Rest of the world
No data
Estimated sales on Steam
Range: 1.120 - 2.800 units
Estimated sales by DeVuego based on the number of user reviews (Boxleiter method), according to VGInsights criteria and applying some corrections based on our own research.
With updated data on 8/02/2025 a las 05:00h
Sales breakdown
Sales by platform
No data
Sales by shop
No data
Sales by country / region
No data
Sales by format
No data
Sales by year
No data
- The purpose of this section is to give an approximate number of sales figures of each video game,
checking many sources like websites, reports, news, involved people, etc
- Altough we're always trying to give the more realistic and verified data, we take no responsability of the accuracy of the shown data.
- The sum of specific data by platform, store, country or format should not necessarily match total sales,
since they may have been obtained from different sources and overlap themselves.