Hunt the Night
Cory Clark
12/04/2023 |
90 |
Cory Clark
Bloodborne meets Legend of Zelda worked out much better than I would’ve ever hoped. The bosses can have quite the malicious edge to them, especially a supremely sadistic second boss, and the platforming can be, quite literally, hit or miss. Nonetheless, the combat is so fluid but focused that it’s hard not to fall in love with how it handles. Cleaving apart zombies, then immediately whipping around to pistol-snipe a wolf all set to a firm and punchy soundtrack is just icing on the cake, especially with the added flavor the better bosses bring to the table. While this journey into the night had a couple of hiccups and could use a bit more prep work, I’d still gladly call this a successful hunt.
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Curse of the Sea Rats
Shane Boyle
01/04/2023 |
50 |
Shane Boyle
Despite my many gripes, I think there is still an audience out there for Curse of the Sea Rats. Sure, it’s packed to the rafters with frustrating design choices that should have been made to walk the plank, but it’s also a title that has clearly had a ton of love and passion poured into its development. That I felt compelled to stick with Curse of the Sea Rats despite the uneven gameplay is a testament to the art direction and light-hearted narrative, both of which instantly brought me back to a happy place; sitting in front of the TV on a Saturday morning, feasting on whatever sugar-laced cereal was trendy at the time, all while enjoying my favorite cartoons. While it’s not an easy sell due to its gameplay fumbles, I do still think Curse of the Sea Rats is worth a playthrough for anyone who can look past its flaws and focus on the product as a whole, which ends up being a serviceable videogame, elevated greatly by a wonderful sense of style and charm.
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Super Woden GP
23/11/2022 |
80 |
Super Woden GP pretty much delivered everything I wanted from it. An addictive gameplay hook, fantastic track design, and a simple yet challenging-to-master handling system all contribute to a retro racing experience that delivers fun in spades, all while looking stunning in action. The difficulty wall that the early hours present may be off putting to some and it is undoubtedly frustrating early on, but those that battle through it will find one of the most charming and rewarding racing experiences that Nintendo’s hybrid has to offer.
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Kenny McKee
30/05/2022 |
100 |
Kenny McKee
Just in case I haven’t made it clear enough, Souldiers is absolutely a modern-day classic. It’s also in the running for my favorite game of 2022—it’s really just that good. Between its engaging level design, gorgeous visual appearance, addictive combat mechanics, and its class-based system giving it three times the replaybility… you really owe it to yourself to get this game if you consider yourself a Metroidvania fan.
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The Waylanders
Heather Johnson Yu
03/02/2022 |
60 |
Heather Johnson Yu
Underneath the intriguing concept and gorgeous graphics, The Waylanders has a somewhat meaty tactical experience wrapped around the bare bones of an RPG. And while it may be light on the actual role-playing elements, there’s enough of a unique spin in terms of story, setting, and battle system that those who prefer mechanics above anything else might have a good time. This is by no means Baldur’s Gate nor Dragon’s Age: like King Ith’s Tuatha de Danaan, those gods aren’t here. I can recommend The Waylanders, but only if expectations are managed accordingly.
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Youtubers Life 2
Heather Johnson Yu
19/10/2021 |
60 |
Heather Johnson Yu
There’s an audience for YouTubers Life 2, certainly, but due to a series of odd choices, it’s not the same audience that fell in love with YouTubers Life. With the freedom of running around town comes the restriction of what videos you can actually make for your channel, which will frustrate those coming from its predecessor. If you’re in high school, love farming sims, and haven’t played the first title, this could very well be your next gaming obsession; for everyone else, be sure to like, subscribe, and check back later when the bugs have been fleshed out.
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Ruin Raiders
Christian Angeles
14/10/2021 |
60 |
Christian Angeles
Ruin Raiders is an attractive adventure featuring adorable animal characters. With surprisingly challenging gameplay and satisfying boss fights, every dungeon you descend into provides a unique challenge. The biggest qualms are that the game can occasionally devolve into a grind-fest and there’s a lack of coherent story. However, if you like the sound of a good turn-based strategy title in the spirit of X-Com combined with dungeon-crawling and combat featuring interesting animalistic abilities, you’ll probably enjoy Ruin Raiders.
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Francis DiPersio
27/09/2021 |
80 |
Francis DiPersio
Minor issues aside, UnMetal is an absolute winner. With gut-busting writing and a great mix of retro-inspired stealth action enhanced with modern mechanics, it’s a game that warrants a spot in any classic Metal Gear fan’s collection. Here’s hoping this isn’t the last time we get to take control of Jesse Fox. He may not be the action hero we deserve, but he’s the one we need right now.
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04/09/2021 |
70 |
Lamentum’s story and puzzle-solving challenges do feel too much like a rehash of those very same games that inspired it. In some ways, being an almost 1-1 repetition. However, thanks to its spine-chilling atmosphere and old-school survivor horror mechanics, it does play like a survival horror game from the 1990s. So if you like those, this is definitely the game for you.
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Clid The Snail
Francis DiPersio
30/08/2021 |
60 |
Francis DiPersio
At the end of the day, Clid the Snail is a fun but flawed first effort for Weird Beluga. I enjoyed the game’s more deliberate approach to its gunplay, and the weapon variety and shell customization options kept the action feeling fresh. Add to that some excellent puzzles and fantastic worldbuilding, and there’s no denying that there’s a lot to love here. That’s why it’s such a shame that things become so frustrating due to the developer’s artistic choices. After all, it’s hard to focus on a firefight when it looks like half of the screen has been slathered in vaseline. Perhaps the developer will add a patch down the road to remedy the muddy visuals. And if they do, Clid the Snail will be a much more playable experience. As for me, I’d probably wait and see if they clean things up before taking the plunge.
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Indigo 7 Quest for love
12/07/2021 |
70 |
Indigo 7: Quest for Love is an earnest, enjoyable attempt at a new puzzle game. It’s fun, it’s quirky, the art style is endearing, and the gameplay is solid. Honestly, I’d be giving this game a higher score if it didn’t have some bugs and issues that pop up here and there. Those problems aside, though, if you’re looking for a great multiplayer puzzle game that isn’t Tetris or Puyo Puyo, give this game a shot.
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Narita Boy
Heather Johnson Yu
26/06/2021 |
80 |
Heather Johnson Yu
Despite any perceived difficulties experienced in Narita Boy, all can be forgiven if you enjoy a world that immerses itself completely in the tech of a bygone era. There’s something to be said about racing against the digital wind on a CRT-horse in a pixelated world that looks like the SNES Star Wars game but feels like that infamous Battletoads level. If you know that exact vibe I’m talking about, you gotta check out Narita Boy. After all, the fate of the Digital Kingdom rests in your hands.
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Deiland: Pocket Planet
Heather Johnson Yu
18/04/2021 |
50 |
Heather Johnson Yu
Googling the mobile version of Deiland yields incredibly positive results, so I am not sure what happened while translating Deiland Pocket Planet for the Switch. I hate giving negative reviews, especially when a game as cute as this seems so welcoming, but if the UI isn’t working, I’m not sure what else to do. If given more time with the title, I am not sure I’d come away feeling any different; in fact, the more time I spend with it, the more frustrated I get. If you’re remotely interested in this one, be sure to watch a few YouTube videos explaining gameplay before calling this little world your new home, otherwise I’d sit this one out.
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21/02/2021 |
90 |
Mutropolis is definitely one of the better point and clicks I’ve played in recent memory, and was a pleasant surprise on every front presented. I genuinely enjoyed every moment I spent with it — even when stuck — because it was such a joy to look at and explore. There were a few times I got stuck, certainly, but nothing that kept me from progressing for too long. If you like point and click games with good puzzles, great depth, and an incredibly unique story with fun characters, your quest for Mutropolis ends here.
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Yuppie Psycho
30/10/2020 |
90 |
Yuppie Psycho Executive Edition may not be the scariest game you’ll play all year, but it’ll probably be one of the most scintillating stories of corporate culture gone rancid ever told. Of all the games I’ve played in 2020, this is the one that most deserves to be turned into a movie, and I would watch it repeatedly even though I’m a massive baby. Young James Spader should also be there, but I digress; Yuppie Psycho Executive Edition deserves to be experienced in any medium, and not picking this title up will haunt you for the rest of your gaming days. Think you got what it takes to kill the witch? Are you up to the job? Apply to Yuppie Psycho Executive Edition and find out if you’re Sintracorp material.
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31/05/2018 |
60 |
Despite the positives, issues with the camera and bugs made playing Solo frustrating. But I am hopeful Team Gotham will continue to support the development of the game post-launch.
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Beekyr Reloaded
31/03/2018 |
70 |
Beekyr Reloaded is a fun shooter. It’s not going to blow you away with neat gimmicks or any sort of real innovation, but it’s perfectly competent and the insect theme is actually really refreshing. If you’re a shmup fan and you need to pad out your library, or you want to get into the genre and need a “gateway” title, Beekyr Reloaded could be just what you’re looking for. It’s especially fun if you can rope in a mate to join you in your shooting, or if you’re just looking to show off your scores. Either way, you need to shoot off to its official Steam page now if you intend on adding it to your must-play list.
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Crossing Souls
13/02/2018 |
80 |
Crossing Souls may not be the deepest adventure to release in recent years, but it’s got plenty of heart. From its pixel-perfect retro-style presentation and cartoon cutscenes to its pumping synthwave score, it’s a game that does a great job of capturing the spirit of the era it aims to replicate. It’s just a shame that the writing and pacing often feel at odds with the story the game is trying to tell. Because with a bit more polish, Crossing Souls could have been a modern classic. Despite these nagging issues, I still found myself glued to my controller for the entire experience.
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Dynasty Feud
28/05/2017 |
80 |
Dynasty Feud is cool. It’s really cool. Jumping around and trying not to get hit by a guy with something resembling Cloud Strife’s sword, all while maneuvering and wall-jumping while trying to kill what appears to be a color-swapped Alphys from Undertale; yeah, I enjoyed myself. There’s great diversity in its cast of fighters, and the main idea it introduces to the “Smashspace” (screw it, I’m on a roll with these today) pulls through beautifully. There’s a learning curve, and not an easy one, either. Once you’ve mastered that, though, you’ve got a game that stands right up there with the best of the neo-king-of-the-hills out there. The servers could use some work, and it would be nice if all the modes could be played wherever, but what’s here is five whole generations of fun.
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22/05/2017 |
40 |
Not being a fan of either genre myself, I cannot in good conscience recommend this game. That being said, I know there are many people out there that would love this title very much. However, where games like Bloodborne and the Dark Souls series have brilliant gameplay that make up for their harsh mechanics, Nongünz it seems tries to be that and misses the mark.
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Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days
21/05/2017 |
80 |
I love Bloody Days. I think it would be better under a different name, as fans of the film expecting anything close to Reservoir Dogs will find themselves sorely disappointed and unable to judge the game on its own merits, but I still love it. I love its jazzy, guitar-heavy soundtrack. I love the style and polish that went into everything from its character models to its UI to its menus, even if that style is nothing like the film its supposedly based on. I love its fast-paced action and its slow, deliberate turn-based strategy. And while the writers certainly aren’t Tarantino, I even like the dumb little dialogue interactions the characters have throughout the missions.
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The Crow's Eye
20/03/2017 |
70 |
But even as it stands, The Crow’s Eye is still an absolutely enchanting game. The fact that a bug that serious could exist and only slightly hamper my enjoyment of the game should be testament enough to that. If you’re a fan of first-person puzzle games and have been disappointed by the lack of true genre gems in recent years, then The Crow’s Eye is for you.
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Yesterday Origins
09/11/2016 |
50 |
I’ve included a lot more “in my opinions” and “for me personallys” in this review because a lot of this stuff is subjective. Maybe the story will work for you in ways it didn’t for me. Maybe you’ll find the puzzles a lot easier and more obvious. But I was rooting for this game, and for me it was barely-stay-awake boring. Even if you’re still interested, don’t spend thirty bucks on Yesterday Origins. It’s much better suited to some kind of Steam sale.
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