Based on 4 reviews
Based on 12 reviews
Four press media gave it
Javier Aranda Cerezo |
24/01/2015 | 70 | |
Javier Aranda Cerezo
En definitiva, este Off Road consigue lo que se propone: traer de vuelta un estilo de juego arcade que llevaba tiempo sin verse y hacerlo bien. No obstante se queda la sensación de que podría dar más de sí en contenido. Todo lo que ofrece está bien presentado y la única queja que puede haber es la falta de pericia con su control, por lo que una ayuda para los menos duchos podría haber estado bien. Una pequeña propuesta que llena un hueco en la eShop haciendo que cada vez más y más géneros tengan su lugar en la plataforma digital de Nintendo. Read review | |||||
29/01/2015 | 60 | ||
Rock 'N Racing Off Road is a decent game, held back by lack of polish and tracks. It seems like more single screen tracks could have been added pretty easily. There is still some fun to be had here, especially for local multiplayer. Time trial junkies should also get some enjoyment, especially with online leaderboards. Overall though the game should have been a lot more. Read review | |||||
Javier Ramos 'Big Boss' |
09/03/2015 | 60 | |
Javier Ramos 'Big Boss'
Rock 'N Racing Off Road concentra en sus carreras toda la emoción de las partidas de los salones arcades, convirtiéndose en el mejor representante de aquella época. Sin embargo, el experimento se nos antoja corto y debería haberse ampliado la fórmula original. Read review | |||||
Moisés Artacho |
28/10/2015 | 60 | |
Moisés Artacho
Rock 'N Racing Off Road DX pasa así sin dejar huella en el bazar, como una propuesta interesante para compartir en multijugador o revivir viejos tiempos, pero quedándose lejos de lo esperado en cuanto a calidad y variedad. La idea es buena y queríamos volver a revivir el género, pero los fallos en el control o la locura de IA nos han dejado un sabor agridulce. Read review | |||||
Mikel Pernía |
18/10/2015 | 58 | |
Mikel Pernía
Aquellos que recuerden Super Off Road conseguirán evocar una serie de sentimientos que hacen de Rock´n Racing Off Road un producto especial, capaz de ser disfrutado por un pequeño período de tiempo, en el que, es más probable repetir una y otra vez un campeonato por no conseguir el logro específico que por tener una gran variedad por contenidos. Es una pena que no se haya considerado incluir un editor, del mismo modo que se puede observar que la presencia total del circuito es un límite a la variedad. Un primer intento, que en esencia, se puede considerar como un acierto porque divierte, si bien, es muy mejorable, lo que deja en evidencia cierta falta de ambición. Read review | |||||
29/01/2015 | 50 | ||
Older gamers out there will find this has some nostalgia value, but most players will find it too difficult and be unable to unlock all of the tracks variants and cars. Rock ‘N Racing Off Road is best suited to an enthusiast of the sport who is more likely to have the determination and patience required to complete the game. Read review | |||||
04/11/2015 | 50 | ||
Rock 'N Racing Off Road DX ci prova ad essere un gioco divertente. Con un look che mischia retrò e modernità, un gameplay arcade semplice ma con una fisica abbastanza realistica e la possibilità di battagliare fino a 8 giocatori in locale offre certamente spunti di divertimento, ma fin troppe lacune, difetti e decisioni di design alquanto dubbie vanno a rovinare quasi totalmente l'esperienza. E visto che anche i contenuti sono pochi e limitati nella varietà, l'acquisto non è consigliabile nemmeno al prezzo basso a cui è venduto. Read review | |||||
01/02/2015 | 45 | ||
My biggest gripe with the game is the fact that everything is just mediocre. This could have been a fantastic experience for older and younger gamers to play a fun racing game in the vein ofclassic racers of the late 80’s and early 90’s. But there is a problem when the modern game lacks the features that those had. The game isn’t terrible. It isn’t good. It’s just there. Fans of Ivan Stewart’s Super Off Road may like this little trip down memory lane for $5.99. but be warned: it will be a short one, and you will find yourself going back to the NES classic. Read review | |||||
Daan Koopman |
27/01/2015 | 40 | |
Daan Koopman
Rock 'N Racing Off Road is quite a disappointing game. With just four real tracks and little space to fully take control, this game never really takes off. It looks quite solid and plays sort of well, but that can't save it from the game that it could have been. There is some fun to be had in multiplayer, but even that has limited replay value. It is just a shame really. Read review | |||||
31/01/2015 | 30 | ||
Having waited over a year for this game, I’ve a hard time believing this finished product represents what Enjoy Up intended. Only four real tracks, poor control, glitches, and broken Ai amongst a host of other problems … clearly something went very, very wrong! This isn’t the sort of game you’ll want to beat, never mind replay. New tracks may come (if the game is a success) but hopefully the promised patch can at the very least fix the glitches. Until then Rock ‘N Roll Racing Off Road is simply an awful game. Spend your money on some of EnjoyUp’s good Wii U releases instead. Read review | |||||
Lee Meyer |
18/02/2015 | 30 | |
Lee Meyer
There's not much to say about Rock 'N Racing Off Road, other than that it's a boring, frustrating experience all around. There's no depth here, no rewarding gameplay and no real charm or personality. There are plenty of fun multiplayer games for the Wii U, and Rock 'N Racing Off Road just has too little going for it to earn a recommendation. Read review | |||||
23/05/2015 | 30 | ||
Pour conclure, Rock’n Racing Off Road aurait pu être le renouveau du genre mais l’absence de fun en mode « Championnat », l’IA particulière, les imprécisions de conduite, les circuits au final peu variés auront eu raison de cet espoir de renouveau. Heureusement, le mode multi-joueurs qui est, lui, beaucoup plus sympathique, sauve un peu le jeu. Graphiquement, le jeu est loin d’être désagréable, bien au contraire, et la bande son sert bien le jeu puisqu’elle est dynamique et se marie bien avec l’action. Malgré ces derniers points positifs, je ne saurais vous conseiller ce jeu qui, à 5.99€ sur l’eShop, pourrait être source de déception comme ce fût le cas pour votre humble serviteur. Read review | |||||
22/10/2015 | 30 | ||
É com muita pena que atribuo a nota final presente abaixo a Rock ‘N Racing Off Road DX. Lamentavelmente mesmo, porque tinha tudo para ser um belo joguinho de corridas em homenagem a alguns de épocas mais antigas. No final de tudo trata-se de um prato sem sal algum o qual desfrutamos apenas por cerca de uma hora, até nos apercebermos que não vai passar mais do que já o é. Quem sabe uma sequela, se existir, traga-nos funcionalidades desejadas e que deveriam ter sido já implementadas neste. Read review | |||||
02/11/2015 | 25 | ||
Even for eight bucks, I don’t recommend this title. It’s buggy, annoying, frustrating, and really just not fun to play. If there is one redeeming quality I could possibly give it is I like the art style of it. That’s about it. The mere fact there is an achievement for playing a race with six people locally is laughable. If you want a fun arcade racing game like this, I say stick to Super Off Road. The fact I’m suggesting playing an NES game over a current generation game says it all. Read review | |||||
19/10/2015 | 20 | ||
Rock 'N Racing Off-Road DX is not a game that you'll be coming back to if you bother to put in the hour or so it'll take to complete it. There are very occasional second-long moments where the game is almost fun, but the shockingly bad AI, physics that seem to be both too floaty and too heavy at the same time somehow and an amateurish bare-bones feel mean that you should definitely be looking elsewhere for your arcade racing fix. Read review | |||||
10/11/2015 | 20 | ||
With its minimal content and cars that prove impossible to control, Rock 'N Racing Off Road DX butchers the arcade action that Super Off Road perfected in the ‘90s. Read review |
1. | Spain | 62 | 4 |
2. | Italy | 50 | 1 |
3. | United States | 36,7 | 6 |
4. | United Kingdom | 33,3 | 3 |
5. | France | 30 | 1 |
6. | Portugal | 30 | 1 |