublier d’être fun à tout moment. Si on pourra reprocher une répétitivité certaine, elle est due au concept même du jeu, qui pour le genre réussit à faire varier les parties avec ses personnages et sa conception de cartes procédurales. Une belle réussite !
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09/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck isn’t especially thought-provoking, but it’s a fiercely entertaining shooter complete with magic, mythology and a great sense of humour.
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09/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck is some real good rootin, tootin, shootin fun. When your biggest complaint with a game is that you wish there was more, that should indicate how I fee about it. The variety in weaponry and scrolls is astounding. That does a great job of making the core game stay fun and fresh for a lot longer than you'd expect. At $19.99 if you love old school FPS action you should really check this one out. It's an awesome game and I think I'm gonna play some more.
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23/03/2018 |
Overall, the game is a blast and I highly recommend it. It has the potential to be hours of fun just trying to reach the top of a single pyramid. The skill tree seems a little too simple and could be more complex, perhaps including more skill areas to improve in. But I imagine it was made to be simple so as to not come across too much as an RPG instead of mainly an FPS. The scrolls add a nice touch, keeping each pyramid run as random as ramdom can get and keeps the game from getting boring too quickly—not to mention all of the different playable gods, eight in total.
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02/2018 |
Immortal Redneck toma una variedad de elementos y los combina para entregarnos un juego bastante divertido y que incluso a veces llega a ser frustrante, sobretodo por esas veces en que estás apunto de acabar con todos los niveles de la pirámide y sale un minion de la nada para matarte.
Es divertido, bien recompensado, con una variedad de personajes adecuada para probar, y que por supuesto tendrás que ir desbloqueando, así como aquellos niveles que son un reto más allá de solo eliminar enemigos, es un juego que tiene un buen equilibrio en calidad – precio.
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Erickson Melchor
03/10/2018 |
Erickson Melchor
The first time I heard about this game, I sort of expected something completely over the top. Then when I found out that it was set in Egypt, I was thinking of Serious Sam and the like.
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05/05/2017 |
Immortal Redneck has a lot on offer. And you'll want pretty much all of it. If you like rogue-lite games with personality, charm and a mummified redneck I insist upon your purchasing of this title.
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Marc L.
28/02/2018 |
Marc L.
Over all I found Immortal Redneck to be quite enjoyable. I spent 6 hours on my first night simply playing, dying and re-dying some more but I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed other similar types of the genre. Being an FPS simply adds bonus points and I would recommend it for sure.
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09/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck is a fantastic return to a style of FPS that has been mostly forgotten. With excellent mechanics, and amazing replay value, even the minor shortcomings can't keep this ancient adventure from becoming my newest obsession.
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22/02/2018 |
Logrando un buen balance entre todas estas mecánicas, el fichín logra ser desafiante sin frustrarnos demasiado. Cada vez que despertamos de vuelta en el féretro nos entran unas ganas locas de equiparnos y volver a entrar para conseguirlo esta vez. Su estilo colorido, un tanto cartoon, y su humor lo hacen más digerible, siendo el único apartado flojo el de sonido, con una música interesante pero repetitiva y unos sfx de disparos que en ocasiones suenan como grabados dentro de una lata.
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Manu Delgado Osuna
25/04/2017 |
Manu Delgado Osuna
El conjunto es muy bueno, con un sabor retro que no se queda en la mera copia sino que va más allá y lanza una propuesta que como dije al principio aglutina las mejores características de tres géneros. Y lo hace con una personalidad envidiable. Su diseño artístico, su música, su humor... Son cositas que van quedando en el jugador a medida que avanza en 'Immortal Redneck' convirtiéndolo en un juego que siempre apetece revisitar.
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Faustino Fernández
24/04/2017 |
Faustino Fernández
Immortal Redneck es un juego que partida a partida, consigue engancharte poco a poco, algo que quizás al principio niegues que lo está consiguiendo. Casi sin darte cuenta empiezas a verte absorbido por sus rápidas partidas y ves como comprando mejoras tu progresión en la pirámide no para de subir hasta alcanzar la cúspide. Descubrirás que tras las vendas y la momificación hay un auténtico cazador en tú interior.
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Olivia Falk
24/04/2017 |
Olivia Falk
I had some apprehension going into Immortal Redneck, as the last rogue-lite FPS I played was Tower of Guns: a game that frustrated me due to how frequently death would come at the hands of some unseen projectile. However, largely through its surprisingly nimble protagonist, Immortal Redneck manages to feel punishing, yet fair. Rewards are doled out frequently enough that almost every run ends with the ability to upgrade something on the skill tree, allowing the game to maintain a forward momentum that makes it difficult to put down. It’s a shame that only one half of the premise truly shines, but hoo-boy, does it ever shine.
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25/04/2017 |
Ultimately, Immortal Redneck is a fun roguelite first person shooter that will provide countless hours of enjoyment for action enthusiasts thanks to its fast paced combat and randomized level layouts.
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27/04/2017 |
Crema Games realiza un trabajo sobresaliente para tratarse de un estudio “indie”. Immortal Redneck es un titulo recomendado para cualquier perfil de jugador y os aseguramos que engancha. Su sistema de progresión hace que siempre quieras echarte otra partida más, intentar superar sus intrincados niveles y conseguir llegar a la cima de la pirámide. Esto, tan sencillo de decir, es muy complicado de realizar, y muchos títulos de mayor presupuesto no lo consiguen. El juego de Crema Games, sí.
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James Cunningham
28/04/2017 |
James Cunningham
Immortal Redneck is an absolutely fantastic FPS-roguelike. There’s a lot of care in its room design, the enemies all have their own distinct style making it easy to identify the most threatening one in any situation, the action is fast and powerful and the whole game looks fantastic. The difficulty is tuned high but there’s plenty of room for growth, both from learning the enemies’ patterns and from buying upgrades for permanent character progression. Choosing a patron deity at the start of the run makes each round play a little differently than the previous one, and when coupled with the powerups found along the way you’ll have a unique character by the time you either get killed off or somehow survive the traps and creatures of the pyramid. It’s a long way to the top and each floor is more concentrated than the last, but there’s plenty of great shooting on the way to the boss fight at the apex. Then there are still two more pyramids to fight through, because if there’s one thing an immortal redneck loves, it’s when the shooting gets completely out of hand.
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Chris Carter
26/02/2018 |
Chris Carter
Immortal Redneck's loop is dead simple: play some, upgrade, play more, buy the item that lets you skip past the mid-boss, play some, upgrade, then confront the final boss. But you know what -- it's a blast, and I never really thought of any of the above as work. While the roguelike setup will no doubt scare some people off (you do you, reader), anyone looking to temporarily transport themselves back through the ages of FPS-dom without making concessions should give it a chance.
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26/02/2018 |
Immortal Redneck is an exciting roguelike FPS with enjoyable procedurally generated dungeons that encourage fast-paced gunplay. Although it can be repetitive at points, it has a fair but challenging difficulty curve and a wide variety of enemies, weapons, and abilities that keep things interesting. If you’re looking for something to really get wrapped up in, then Immortal Redneck is well worth your time.
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26/02/2018 |
All in all, Immortal Redneck is a fun and challenging combination of old school first person shooter design and rogue-lite mechanics. It does require a great deal of patience and it’s easy to get frustrated when it feels as if the game is punishing you with the available drops, but when you get a good set of weapons and scrolls, you can breeze through the early levels with ease before the pyramids ramp up the difficulty. If you are prepared to make it through the cycle of looting and upgrade and have the patience to put up with the potential for horrible drops, then Immortal Redneck comes highly recommended.
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26/02/2018 |
There are a lot of smart, complicated action games and shooters on the market, and let's be glad for that. But there is plenty room for a pure old-school shooter like Immortal Redneck, where speed, adrenaline and lack of pretense are supported by a colorful presentation and well-designed levels and gameplay. Not everyone enjoys the potential frustration that is baked into the rogue-like genre, but aside from that, Immortal Redneck is entertaining, goofy and a lot of fun.
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26/02/2018 |
While Immortal Redneck doesn't necessarily bring anything new to the table, it does successfully combine the speed of old-school FPS like Unreal Tournament and Quake with roguelike elements to make a pretty fun little game worth your time if you don't mind a little grind.
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28/02/2018 |
It’s not perfect though, as even though there are several weapons to unlock and find along the way, a lot of them feel undercooked. Plus, some of the boss mechanics lean a little too heavily on the side of increasingly more difficult patterns to learn. That being said, it’s still worth checking out. Immortal Redneck is the sort of game that seemingly comes out of nowhere, where initial curiosity leads to hours of fun. For fans of old school shooters and the rouge-lite setup of games like Rogue Legacy then it’s well worth equipping Grandpa’s Blunderbuss and venturing into a pyramid filled with adorable but dangerous snakes and flying skulls.
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26/02/2018 |
Immortal Redneck's melting pot of genres is a success. Regardless of whether you came for the shooting or the roguelite aspects, you'll be pleased with the handling of the two genres. If you love both, Immortal Redneck should take its rightful place on your Must Buy list. The game even hits all the right notes when other genres, like first-person platforming, are thrown into the mix. Don't expect anything amazing from the six bosses, but the eight characters, 50+ weapons and more than 100 scrolls are still more than enough to make each procedurally generated playthrough unique and fun. Roguelite newcomers will be at home with permanent upgrades and mechanics that encourage players to succeed, and veterans can still get their hardcore fix with the Cursed and Plague Medallions or the 20 lives achievement.
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28/02/2018 |
Immortal Redneck is a blistering fast and excellent FPS bridging the perfect amount of dungeon crawling. I was overly pleased with how fun and ridiculous the whole thing was providing a grand time. There are so many weapons to come across and a pile of weird enemies to eliminate on your way to the top. I didn't at all mind death here and welcomed it at times because I knew the next run could be better with what I was working towards. It's got the right amount of variation here and it will definitely be hard to ever be bored of this one. Immortal Redneck was really enjoyable and if you like this type of wild shooter, it's a solid example of what can be done with the genre.
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Chris Scullion
09/05/2018 |
Chris Scullion
Its visual and audio niggles aside, Immortal Redneck is an absolute blast. By combining well-crafted room design with randomly generated maps and then giving the player the ability to smoothly run, leap and blast through them with all the grace of a shotgun-wielding swan while constantly upgrading their abilities, it offers a massively satisfying experience that’s likely to remain permanently installed on your Switch long after you’ve deleted other games to make space.
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09/05/2018 |
Definitivamente recomiendo Immortal Redneck para Nintendo Switch. Seas un amante de los FPS o no tan asiduo con el género, te brinda la posibilidad de tener tus dosis de acción aleatoria y frenética donde quiera que te encuentres. Tiene ese toque de humor, reto y azar que hará que ninguna travesía a través de las pirámides sea igual a la anterior. Una gran carencia es la de un modo cooperativo o un modo deathmatch, jugar con amigos siempre será una dicha y en Immortal Redneck no habría sido la excepción. Ojalá que la gente de Crema Games lo considere en un futuro no muy lejano.
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09/05/2018 |
Overall Immortal Redneck is fun to play. It’s not punishingly hard and the game is enjoyable enough to keep you going with the upgrade loop as you grow more powerful to get more gold…so you can grow more powerful. It’s nice to get a change from the top-down roguelikes and be able to jump around and not worry that one wrong move will stop you dead.
If you’re looking for a good challenge and enjoy a good first-person shooter then you should give Immortal Redneck a look.
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09/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck is not the first indie game to take on the FPS/roguelike hybrid – nor will it be the last. However, Immortal Redneck is a much more refined experience than its contemporaries thanks in full to its tight, frenetic gunplay fundamentals that would make the likes of Duke, Sam and Doom Guy proud.
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09/05/2018 |
Alles in allem macht Immortal Redneck auch auf der Nintendo Switch eine sehr gute Figur. Das Rogue-like-Abenteuer macht Bock und motiviert bei jedem Durchlauf aufs Neue. Das gute Upgrade- und Dungeonsystem wird aber leider durch das manchmal frustrierende Schriftrollensystem überschattet. Auch wenn Grafik und Steuerung nicht sehr überragend sind, stört es nur bedingt den Spielspaß und somit erscheint für die Nintendo Switch ein Titel, der für dutzende Spielstunden begeistern könnte.
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09/05/2018 |
As a whole package Immortal Redneck is a bold first step and demonstrates that the FPS genre, too, can definitely benefit from the addition of roguelike elements. As you unlock your skill tree you won’t feel quite as helpless and will hopefully stumble into a starting configuration that helps you kick some ass in earnest. When you’re just in the zone and shooting things up for the most part everything feels good, it’s really only when you have to try to complete some jumping puzzles that things start to unravel. The good thing is that in any given run you may not notice the problem almost at all since everything is generated procedurally, just when you need to do some jumping and have enemies coming at you at the same time that it can feel a bit unfair. I look forward to more attempts on this formula as it shows a great deal of potential for further fun.
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10/05/2018 |
f you’re looking for something zany with tons of stuff to shoot at then Immortal Redneck is your man. A fine and frantic FPS on Nintendo Switch
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28/02/2018 |
Immortal Redneck propose tellement de façons différentes de jouer qu’il peut proposer de nombreuses heures de jeu. Les pyramides générées aléatoirement renforcent la découverte qui ne s’arrête jamais. On se demande toujours sur quoi va t-on tomber. La difficulté monte crescendo étage par étage. La mort punitif peut être un frein mais ça oblige le joueur à jouer de la plus belle des façons. La progression du personnage grâce à l’arbre de compétence et des nombreux parchemins est très visible au cours d’une partie. On ressent vraiment sa puissance. Vous pouvez y jouer de nombreuses heures avant de voir venir pointer un bout de lassitude. Son contenu est vaste mais ça aurait été bien d’avoir un peu plus de pyramides avec encore plus de variété dans leurs conceptions. Pour son prix il vaut vraiment le coup de se plonger dans cet univers variés et immenses.
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27/02/2018 |
Overall, Immortal Redneck is a nice departure and a fun roguelike that sits comfortably in the pantheon of other greats like The Binding of Isaac and Rogue Legacy, invoking its own old-school flair to diversify the gameplay. Whilst it still suffers from the drawbacks of the genre like randomization and repetition it definitely makes a tangible attempt to mitigate those issues. If you’re a roguelike fan without too much of a backlog looking for a thrilling timesink, you can’t go wrong with Immortal Redneck.
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Carlos Torrado
18/05/2018 |
Carlos Torrado
Immortal Redneck es un FPS frenético y divertido que consigue ser desafiante sin llegar a ser una prueba imposible. A pesar de no ser perfecto, su extendida vida jugable y carácter de roguelike-FPS ambientando en un universo tan original lo convierten en un título muy recomendado para vuestra Nintendo Switch.
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Moisés Artacho
27/02/2018 |
Moisés Artacho
Como amante del género roguelike, Immortal Redneck se postula como una alternativa más que agradable a la que invertir horas, con ese pique tras cada muerte de “una partida más y lo dejo” que nos hará ir mejorando poco a poco hasta sentirnos más poderosos que el paleto inicial. Se sitúa entre los títulos a tener en cuenta del género, y eso ya es mucho decir, por lo que solo podemos instaros a probarlo y a disparar plomo a diestro y siniestro por el antiguo Egipto.
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Tyler Hall
26/02/2018 |
Tyler Hall
Immortal Redneck is well-crafted with smooth and fast gunplay, a variety of playable characters, and an extensive upgrade tree. However, the core gameplay just didn't evolve enough to fully captivate me in the same way that the best roguelikes do.
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24/04/2017 |
En conclusión, Immortal Redneck es un juego que te encantará si te gustaron otros juegos como Serious Sam, o si directamente te gustan los shooter de la vieja escuela con toques frenéticos. Es una aventura totalmente rejugable debido a sus mapas aleatorios que, además, tiene cromos en Steam y un montón de logros para que nos pasemos horas y horas reventando las cabezas de los enemigos. En pocas palabras: Le pedimos a Crema, los creadores, que continúen sacando juegos así. Los jugadores frenéticos los necesitamos.
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José A. Rodríguez
02/05/2017 |
José A. Rodríguez
Immortal Redneck es una muestra de habilidades y buen gusto. Un juego que luce de maravilla, con una portentosa capacidad para provocar adicción y un sistema de muertes que no provoca descontento por lo que supone. Un título perfecto para los amantes de los juegos de disparos más rápidos.
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Ramón Varela
01/05/2017 |
Ramón Varela
El único impedimento para disfrutar de Immortal Redneck lo encontrarías si no eres muy aficionado al progreso roguelike y por tanto, en la recolección de oro hasta potenciar al protagonista lo suficiente como para llegar lejos en la pirámide. Como FPS arcade es un genial tributo a los clásicos, derrocha acción y gráficos más que satisfactorios.
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26/02/2018 |
Immortal Redneck is ultimately a simple, fun game that is hard to master. Constantly replaying the same pyramid in order to progress sounds repetitive on the surface, but randomizing various key aspects changes things up enough to ensure the trip stays varied. Tongue-in-cheek humor with some of the weapons, but especially on literal objects such as the skill tree, help to dial down some of the frustrations of grabbing the occasional bad random scroll. All of this is packaged up in a sleek, cheap ($19.99) download and buttery-smooth, consistent frame rate that keeps the action going. Immortal Redneck is a good buy for those looking for a challenging arcade shooter that keeps things fresh.
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08/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck es un juego que engancha muy fácil al jugador, siempre y cuando a este le agrade el progreso tipo 'roguelike'. La forma en la que evoluciona el personaje y cómo este va consiguiendo más clases (deidades) es una decisión más que acertada del estudio Crema Games. Pero lo más destacable de este juego es que a pesar de no ser un título con multijugador, logra cautivar en sesiones cortas –ideal para el modo portátil de Switch– gracias a su estilo, el cual se asemeja mucho a los arcade.
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Héctor Jimeno
09/05/2018 |
Héctor Jimeno
En esencia, estamos ante un buen título, que coge las grandes ideas del roguelite y las integra en un videojuego de disparos de forma muy bien resuelta. El tono de cachondeo también acompaña y recalcan la sensación de que el principal cometido de Immortal Redneck es hacernos disfrutar, sacándonos una carcajada tras otra. Por otro lado, no consigue revolucionar el género o sorprender notablemente en ningún aspecto, pero sin duda lo recordaré en el futuro con cariño. CremaGames ha demostrado tener una gran capacidad para crear obras maravillosas, y ojalá en el futuro podamos disfrutar nuevas y grandes experiencias de la mano de la compañía. Aquí; en cualquier lugar; en Nintendo Switch.
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09/05/2018 |
If you hail from the era when DOOM, Quake and Unreal Tournament were your go-to games then Immortal Redneck is for you. Crema has captured the essence of that era and packaged it in an unusual pairing with frantic gun toting goodness, challenging enemies and boss fights, slick and colourful environments that are almost never the same in terms of layout, and so many different ways to tackle the pyramid tier system with a healthy variation in abilities for each god you unlock through the skill tree. It’s fast, fun, and before you know it, you’re back at it again for the umpteenth time trying to obliterate foes with each character at your disposal just to hear some of those wacky redneck quips again.
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09/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck é um bom jogo e merece um destaque pela grande quantidade de conteúdo, pela variedade de suas pirâmides e pelo bom level design. Acredito que varias pessoas irão se divertir com as ideias inteligentes e a jogabilidade bem colocada.
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27/02/2018 |
28/02/2018 |
Un FPS que recoge gran parte de la esencia noventera como Doom o Quake, aumentando su calidad para la next gen.
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09/05/2018 |
Im Großen und Ganzen hatte ich Spaß mit Immortal Redneck, auch wenn ich es zuerst nicht gedacht hätte, aber Immortal Redneck hat viele Gefühlswelten von mir erreicht. Ich wurde motiviert, gefordert und verärgert.
Deswegen empfehle ich das Spiel jedem, der Spaß an Roguelike Titeln wie The Binding of Isaac oder Slay the Spire und kein Problem mit Permadeath und Neustarts hat. Dafür wird man aber mit neuen Waffen und Gegenständen belohnt.
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Javi Oria
08/05/2017 |
Javi Oria
Con mimbres para haber llegado a algo aún mejor, Immortal Redneck ofrece una experiencia muy marcada por la vieja escuela del género FPS, aunque con personalidad propia en ese estilo roguelike. Sus aciertos en la base del control contrastan con otras propuestas jugables no tan bien ejecutadas que desembocan en una experiencia agridulce por esa repetitividad que, en ocasiones, elimina toda sensación de avance y recompensa al tiempo y esfuerzo invertidos. Un buen juego, con cierto carisma, pero no memorable.
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Matt Sainsbury
28/02/2018 |
Matt Sainsbury
Immortal Redneck is a blast of a game in a genre that we don’t see enough of. It’s not the first roguelike FPS that we’ve seen on PlayStation 4, and I wouldn’t say it’s the best, either. It does, however, have an exceptional aesthetic, clever level design, clean action, a decent difficulty curve, and plenty of longevity. A very worthy action game indeed.
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28/02/2018 |
Immortal Redneck does a great job of blending dungeon crawling with a first-person shooter, but the game's lack of enemy variation and presentation issues make enjoying it difficult after awhile.
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27/02/2018 |
The setting of the game is a winner and feels fresh if you’re into your FPS. Spanish indie studio Crema have done a fine job in bringing a bizarre mash up of entertainment to PS4. If you’re looking for something zany with tons of stuff to shoot out all wrapped up with a sense of humour, then Immortal Redneck is your man.
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28/02/2018 |
There is plenty to enjoy about Immortal Redneck, but none of it is for me. Thankfully, the most prominent technical issues should be easily correctable through future patches and updates. Immortal Redneck comes at the steep price point of $19.99, which I find difficult to defend. Unless you’re riveted by these kinds of games, my recommendation is to wait a bit as a title like this is sure to hit Games with Gold and Playstation Plus within the year.
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Arturo Albero
10/05/2018 |
Arturo Albero
Immortal Redneck es un juego efectivo, divertido y muy sólido en su apartado jugable. Sin embargo, son precisamente sus bases las que lo vuelven a la larga muy repetitivo. Si te gustan tanto los shooters como los juegos de tipo Rogue-lite, Immortal Redneck te encantará. Para el resto de público, lo recomiendo también, pero con más reservas. No es un juego bonito ni tampoco especialmente barato (algo menos de 20€), pero funciona y es una experiencia jugable sólida. ¿Querrás pasar unas vacaciones en el Antiguo Egipto al estilo Redneck?
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James Jones
10/05/2018 |
James Jones
Immortal Redneck is a mechanically solid game. The shooting feels nice, the game moves well, and with the exception of some enemies being absolute bullet sponges and questionable decisions regarding platforming, it feels like a modern take on early ‘90s FPS like Duke Nukem, Doom, and Wolfenstein 3D. The roguelite mechanics and the run-based structure could serve this genre well, and at times it does provide replayability. However, buying enough stat boosts to really feel the impact takes a long time, and long runs that result in no meaningful progress frustrate. If you’re looking for a solid, retro-influenced, first person shooter on Switch then this game is worth a look. Just be prepared to die and restart a lot.
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10/05/2018 |
Immortal Redneck is a fresh breeze of air for the Switch’s library and a fairly enjoyable one at that, just not a very memorable one. The game does have a great control scheme, fun visuals, amusing weapons, but its repetitiveness and slow unlocks don’t give it that certain edge the game could have had with a bit more polishing. Nonetheless, for fans of roguelite shooters, this one is certainly worth picking up when it’s being offered at a discount price, as its current suggested price might be a bit too steep to truly get that bang for your buck.
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28/04/2017 |
Immortal Redneck es un juego simpático y desafiante,como buen roguelike que es, pero torpemente simplificado que da como resultado un gameplay monótono y repetitivo.
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Víctor Martínez
30/05/2017 |
Víctor Martínez
Por resumir, Immortal Redneck es un buen roguelite en primera persona, robusto y bien parecido, que depende en demasía de los préstamos (algunos menos evidentes que otros: entre las armas que te encuentras por ahí está la barra de Half-Life) y no quiere poner más de su parte para hacerse distinguir por otros lados. Como su protagonista, es un juego sin rostro que por lo demás es versátil y divertido, y tiene alguna cosita aquí y allá que demuestra mejor mano de la que la mezcla de todos los elementos individuales permite ver. No tiene mucho que decir, en definitiva; es un entretenimiento sorprendentemente bien trabajado pero que no consigue llegar a mucho más, y que cae en una de las trampas difíciles de ver del género procedimental: cuando haces un juego infinito, no hay tanta distancia entre que salga algo infinitamente divertido o infinitamente soso. Tampoco es fácil saber en qué porcentaje se reparten los infinitos.
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Thom Compton
26/02/2018 |
Thom Compton
Immortal Redneck's first few hours are a delightful cage match between you and the chaos within. After a few hours, though, it feels like the same old, same old. Tension is replaced with apathy, as things feel like a hamster wheel churning out the same bits and pieces. It is best experienced for its moments, and not its whole, as those moments are exhilarating and intense. As a whole, though, it fails to retain any lasting attention, and amounts to something that is fun, but ultimately disappointing.
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26/02/2018 |
Kanskje å hakke på et så mekanikkfokusert vesen som dette for hva det ikke har er å gå glipp av poenget. Jeg skal ikke late som om DOOM, Wolfenstein eller Painkiller har fantastiske BAFTA-verdig historier, men de har minneverdige øyeblikk utenfor fortellingen sin også. Immortal Redneck klarer ikke å lage mer enn et par av disse før de samler seg i en grå amorf klump i hukommelsen og mister betydning.
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01/05/2017 |
On second thought, maybe a lack of personality isn’t the right turn of phrase, because the game does have one. Unfortunately it’s not a person I want to spend much time with. He’s kind of boring, he’s loud in all the wrong ways, and he thinks he’s the coolest guy in the room despite evidence to the contrary. - See more at: http://cogconnected.com/review/immortal-redneck-review/#sthash.nla1zwOB.dpuf
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23/06/2017 |
En un sub-género tan repetitivo como el que experimentamos en este tipo de juegos, el estudio desarrollador debe tener muy claro que lo que hará que la experiencia sea satisfactoria es la diversión del mismo, la cual es directamente proporcional a lo cuidada que esté la jugabilidad. Lo peor de Immortal Redneck es que podría haber salido del ataúd con mucha mejor pinta y no momificado.
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