Pierry Lima
03/08/2022 |
Pierry Lima
I was one of the players who initially just looked for something to distract my mind during my play. But I was taken by surprise with the subjects addressed by the studio and the way everything unfolded throughout the campaign.
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09/01/2023 |
There are compelling gameplay elements, a beautiful art style which is haunting at times, and enticing moments which will leave you breathless and shaking. Endling – Extinction is Forever is not the most advanced video game of 2022, but I will absolutely say it’s one of the most important.
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Enzo Marchesi
06/08/2022 |
Enzo Marchesi
Considero que narra una historia emotiva de muy buena manera y con una banda sonora de gran nivel, ofreciendo un producto de mucha calidad.
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27/07/2022 |
Endling: Extinction is Forever è un piccolo capolavoro del mondo videoludico degli ultimi anni. Gli sviluppatori con qusto titolo hanno voluto gridare al mondo l’estinzione del gerene animale con un messaggio forte fortissimo dietro al gioco e ben chiaro, offrendo un prodotto di qualità dove i giocatori proveranno delle sensasioni forti. Il gioco ci porta a prenderci cura dei nostri cuccioli evitanto i pericoli della vita che questi animali affrontano tutti i giorni. Endling: Extinction is Forever è un prodotto solido con uno stile che abbiamo visto ma con una direzione artistica del gioco veramente meravigliosa e una storia emozionante e profonda. Acquisto obbligatorio. Ora sta a voi videogiocatori dire la vostra su questo prodotto e dare il vostro giudizio!
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Alberto Garrido
16/07/2022 |
Alberto Garrido
Endling ha sido una aventura agotadora a veces, y un poco injusta también (como la vida misma), pero de la misma forma es de una belleza y con una intencionalidad que muchos juegos pretenden alcanzar, y solo unos pocos lo consiguen. A pesar de su corta duración y de poder rejugarlo ahora conociendo el mapa y ciertos acontecimientos, quiero dejarlo reposar. Necesito dejar que cale igual de hondo que lo hicieron Journey o Firewatch antes. Y creo que Endling será uno de esos juegos a los que de vez en cuando querré regresar, como si fuera de la familia.
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Wade Hilton
19/07/2022 |
Wade Hilton
Endling: Extinction Is Forever is a visually beautiful game with a heart-touching journey and a unique perspective. The simple controls allow you to take in the world and manage the stress of the situations without it being overly complex. The developers have done a beautiful job creating situations that make you feel attached to your fox and her babies and generate stress as the world around them changes. This is a lovely addition to any gaming library and had me gripped for hours. If you want a fresh survival experience, look no further.
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Keenan McCall
19/07/2022 |
Keenan McCall
There's little else that can be said about Endling: Extinction Is Forever other than it's a game worth experiencing. Its flaws are minor while its strengths shine through brilliantly, and it's worth every ounce of joy and pain that it brings before the credits roll.
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Nima Dabirian
19/07/2022 |
Nima Dabirian
Endling is a beautiful and heartbreaking game that everyone should experience. With an engaging survival gameplay, stunningly beautiful visuals, and amazing music, it tells a sad yet true story about environmental issues.
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Mattia Pescitelli
23/07/2022 |
Mattia Pescitelli
Endling: Extinction is Forever è un piccolo diamante del mondo videoludico contemporaneo, e non è neanche troppo grezzo, come spesso si dimostrano essere questi ristretti ma ambiziosi progetti che reclamano a gran voce l'attenzione socio-culturale. Il messaggio dietro al prodotto è forte e ben chiaro, forse fatalista, melodrammatico, certo, ma mai comunicato con sufficienza o ipocrisia. Il gioco in sé, inoltre, funziona; scorre velocemente e con ritmi costanti, che tendono a non farti mai staccare dalla ricerca della giovane volpe scomparsa. Visivamente, poi, è un prodotto solido, con uno stile comune (e abusato) ma facilmente identificabile, oltre a essere pregno di intuizioni dal forte tasso spettacolare. Ora sta ai giocatori decidere se merita un posto di risalto all'interno dell'ancora relativamente breve e fiera storia videoludica. Noi ce lo auguriamo caldamente.
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Alessandra Borgonovo 'Aelinar'
25/07/2022 |
Alessandra Borgonovo 'Aelinar'
Un viaggio emozionante, tragico e narrativamente d\\\'impatto che tratta le proprie tematiche in modo audace e mai banale.
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Eduardo Comerlato
23/07/2022 |
Eduardo Comerlato
Without using a single word in its narrative, Endling - Extinction is Forever is a landmark game that offers one of the most exhilarating experiences available in the Switch library. Even if its gameplay leaves something to be desired in terms of depth and diversity, this survival indie does something much more important with its premises, which is to promote a reflection on the possible extinction of our planet\'s environment, an agenda that, unfortunately, is often overlooked and forgotten in many social and political debates of this chaotic 21st century.
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23/07/2022 |
Endling - Extinction is Forever is not a game for people who deny our destruction of the world. If you think that our pollution and constant expansion is a good thing, then this game may be uncomfortable for you as it doesn’t pull any punches. It\'s is an experience worth having, and with a length of about four hours, it’s a tight, polished experience that doesn’t have any fluff.
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Joel Castillo
30/07/2022 |
Joel Castillo
Endling transmite un mensaje necesario a través de una historia conmovedora y de una jugabilidad entretenida y satisfactoria. El videojuego de Herobeat Studios es un imprescindible.
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Aaron Grossmann
28/07/2022 |
Aaron Grossmann
Endling is an absolute joy to play, and the tight mechanics are reinforced with expert music and visual design.
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Dean Clark
08/08/2022 |
Dean Clark
Endling - Extinction Is Forever is an impactful experience that is made as an entertaining survival game! I can see any animal-loving, survival game fan playing this game fully. There is always something special about getting a different perspective on tough situations and it isn’t often that someone wonders what the animals are going through in hard times. Starting the game off in the middle of a forest fire really put a serious tone on the game right from the initial load up and even as the game had relaxing explorative moments, the tone fittingly remained.
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Pilu 'Yukop_'
09/08/2022 |
Pilu 'Yukop_'
Endling – Extinction is Forever es un título precioso y lleno de sentimiento por mostrar un mensaje al mundo que no debería ser indiferente a nadie: destrucción, extinción, problemas en el mundo. Durante este juego no serás capaz de apartar la vista y hacer como que no existen estos problemas, su música, ambientación y personajes conseguirán que sientas hasta la más mínima pérdida y problema que encuentres, por lo que es mejor prepararse mentalmente antes de empezar a jugar.
En general, un juego que debería probar todo el mundo, ya que su fuerte mensaje y su historia harán que te encante de principio a fin.
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Kerstin Steiner
23/08/2022 |
Kerstin Steiner
Endling: Extinction is Forever is truly a masterpiece in its non-verbal narrative. When I started the game I didn\'t really know what I was getting myself into and after minutes I wanted to put the game aside. But not because it\'s bad or totally bugged - quite the opposite. I knew instinctively after the fox\'s first night run, hoping yet terrified to find something to eat for her newborn, that this game wasn\'t going for a happy ending. Rather, it tells a very real story that moves you so close that you have to shed a tear or two until the credits roll. Therefore, the game is not for everyone and yet everyone should have played it. Because it shows once again what a wonderful medium video games are
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28/08/2022 |
Una buena opción para quienes gustan de los juegos de supervivencia, y una forma perfecta de enseñarle a un niño de manera divertida la importancia y el impacto de nuestras acciones sobre todo lo que nos rodea.
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Fernando Sánchez
29/08/2022 |
Fernando Sánchez
Endling - Extinction is Forever nos enseñará el posible futuro de la humanidad desde los ojos de una familia de zorros, los últimos de su especie. Tendremos que ayudar a sobrevivir a esta familia de cánidos, mientras intentamos recuperar a una de sus crías capturada. Todo esto mientras somos testigos de la devastación de la que el ser humano es capaz y sus terribles y definitivas consecuencias. Imprescindible.
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Sahil Lala
14/09/2022 |
Sahil Lala
If you’re looking for an indie title that will captivate you for a few hours, Endling: Extinction is Forever is a great game and one with a very powerful emotional message about how humans are affecting the world and the environment around us. Extinction is Forever and this is a game that helps drive home that message.
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Jónatan Fernández Escribano 'Jon Shepard'
17/04/2023 |
Jónatan Fernández Escribano 'Jon Shepard'
Endling – Extinction is Forever es un juego realmente especial, una experiencia de vida, una idea brillante y bien ejecutada. Su objetivo es conseguir concienciar, tocarte la fibra sensible y despertar la empatía humana y el lado bueno de las personas, si es que todavía lo tenemos. Para ello utiliza una historia sobresaliente y muy emotiva, realmente dura, os mentiría si os digo que no se me saltaron las lágrimas o sentí impotencia, que no sonreí o disfruté, en definitiva me hizo sentir muy vivo.
Una aventura divertida donde sobrevivir puede ser agobiante y en la que el mapa nos puede confundir, pero para mi al menos ha sido lo menos importante. El apartado artístico logra con creces maravillarte desde el primer momento y cuenta una historia a la perfección, la increíble historia de la última mamá zorro sobre la faz de la tierra y su heróico camino por salvar a sus hijos.
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Sebastiaan Raats
18/09/2022 |
Sebastiaan Raats
This is a game that has the rare ability to deliver a tragic story in a beautiful way and although you won’t get to see a happy ending, you’ll end up seeing a worthwhile one.
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Carlos Alberto Yllobre 'Piktendo'
19/07/2022 |
Carlos Alberto Yllobre 'Piktendo'
Si habéis leído nuestro análisis ya lo sabréis, pero Endling – Extinction is Forever es un juego de aventuras con toques de metroidvania que tiene grandes valores audiovisuales y un importante mensaje sobre la forma en que tratamos a los animales y el futuro de nuestro planeta. En definitiva, un gran debut de Herobeat Studios en la industria de los juegos que nos ha dejado huella en el buen sentido. Si buscáis una grata experiencia que os deje pensando durante un buen rato y que no sea demasiado extensa, este juego está bastante bien.
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Jaz Sagoo
13/07/2022 |
Jaz Sagoo
Endling: Extinction is Forever is more than a game; it’s a statement. The commitment from Herobeat Studios’ to portray an honest view of how humans affect the environment is commendable. While there are heart-wrenching moments in the game that some may find too difficult to consume, it’s an incredible experience that will leave a lasting mark.
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'Keyser Soze'
31/08/2022 |
'Keyser Soze'
Endling: extinction is forever es un juego que hay que jugar porque ofrece cosas a las que no estamos acostumbrados en la industria y lo hace a un precio bastante razonable dada su duración, que es su única pega pudiendo terminarlo en menos de cuatro horas si se va a tiro hecho. Su temática es necesaria, su desarrollo es exquisito, y su propuesta basada en cuidar y mostrar lo vulnerables que somos es de alabar. No os lo perdáis, de verdad.
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Cristina Ferragut
23/08/2022 |
Cristina Ferragut
Endling: Extinction is Forever es un interesante juego de supervivencia que busca concienciar a los jugadores sobre el compromiso medioambiental y como las acciones, tanto positivas como negativas, afectan en nuestro entorno. Los jugadores conectaremos de inmediato con el personaje y su descendencia desencadenando un instintivo sentimiento de protección hacia ellos hasta los últimos compases del juego.
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Raquel Morales
19/07/2022 |
Raquel Morales
Endling: Extinction is Forever es un juego que aporta muchas cosas y todas buenas, especialmente un mensaje de concienciación social sobre el medio ambiente. Utiliza la exploración no sólo como mecánica principal, sino que ofrece mucha información a nivel narrativo. Gracias al diseño cambiante del entorno, los jugadores pueden tener experiencias distintas y encontrar detalles aparentemente insignificantes. Pero nada está puesto por casualidad. Los cachorros funcionan perfectamente en este puzle y generan un fuerte vínculo con el jugador, siendo además el elemento más importante del juego. Todo funciona para contar una historia muy emotiva sin necesidad de utilizar diálogos ni textos.
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19/07/2022 |
I wanted to check out Endling – Extinction is Forever from the moment it was revealed since it was a game that had an interesting premise. After giving it a go on PlayStation 4, I’m here to report that it offers a simple but fun gameplay loop that will keep you coming back for more as you search for the trace left behind by the one who took your cub away. Explore a world on the brink of collapse in a colorful and charming 3D sidescrolling experience. Endling – Extinction is Forever is out today on PlayStation 4 with a $29.99 asking price.
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Manu Delgado Osuna
19/07/2022 |
Manu Delgado Osuna
Endling - Extinction is Forever parte de una premisa muy original que sabe cómo llevar a buen puerto: por un lado establece un juego de supervivencia tenso y desafiante, pero sin llegar a ser fatigoso, y por otro le inyecta una trama dramática sobre el cambio climático y el apocalipsis ambiental que no mira desde un punto de vista derrotista. Es una aventura trágica pero muy agradable a los mandos, algo caótica en lo que respecta a legibilidad de los escenarios y comprensión del mapa, pero verdaderamente hermosa en los momentos en los que gana claridad. Ya veníamos a juego con expectativas altas, pese a ser el primer gran proyecto de Herobeat Studios, y lo cierto es que ha terminado de convencernos por completo convirtiéndose en uno de los juegos más recomendables del año. No os lo perdáis.
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Tommy Holloway
19/07/2022 |
Tommy Holloway
Herobeat Studios set out to create a game that raises environmental awareness, and in doing so they have created a heartfelt message in the form of a very charming video game. Endling: Extinction is Forever lacks some variety, but tugs on the heartstrings, with an emotional story and genuinely asks the player to reflect on current environmental issues.
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'Peggy Doyle'
19/07/2022 |
'Peggy Doyle'
Although there are some extremely heartbreaking moments in the game, and I found myself ugly crying during parts of it, Herobeat Studios created a beautiful game with cute foxes and a really important message. I have not been this emotionally moved by a game in a long time. Many of the things shown in game are based on current real-world events, and a lot of it was hard to stomach. Enthusiastic social commentary, a compelling story and beautiful graphics really gave me something I wasn’t expecting from a game with cute foxes at the forefront. Even with the slightly basic gameplay and repetitive nature, the game (and particularly the ending) hit hard and will leave a lasting mark for some time.
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Sina Gulabzadeh
26/06/2022 |
Sina Gulabzadeh
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Pelin Yiğit
19/06/2022 |
Pelin Yiğit
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13/07/2022 |
It was terrible when things moved from bad to worse. Endling is likely to be deeply moving if you have a soft place for beautiful baby animals like me. It doesn’t hurt that its aesthetic style, which incorporates bold color strokes and a simple design, is stunning, particularly in how it plays with the foreground and backdrop.
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19/07/2022 |
Endling – Extinction is Forever is a beautiful and emotional story about survival that will leave you in tears. There are moments of sadness and scenes full of heart-warming joy, but one thing is certain: this game will move you.
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01/08/2022 |
Las mecánicas de exploración y recolección de recursos se vuelven secundarias cuando Endling te atrapa en su narrativa y pone el foco donde verdaderamente se lo propone: las terribles consecuencias de vivir en un mundo hostil con la vida y en el que cada uno sobrevive como está en su mano. Una historia que sabe mantener el suspense y motivar al jugador para llegar hasta el final y vivir en primera persona su desenlace.
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Antonia Dressler
13/07/2022 |
Antonia Dressler
Ganz theoretisch könnte man Endling in die Sparte der Serious Games zählen, statt zu informieren, holt es einen aber vornehmlich emotional ab. Wenn man mit nichts rechnet, trifft es einen besonders hart und genauso sollte der Titel gespielt werden. Das mitunter minimalistische Sounddesign sowie die wunderschöne Grafik unterstreichen diese Stärke noch einmal.
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Ted Hazell
19/07/2022 |
Ted Hazell
Endling - Extinction is Forever tells a sad story that is guaranteed to suck you in and trigger any maternal/paternal instincts you may have. Herobeat Studios has done a great job conveying an environmentally conscious story through the eyes of the lives affected most, and seriously delivers a brutally honest view of how humankind is harming the environment and natural ecosystem. Despite the repetitive nature of the gameplay, Endling is a powerful tale with a lasting, dare I say “forever,” effect.
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Stefano Bongiorno
19/07/2022 |
Stefano Bongiorno
Con Endling: Extinction is Forever, i ragazzi di Herobeat Studios hanno voluto principalmente raccontare una storia. Non si tratta di una bella fiaba dai toni allegri, ma piuttosto di un drammatico spaccato dello stato di salute del nostro pianeta. Scegliere di avere come protagonisti una volpe e i suoi cuccioli i protagonisti aumenta il coinvolgimento dei giocatori, che provano vera empatia per queste creature. Endling è anche un titolo divertente e coinvolgente, che non prova però mai ad alzare l'asticella della difficoltà per non diventare eccessivamente pesante. Si tratta di un'avventura dal gameplay leggero e dai toni forti, consigliata a qualsiasi giocatore che non abbia paura di farsi scendere qualche lacrima. Questi elementi, uniti a un comparto tecnico eccellente, fanno chiudere un occhio su meccaniche forse un po' troppo ripetitive e una longevità non esagerata. Chi vuole fare un'esperienza diversa da ogni altra, quindi, non ha che da mettersi nei panni della volpe.
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Benjamin Hayhoe
19/07/2022 |
Benjamin Hayhoe
Endling: Extinction is Forever has as much subtlety in its message as it does in its title. But that’s the point. What it does have, however, is a nuanced, beautiful, and tragic story to back up that message. It’s a masterfully crafted side-scrolling adventure, brimming with emotion, supported by beautiful visuals and music. It blends its narrative and survival elements perfectly, and though it’s difficult to call something this painful enjoyable, it is a deeply affecting and worthwhile experience.
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Khayl Adam
19/07/2022 |
Khayl Adam
Fraught, lonely, and emotionally devastating, Enderling: Extinction is Forever is a powerful example of the kinds of experiences that are only possible through the medium of video games.
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Morgan Shaver
19/07/2022 |
Morgan Shaver
The visuals are stunning, and the soundtrack excels at aiding in conveying the gravity of the bad, as well as the moments of light and joy included in the game. Overall, if you enjoy games with deeper meaning hidden beneath the surface, you’ll love Endling. If you enjoy games that make you cry, you’ll certainly find that with Endling. Bugs and minor issues aside, Endling is one of the more moving games I’ve played this year, and I highly recommend it. Just be sure to have some tissues on hand, just in case.
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Noelle Adams
19/07/2022 |
Noelle Adams
While its gameplay lacks depth, Endling – Extinction is Forever sucks players in with its emotionally taxing task of ensuring the survival of its adorable fox family, which is made more impactful by various design choices. Endling is powerful and memorable, but at the same time, sensitive players should be aware that in refusing to shy away from the harsh truths of its environmental message, it delivers a harrowing experience that is VERY tough on the heart.
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Gareth Brierley
26/07/2022 |
Gareth Brierley
Endling – Extinction is Forever is an important game that tells a tale of the environmental and man-made destruction that is happening around us. It focuses on how our actions affect our animal friends, and the perilous state of balance we find ourselves in. As a game, it’s good and well designed, even though it feels relentless in its outcomes; at times, it’s not an enjoyable game to play.
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Mauricio Arroyave
24/07/2022 |
Mauricio Arroyave
Con juegos como estos se muestra la versatilidad de los videojuegos. El poder contar una historia triste, que deja un gran mensaje y que sirve como ejemplo de una realidad que probablemente no estemos lejos de vivir.
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Raúl Vázquez Santos
24/07/2022 |
Raúl Vázquez Santos
Una experiencia realmente bella, emocionante y llena de cuidados momentos. Un juego de esos que te marca. Que te dejan pensativos. Y que sin lugar a duda, vas a recordar durante mucho tiempo. Una aventura particular a nivel narrativo. Curiosa a nivel jugable. Y capaz de entender y trasmitir con sutileza el lenguaje más particular del mundo de los videojuegos.
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Kyle LeClair
24/07/2022 |
Kyle LeClair
Endling may be lacking on the difficulty side, but it more than makes up for it when it comes to delivering a breathtaking story about loss, survival and the environment, topped with a gorgeous art style and an impressive evolving world to explore. It may be a brief journey (clocking in at around four hours), but it’s one that’s worth playing through, an emotional roller coaster that’s still fun to play and gets you invested in the struggles of our furry friends, so don’t sleep on it.
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22/07/2022 |
Endling – Extinction is forever nos ha gustado mucho y ofrece una fábula llena de cruda realidad. Sus personajes son entrañables y adorables, tanto que cuando te encuentras en peligro, sufres con ellos.
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Dominic L.
01/08/2022 |
Dominic L.
Endling: Extinction is Forever is a poignant piece of emotive short-form storytelling, telling a tale of survival that isn’t just a conversation starter, but one that asks for immediate change.
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Kaelyn Daugherty
03/08/2022 |
Kaelyn Daugherty
Endling: Extinction is Forever is a good game for survival fans and another reminder that humans suck. The story evokes a lot of emotion and tough choices. Overall this is a bitter-sweet game. The story is bitter, and the gameplay is sweet.
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Shubhankar Parijat
28/07/2022 |
Shubhankar Parijat
Endling - Extinction is Forever is a bit of a gut punch- in the best way possible. It\'s bleak and it\'s oppressive, but it\'s also surprisingly affecting, and in spite of some repetition, should keep you engaged throughout its brief runtime.
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Bruno Ribeiro
21/07/2022 |
Bruno Ribeiro
Endling: Extinction is Forever é focado em narrativa e tem uma boa história. Suas mecânicas repetitivas, porém, podem deixar o jogo cansativo e difícil de jogar por muitas horas seguidas. Mesmo assim vale a pena; apesar de bastante triste, tem uma beleza característica proporcional.
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Mélijade Poisson
12/08/2022 |
Mélijade Poisson
J’ai adoré ce jeu. La gestion des renardeaux et de la nourriture était assez intéressante. J’ai aimé chaque seconde de ce jeu qui nous offre quelque chose de différent des jeux qui sont sortis dans les dernières années. C’est un jeu qui fait réfléchir et ça m’a beaucoup intriguée. Plus je jouais, plus je voulais aller jusqu’à la fin.
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Noelia Arredondo Rodríguez
03/08/2022 |
Noelia Arredondo Rodríguez
Eendling: Extinction is Forever cuenta una historia conmovedora a través de una narrativa visual preciosa y una sencilla pero completa jugabilidad en la que lo más importante es sobrevivir.
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Alejandro Chavez
05/08/2022 |
Alejandro Chavez
Endling: Extinction is Forever es un juego que busca crear una conexión entre el jugador y el medio ambiente, que tomemos conciencia de una problemática real y hagamos algo para poder cambiarlo antes de que sea tarde. Mediante de la historia de una madre zorro que lucha por sobrevivir y evitar la extinción con su manada, nos llevarán por distintos momentos donde habrá tristeza, pero también esperanza. Sin duda alguna, un juego que recomiendo jugarlo.
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19/08/2022 |
Precioso en lo artístico y en lo argumental, pero la progresión es demasiado guionizada y lineal. Si no, sería una joya.
PlayMania [285] Septiembre 2022
Victor M. Costa
03/08/2022 |
Victor M. Costa
Embora com um gameplay um tanto simples e repetitivo, e a despeito de ter pontos em que poderia melhorar tanto em design narrativo quanto em audiovisual, Endling - Extinction is Forever (Multi) possui um trabalho audiovisual encantador, um design coerente e bem pensado, condensando de forma lúdica e intuitiva aspectos importantes de problemáticas socioambientais. Sua principal virtude está em conseguir imergir o jogador na vida animal de uma forma íntima e crível que poucos jogos conseguem. O título é indicado tanto para amantes de adventures mais casuais quanto para quem queira apreciar uma experiência narrativa imersiva sobre um dos mais importantes temas deste século.
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31/07/2022 |
Endling - Extinction is Forever is a warning signal about humans that should pay more attention to their environment and avoid it being ruined by the pollution born out of greed. At the same time it is also a truly engaging and immersive game with well thought out mechanics. It manages to combine the social message with a fun experience.
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Marc Cicuéndez 'Smily'
29/07/2022 |
Marc Cicuéndez 'Smily'
En definitiva, Endling – Extinction is forever es un juego de supervivencia simple y directo que busca atraparte desde el primer momento, y la verdad es que lo consigue. La historia del cachorro desaparecido es un buen gancho para comenzar a vivir esta aventura en la que mantener con vida a nuestros cachorros puede ser una tarea ardua. Totalmente recomendado a los amantes de los juegos de supervivencia más sencillos y que busquen pasar el rato sin muchas complicaciones. Eso sí, si eres amante de los animales, prepárate a pasar un rato duro.
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Jake Su
19/07/2022 |
Jake Su
An experience that is a departure from the norm, Endling – Extinction is Forever is a game that pushes a real-world agenda that could definitely use your attention if you care enough.
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Eike Cramer
13/07/2022 |
Eike Cramer
Endling – Extinction is Forever ist ein wunderschönes Spiel mit wahnsinnig süßen Füchsen und einer unheimlich wichtigen Aussage. Denn eine einigermaßen intakte Umwelt ist das Einzige, was zwischen uns und unserem endgültigen Niedergang als Zivilisation steht. Leider kann Endling diese starke Message aber spielerisch oft nicht unterfüttern. Der Spielablauf ist zu einfach und repetitiv, die Story mit dem verschwundenen Welpen zu linear und anspruchslos. Trotzdem liefern die spanischen Herobeat Studios eindrückliche Bilder und ein emotionales Ende. Für vier bis fünf Stunden ist Endling – Extinction is Forever eine durchaus lohnenswerte Reise, die aber etwas wenig Abwechslung und wenig Wiederspielwert liefert.
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Stefania Sperandio
13/07/2022 |
Stefania Sperandio
Endling: Extinction is forever vive di due anime. Quella di videogioco, molto più serious game di quanto possano far percepire la sua grafica attraente e l'amorevole presenza dei cuccioli di volpe, e quella di messaggio interattivo. Se la prima presenta numerosi aspetti da perfezionare – considerando la ciclicità estrema, il fatto che si senta la stanchezza anche nelle sole cinque ore di longevità e alcuni ostacoli che spingono più alla frustrazione che all'ingegno – la seconda viene impreziosita proprio dai suoi difetti. Il fatto che la vostra vita sia sempre uguale, che i pericoli siano sempre lì e non possiate sconfiggerli, che dobbiate correre con l'acqua alla gola perché avete terrore di tornare tardi alla tana e quindi non potete esplorare rendono Endling un'esperienza di una efficacia disarmante. Vi trasformerete con coinvolgimento in una mamma volpe che sta semplicemente vivendo in un mondo che glielo ha reso impossibile, che ha contaminato le sue pozze d'acqua e nuclearizzato le sue foreste. Un mondo dove gli esseri umani non solo hanno voltato le spalle al futuro a colpi di "tanto io tra cento anni non ci sarò", ma in cui hanno anche deciso che l'unico qui e ora che contasse fosse il loro. E nemmeno tanto.
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Meg Pelliccio
19/07/2022 |
Meg Pelliccio
It feels weird to call Endling - Extinction is Forever’s brutal tale enjoyable, but it was. The unique survival gameplay from the perspective of a family of foxes combined with the dark themes and storyline is a captivating mix. Though the gameplay can sometimes get repetitive, and it would have been nice to have a broader range of random events to experience, it’s still one of the more interesting games I’ve played recently. Keep a box of tissues nearby, though, as it’ll punch you right in the heart.
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Laura Gray
19/07/2022 |
Laura Gray
While the survival elements of Endling - Extinction is Forever would benefit from balancing and glitch patches, the gut-wrenching story is more than enough to keep players moving forward. The game offers a shocking glimpse into the long-term effects of pollution, and how it specifically impacts innocent wildlife. Players invested in climate change, wildlife conservation, or emotionally intense narratives will likely enjoy Endling and find its overarching story gripping despite the bleak atmosphere. However, the title may not be a good pick for casual gamers or those who enjoy survival narratives that are fantasy-driven, as it specifically focuses on displaying the real-world effects of habitat destruction and pollution. Despite this, Endling, Extinction is Forever is a deeply emotional and thought-evoking journey that will leave an impression on anyone who chooses to play it.
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19/07/2022 |
Si bien los elementos de supervivencia de Endling – La extinción es para siempre se beneficiaría del equilibrio y los parches de fallas, la historia desgarradora es más que suficiente para que los jugadores sigan avanzando. El juego ofrece una visión impactante de los efectos a largo plazo de la contaminación y cómo afecta específicamente a la vida silvestre inocente. Los jugadores que invierten en el cambio climático, la conservación de la vida silvestre o las narrativas emocionalmente intensas probablemente disfrutarán final y encuentre apasionante su historia general a pesar de la atmósfera sombría. Sin embargo, el título puede no ser una buena elección para los jugadores ocasionales o para aquellos que disfrutan de las narrativas de supervivencia basadas en la fantasía, ya que se centra específicamente en mostrar los efectos reales de la destrucción y la contaminación del hábitat. A pesar de esto, Endling, la extinción es para siempre es un viaje profundamente emotivo y evocador que dejará una impresión en cualquiera que elija jugarlo.
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Justin Mercer
19/07/2022 |
Justin Mercer
Endling – Extinction is Forever is a bold, unique, slow burn of a game that excellently conveys its ecologically conscious message and paints a dire image of rampant industrialization on a personal, microcosmic level. Because of this success, the game manages to garner an amount of player investment that belies its short runtime, but that runtime is also one of the game’s biggest hurdles when contrasted with its relatively high price tag.
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Rebecca Spear
19/07/2022 |
Rebecca Spear
Endling - Extinction is Forever gives a cold hard look at what pollution and human cruelty are doing to the environment. The message is driven home as you fight tooth and claw to raise your fox cubs while navigating a dangerous world. Exploration and survival aspects make for a unique experience, but if your pups die it can be heart-wrenching
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Daniel Eustace
08/08/2022 |
Daniel Eustace
I was very surprised by Endling – Extinction is Forever. I enjoyed it for the most part, with a lovely visual style and story, although the gameplay felt a bit repetitive at times which held it back slightly.
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Anthony Shelton
19/07/2022 |
Anthony Shelton
The events in Endling create sad emotions but they do not connect with how mankind is destroying the Earth. Events happen and we’re supposed to feel something because they happened, but the emotions are diminished because there is no connection to the message or the characters. It held up in the short five hours of play thanks to intriguing survival mechanics, but even those were messed up by an unfortunate, frustrating tug of war between survival and story progression.
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Javier Escribano
31/08/2022 |
Javier Escribano
Endling es un juego que impacta y sorprende desde un punto de vista narrativo, pero no resulta ni muy entretenido ni divertido al no haber terminado de remendar unas mecánicas de supervivencia con mucho potencial, pero poco aprovechadas. Quizás por falta de recursos, o quizás por querer hacer llegar el mensaje más claro y rápido a todos los jugadores, Endling nos ha sorprendido, mas también nos deja un sabor agridulce.
GTM [081] Septiembre 2022
Yağmur Sevinç
07/02/2023 |
Yağmur Sevinç
Even if you are a lover of animals, this game will tire you out. It is sad but not intense. It is gorgeous but not fun. It is not touching enough. There are many good things about this game: Like the sound design is great, and so is the art department- But everything else basically falls short. The theme is barely scratched on the surface, the environment is too big to explore, the general gameplay is repetitive, and the progression is too limited. Overall, Endling: Extinction is Forever does not do anything more than pointing a finger at these problems and expects you to get something more.
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