Based on 5 reviews
Based on 12 reviews
Five press media gave it
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21/05/2020 | 80 | ||
![]() Tutti gli amanti degli arcade anni ’90, di Bomberman e affini ma soprattutto chi è alla ricerca di un gioco immediato e fresco deve, e sottolineo deve, dare una possibilità a questo Pushy and Pully in Blockland e non ne rimarrà deluso. Buona la prima Resistance Studio e complimenti, continuate su questa strada e ne vedremo davvero delle belle! Read review | |||||
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05/05/2020 | 80 | ||
![]() Pushy and Pully in Blockland è un gioco con delle premesse semplici che esaudisce in toto, regalandoci un ottimo gioco al pari di glorie passate come Bomberman. Per quanto il suo bell’aspetto sia dolce e tenero, la difficoltà di alcuni livelli può perfino essere definita spietata se si mira allo score perfetto, trovando un perfetto bilanciamento per accogliere qualsiasi tipo di giocatore. Una sana dose di nostalgia chiude il cerchio di blocchi ideato da Resistance Studio, che sebbene non si corra rischi nel design riesce a incantare con l’originalità del mondo di Blockland e le creature che lo abitano. Read review | |||||
Ramón Nafria «Naeval» |
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28/06/2020 | 75 | |
![]() Si os gustan los juegos de "acción no especialmente violenta", en la línea del citado anteriormente Bubble Bobble, el primer Mario Bros (sin Super) o juegos del estilo de este título como Don't Pull o Pengo, este Pushy and Pully in Blockland es muy recomendable. Por desgracia parece que el público de este tipo de juegos, antaño muy populares en consolas y arcades, se ha desplazado de manera total a los móviles, así que es muy posible que este título pase ligeramente desapercibido. Si tenéis ganas de un juego colorista, perfecto para dos jugadores, y hecho con mucho amor, esta es una opción muy a tener en cuenta. Read review | |||||
Daniel Quesada de la Cámara |
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17/05/2020 | 75 | |
![]() En conjunto, Pushy and Pully in Blockland es un juego de puzzles simple, sin muchas pretensiones y quizá demasiado corto, pero por 10 euros supone un muy agradable regreso a esa época en la que los juegos parecían algo más directo y sencillo, con una moneda de 5 duros como gran catalizador de la diversión. La nostalgia siempre es mejor con píxeles de colores. Read review | |||||
Alice Wilczynski |
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08/06/2020 | 75 | |
![]() Niedliche Hommage an japanische Arcadespiele. Vor allem das kooperative Schieben und Verbinden von Steinen bringt Freude. Für längere Spielsitzungen fehlen Belohnungen wie neue Items oder eine ausgearbeitete Geschichte. Read review | |||||
Jim Smale |
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24/08/2020 | 74 | |
![]() Pully and Push in Blockland is a game that I was Initially drawn to from its visuals and charm, it reminded me of quirky Japanese games on the Dreamcast, it boasted a good puzzle/Bomberman gameplay and so I jumped in. For the first few levels, it all seemed fine, playing a lot like a puzzle game, you arrange blocks by either pulling or pushing them and slide them into enemies to kill them or match 3 of the same to create an item. This fine feeling lasted a long time with new enemies being introduced over time and the levels getting more and more complex, however, an annoying element was discovered when I went off for food and came back for my save had not saved and indeed does not save until you hot the map select screen. Fine il do some more I know what I’m doing, level after level I kept going just to hit a checkpoint, a save anything so I didn’t have to repeat myself. This finally happened after a boss fight, a boss fight had a good way of keeping the core gameplay but had a real short-timer making it all very irritating than challenging. I finally hit the map select and so going forward I wouldn’t have to replay the opening world again! Score! Oh but wait for its the same deal for the next world and the next, all that really changes now is the scenery and color scheme. My patience finally ran out and I couldn’t dedicate huge unknown chunks of time to a game that didn’t take my time seriously. When you add that to the constant restraints of the timer it all makes a very frustrating unrewarding experience which is a shame as the core gameplay is good and I would like the timer to be off so I could spend more time matching blocks up and chaining kills but the game is just not made that way. In short, it’s a game that has a lot of potentials but squanders it with unneeded obstacles. Read review | |||||
Juan Emilio Palomino González |
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06/05/2020 | 70 | |
![]() Otro intento de apelar a nuestra nostalgia con un sistema de juego directo y funcional. Su encanto y su jugabilidad son sus principales atractivos. Read review | |||||
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02/06/2020 | 70 | ||
![]() Si buscas un juego para pasar el rato, entrenar tu cerebro y que incluso puedas disfrutar con alguien más, definitivamente debes darle una oportunidad, sobretodo porque tiene un precio bastante bajo. Read review | |||||
Iván Hernández «Blansi» |
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07/06/2020 | 65 | |
![]() Como muchos juegos arcade que se hacen en estos años modernos, Pushy and Pully in Blockland se queda ligeramente corto y falto de contenido. La campaña principal te la terminas en cosa de 1h y media, y la escasez de modos no apoya el que quieras seguir a menos que te pique el tema puntuaciones. La propuesta no está nada mal, pero creo que se podría pulir un poco más y ofrecer algo más, sin ir más lejos algo relacionado a la creación de niveles mediante Steam Workshop o un modo realmente arcade «infinito». Puede que más adelante si el estudio añade algo más de contenido, estemos ante un muy buen título arcade. Read review | |||||
Jonathan Carbajo |
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06/05/2020 | 60 | |
![]() Pushy and Pully in Blockland es un juego bastante divertido y exigente por partes iguales. Aunque su diseño nos muestra un juego dulce, en realidad es todo lo contrario, encontrándonos con una dificultad que aumenta correctamente de forma gradual. La obra de Resistance Studio es entretenida de principio a fin, donde su mimo en el diseño artístico de personajes y niveles, y su campo audiovisual atrapan desde el minuto uno. Read review | |||||
Stuart Gipp |
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25/05/2020 | 60 | |
![]() It's not without fun to be had, but we wish there was a little more to it. You'll sail through it once, and you may enjoy yourself. But any further playthroughs would be pushing it. Read review | |||||
A.J. Maciejewski |
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13/05/2020 | 60 | |
![]() If you grew up enjoying arcade-style 16-bit games then you'll definitely want to play the delightful Pushy and Pully in Blockland. Read review | |||||
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27/08/2020 | 60 | ||
![]() Pushy and Pully in Blockland est un puzzle game qui a su nous convaincre de par ses mécaniques aisément compréhensibles, et son univers coloré réjouissant. On a certes quelques regrets à émettre, comme une durée de vie trop juste et un principe du Match-3 un peu fouillis, mais on peut tout de même écrire que le bébé acidulé de Resistance Studio est parvenu à nous amuser. Et c’est bien là le principal. Read review | |||||
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02/09/2020 | 60 | ||
![]() Il est évidemment facile de décréter que Pushy and Polly in Blockland ne révolutionnera pas le monde vidéoludique. Ou alors si cela devient le cas, appelez nous ! Reste un principe addictif, fun et relevé qui montre ses limites dans le temps. Typé 90’s, ou jeu pour portable pour les moins débonnaires, le produit pose surtout la question de la nécessité de son adaptation sur son support. Résolument conceptualisé pour le parcours à 2, le titre est parfois maladroit dans sa précision ainsi que dans sa capacité à intéresser celle ou celui qui se retrouve seul face à son écran. D’une difficulté correctement dosée, la création évite la frustration même si l’inspiration connaît quelques légères chutes, largement compensées par les affrontements contre les boss. Plus stratégique qu’il ne paraît de prime abord, Pushy and Polly in Blockland est de ceux qu’on aime tenter le temps de courtes sessions avant de le ranger. Pour l’oublier. Et enfin le ressortir à nouveau, entre 2 productions plus élaborées. Read review | |||||
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22/07/2021 | 50 | ||
![]() Pushy and Pully in Blockland is a hard to recommend game. I did enjoy the gameplay sometimes, and the art style is really cute, but the annoying controls, random difficulties, and boring bosses have too much of an impact on the game. Read review | |||||
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08/06/2020 | 50 | ||
![]() Partant d’un principe intéressant et malgré son esthétique attrayante, Pushy & Pully in Blockland ne plaira probablement qu’à un groupe restreint de personnes, des amoureux ou des nostalgiques des jeux d’arcade bien rétro principalement axés sur le scoring. Pour les autres, le titre de Resistance Studio vous fera très probablement passer un bon moment entre amis le temps d’une soirée ou deux, mais aura des chances de finir rapidement au fond de votre bibliothèque virtuelle de jeux. Read review | |||||
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02/06/2020 | 5 | ||
![]() Pushy and Pully in Blockland est une belle grosse merde. Il mérite un bon gros coup de pied au cul. Un titre qui finira sans doute dans le flop 10 de l’année 2020 ! Read review |
Vida Extra | Oscar Bouzo 'Jarkendia' |
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07/05/2020 | ||
![]() En definitiva, un homenaje bastante digno al clásico de Capcom. Para los que echan en falta esa clase de juegos en la actualidad, Pushy and Pully in Blockland puede ser una buena opción teniendo en cuenta sus limitaciones. Que por mucho que nos guste la nueva oleada de puzles a cargo de indies, de vez en cuando viene bien algo más ligero para recordar tiempos pretéritos. Y en plan arcade, mejor. Read review | |||||
TheXboxHub | Richard Dobson |
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09/05/2020 | ||
![]() Pushy and Pully in Blockland on the Xbox One is simply one of those games that should be avoided at all costs. Repetitive, fiddly and not sure what sort of game it is, the only thing enjoyable about it is the art style. But even then, all it did was make me long to play those older games again rather than have to sit through any more of this. It’s not really a puzzle game, it’s not really a platformer, it’s just an unfortunately bad game. Read review | |||||
The Indie Game Website |
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05/05/2020 | |||
![]() I can think of no better descriptor for the game than candy floss. There is no substance, no depth, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t taste good or isn’t pretty to look at. However, I can’t help but feel like this game would be too hard and frustrating for most young children. Conversely, it doesn’t have much of anything to appeal to anyone over the age of six. In the end, I can’t really recommend the game, and the fact that it depicts the genocide of an entire race with the gleeful candour of the Androids from Dragon Ball Z really doesn’t help. Read review |
1. | Italy | 80 | 2 |
2. | Germany | 75 | 1 |
3. | Mexico | 70 | 1 |
4. | Spain | 69 | 5 |
5. | United Kingdom | 67 | 2 |
6. | Canada | 60 | 1 |
7. | Belgium | 50 | 1 |
8. | France | 43,8 | 4 |