Based on 3 reviews
Based on 30 reviews
Thirteen press media gave it
Glenn Lozano |
14/04/2021 | 85 | |
Glenn Lozano
En conclusión, este título me ha da dado una grata sorpresa por lo agradable de sus gráficos y sonidos, además de contar con misiones que te logran enganchar y conectarte con tu pequeño planeta además de sistemas de progresión tanto en el mundo como en el mismo personaje. Recordar que no es un juego de acción, sino un simulador de farmeo que te ayudará a relajarte. Muy recomendado pasar el rato y salir de la bulliciosa rutina diaria. Read review | |||||
06/03/2022 | 82 | ||
Por fim, Deiland: Pocket Planet é uma soma de diversos pontos positivos que deixa mensagens importantes sobre a criação de laços e como enfrentar os seus medos. Ademais, você com certeza terá horas da mais encantadora e genuína história num game para toda a família. Read review | |||||
Alejandro Espacio Regalado |
23/04/2021 | 80 | |
Alejandro Espacio Regalado
Deiland: Pocket Planet es la versión perfecta para vivir la historia de Arco y disfrutar de la calma que transfiere el cuidar de nuestro pequeño planeta y conocer gente variopinta y entrañable de todos los lugares de la galaxia. La belleza de la naturaleza, con unos diseños vivos y coloridos, la música, que acompaña magistralmente cada momento de nuestra aventura, el divertido sistema de gestión y crafteo y una historia corta pero con un punto interesante son las bazas que aprovecha la obra del estudio valenciano. No supone una gran diferencia con respecto a las versiones de PlayStation 4 y PC, más allá de todos los DLC que se encontraban disponibles en esta última versión, pero poder jugar a este título en modo portátil es una ventaja que no sabíais que necesitabais. Read review | |||||
17/04/2021 | 80 | ||
Eigenlijk kan ik meteen wel zeggen dat Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition voor een zeer leuke singleplayer-ervaring zorgt. Voor een prijs van €19,99 haal je niet alleen een spel in huis die er prachtig uitziet, maar waar je ook nog eens enorm veel uur in kunt steken. Er zijn namelijk bizar veel opdrachten aanwezig en je kunt meer dan genoeg voorwerpen en gerechten maken. Doordat je regelmatig verschillende opdrachten krijgt is de game niet alleen voor fans van dit genre, maar ook voor andere gamers een stuk toegankelijker. Als je het niet heel erg vind dat je iets meer na moet denken hoe je een seizoen in gaat vullen en dat je niet altijd muziek hoort, is deze titel zeker iets voor jou. Read review | |||||
Jim Smale |
20/05/2021 | 78 | |
Jim Smale
Read review | |||||
Mercedes R. |
14/04/2021 | 75 | |
Mercedes R.
Terminamos este análisis diciendo que Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition nos ha resultado un juego entretenido y recomendable para quien quiera jugar de manera muy relajada. Sí es cierto que se deberían mejorar algunos aspectos para hacer más amena la aventura en algunas circunstancias, pero eso no nos ha impedido disfrutar del juego en su totalidad. Por otro lado, hemos sentido como si hubiéramos jugado al mismo juego de hace cinco años o incluso, a Summer in Mara por alguno de sus personajes, lo que también nos ha traído buenos recuerdos. Tanto si conoces el juego como si no, es una buena oportunidad para animarse y probar la experiencia por ti mismo. ¿Te atreves a descubrir el planeta Deiland? Read review | |||||
15/04/2021 | 75 | ||
„Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition“ ist ein gutes Spiel für die Nintendo Switch das mit einigen Besserungen daherkommt als die Vorgängerversion für PC und PS4. Das entspannte Farmspiel bietet viele Stunden Spielspaß, dank netten Charaktere mit denen man sich anfreunden kann, etwas Action indem wir unsere Heimat verteidigen dürfen und genug Quests um uns zu beschäftigen, während die Acker arbeiten und die Tiere Grasen. Zudem sieht das Spiel einfach knuffig aus. Wer auf lockere Farmspiele steht, sollte sich unbedingt mal ein Let´s Play ansehen. Read review | |||||
Daniel García |
27/04/2021 | 75 | |
Daniel García
Esta nueva versión de Deiland mejora lo que ya había. Como gestor de granjas, este título español es atractivo y muy adictivo. Una historia de amistad y valores de un príncipe y su diminuto planeta. Read review | |||||
Giorgio Melani |
14/05/2021 | 75 | |
Giorgio Melani
C\'è una certa magia diffusa in Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition, che emerge nel senso di attaccamento che si sviluppa facilmente con il piccolo pianeta di Arco, un luogo che ben presto impariamo a sentire come "casa nostra". Questo è forse l'elemento più riuscito in questo particolare esperimento del team Chibig: far scaturire subito un'empatia con il protagonista e il suo microcosmo trasognato fra le stelle. Il problema è che il gameplay ibrido cerca forse di mettere insieme troppe caratteristiche e finisce un po' per perdersi, rimanendo sulla superficie delle sue tante sfaccettature senza approfondirne più di tanto nemmeno una. La gestione delle risorse cattura subito nel suo meccanismo composto da piccoli impegni costanti, ma si amplia lentamente e a volte in maniera un po' arbitraria, imponendo il suo ritmo più che consentendoci di gestirlo appieno. Anche l'esplorazione interplanetaria è rarefatta e poco incisiva, appesantita da un sistema di combattimento legnoso e ben poco divertente. Tuttavia, almeno per una buona prima fase vi ritroverete a tornare spesso tra i mille impegni del pianeta Deiland, e infine anche a ricordarlo con affetto una volta che ve ne sarete allontanati. Read review | |||||
Geoff Girardin |
14/04/2021 | 70 | |
Geoff Girardin
My time within this universe was enjoyable, eventually. It was gratifying to see that there was more of the game to experience beyond the initial limitations I had to work through, but the general lack of a tutorial and plodding pacing at the beginning almost turned me off for good. But if you get past that and into the meat of the title, you’ll sink your teeth into something truly satisfying. Read review | |||||
05/05/2021 | 70 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition is a vibrant dose of charming fun but for players more familiar with similar titles there is little here that will keep you invested for more than a few hours. That being said, Deiland’s more simple gameplay loop might be ideal for younger gamers or people looking to try the genre for the first time and chip away at its tasks in short sessions. For £17.99 and just 761MB of your memory card, you’ll be able to take this planet for a spin but we would suggest holding on for a sale. Read review | |||||
30/12/2021 | 70 | ||
Deiland is a pleasant game. It has wonderful music, beautiful art, simple but rewarding gameplay, and I cannot overstate just how great it feels to learn the layout of your own tiny planet. It’s far from a perfect experience, but I had a great time and I believe that a lot of people would too. Read review | |||||
'cooky' |
14/04/2021 | 68 | |
Deiland parvient avec brio le tour de force de réunir en son sein la candeur d’un jeu reposant, et le potentiel d’un soft qui parvient à retenir le joueur par un contenu qui se débloque au fil de sa progression. Avec beaucoup de douceur, Deiland propose au joueur de se plonger dans le quotidien d’un jeune garçon œuvrant pour la survie, sur une nouvelle planète, unissant ses forces avec quelques alliées qui viendront lui demander de multiples quêtes, tout en luttant contre des forces ennemies plus ou moins coriaces. L’ensemble est desservi par des graphismes corrects, avant tout coloré, mais pourvus de textures peu précises, dans une ambiance musicale majoritairement calme et sujette au repos. Un soft idéal pour retrouver un brin de sérénité dans le tumulte d’une vie bien remplie ! Read review | |||||
24/04/2021 | 65 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition has a lovely, relaxing vibe, and some pleasant, very recognizable farming mechanics. But some quest problems lead to frustration – and worse, hours of bewildered wandering. When progression grinds to a halt and there is nothing to do but grow endless crops, Deiland starts to feel less pleasant, and more like a purgatory. Read review | |||||
16/04/2021 | 65 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet ha un forte potenziale che non è stato espresso e realizzato correttamente. Ho apprezzato l’impegno dello sviluppatore nella costruzione del concept di base, davvero innovativo e originale. Il titolo è sicuramente piacevole e rilassante da giocare ma non offre molti stimoli ai giocatori, rischiando di cadere nella monotonia. Mi dispiace notare che il senso di “pocket” qui abbia assunto il significato di limitato. Purtroppo, ci sono diverse falle tecniche che non si possono sottovalutare. Nonostante questo, il farming spaziale ha reso le mie ore di gioco piacevoli e rilassanti e ha destato la mia curiosità nello scoprire di più sulla narrazione. Attualmente, non mi sento né di consigliarlo né di sconsigliarlo e mi dispiace che un gioco con questo potenziale non sia riuscito ad assumere la forma che merita. Read review | |||||
02/05/2021 | 62 | ||
Compared to animal crossing and other farming sims it is relatively basic. There isn’t that much to do and I found myself spending a lot of time waiting… I love the graphics and soundtrack and I really did enjoy playing Deiland. But felt it was more appropriate as a pick up and put down type of game rather than one that involves longer gaming sessions. Read review | |||||
Eliot Lefevre |
14/04/2021 | 60 | |
Eliot Lefevre
At the end of the day, if you’re a genre fan, Deiland will provide you with enough bang for your buck that you won’t feel your time was wasted. But it’s kind of a lightweight thing, and between the short duration and the lack of long-term hooks it’s more a case of genre fans wanting more than it is of a new game to really sink your teeth into. That doesn’t make it bad or disappointing, just perhaps a bit more slight than you’d hope. Read review | |||||
Nathan Mejia |
14/04/2021 | 60 | |
Nathan Mejia
Deiland Pocket Planet Edition is a shallow farming sim that provides you with very base-level quests that don’t really amount to anything memorable. The monotony of completing the quests and watching over crops never becomes more complex or challenging, weighing on the adventure’s lasting factor. There’s little here to experience after a few hours of gameplay, but it’s still a charming indie offering that doesn’t grow into the rose that I had hoped for. Read review | |||||
Matthew Codd |
15/04/2021 | 60 | |
Matthew Codd
Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition is a fun little farm sim, one that lacks depth but makes up for in charm and the uniqueness of its setting. Put your favourite comfort show on TV and play this while you’re half-watching, and you’ve got a nice way to unwind and turn your mind off for a spell. Read review | |||||
Shauni Chan |
15/04/2021 | 60 | |
Shauni Chan
Malheureusement, il est difficile de recommander ce Deiland : Pocket Planet Edition tant il se montre bien en-dessous des autres simulations du genre. En dehors de son aspect esthétique très joli et de son côté détente, on se retrouve avec des quêtes inintéressantes, des combats apportant zéro fun et un gameplay trop limité et répétitif pour convaincre les adeptes du genre. Dommage. Read review | |||||
Mario Petillo |
14/04/2021 | 60 | |
Mario Petillo
Deiland risponde perfettamente alla caratteristica di relaxing game, offrendo delle meccaniche molto semplici e di facili comprensioni. Se a volte sembrerà di essere frustrante è semplicemente dovuto al fatto che la calibrazione della raccolta delle risorse è stata pensata proprio per raggiungere una lentezza e uno stile compassato che vi porti al relax. Sebbene venga presentato come un titolo dalla forte narrativa, Deiland non riesce ad andare oltre ad alcuni sparuti momenti di confronto tra i personaggi che non portano a nessun grande mistero da svelare, accompagnandovi in un'esperienza mordi-e-fuggi che non vi lascerà niente se non qualche ora di spassionato intrattenimento. Read review | |||||
13/05/2021 | 60 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition is a good-enough-for-now game to tide over Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon fans, but its insistence on drip-feeding you content on its own schedule misses the "self-sufficiency" angle that its predecessors nailed. Read review | |||||
28/04/2021 | 60 | ||
With its unique premise and enjoyable art style, Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition could have the potential to be your next fave farm sim. Unfortunately, its clunky structure transforms part of the experience into an aimless chore. Read review | |||||
06/05/2021 | 60 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet seemed promising with all that it offered but ultimately fell flat, especially compared to all the other simulation games currently available. Read review | |||||
07/05/2021 | 60 | ||
There is a simplicity to Deiland: Pocket Planet that may be too basic both in terms of how actions are done, and how little there is to explore on the tiny planet for some, but it is perfect as a before bed or generally relaxing game for others with easy to pick up game mechanics and clear objectives for each quest. Read review | |||||
20/06/2021 | 60 | ||
The final word to describe Deiland the game is one that has been used several times already in this review: charming. Chibig has captured some of the charm and emotion to be found in the work of Antoine de St.-Exupery, mixed it with a blend of RPG and cultivation elements, and given the world another, smaller world to enjoy. Could it have been bigger? Yes. Could it have had more to it? Indubitably. But for what it is, Deiland is a nice diversion from heavier experiences in the genre, and that may well have been what the developers were aiming for. Read review | |||||
02/05/2021 | 60 | ||
I had fun with this little planet simulator but its small scope means it doesn't deliver the same feeling of adventure as Summer in Mara. Read review | |||||
02/05/2021 | 60 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet is a perfectly fine farming sim with the novelty of eking out existence on little planets. However, the lean towards busy work means that only fans of the survival genre will get the most out of it. Read review | |||||
16/04/2021 | 60 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet is a game and concept with a lot of heart and potential, but a few issues bring the experience down. A patch or two this could easily turn into a brilliant short story for any indie gamer, but for now it's an interesting tale that needs a little more time on it. Read review | |||||
Giovanni Bislaco |
14/04/2021 | 58 | |
Giovanni Bislaco
Concludendo, cosa mi sento di dire circa Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition? Per quanto mi riguarda credo che questo videogioco non sia stato in grado di raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati nonostante le sue buone basi. Il gameplay proposto è semplice ed accessibile ed il mondo di gioco risulta molto chiaro. A questo ci pensa un buon sistema di crafting e potenziamento oggetti, il quale risulta semplice e ben curato. Tutto ciò, però, tende a non risultare esaltante a causa di un gameplay reso ulteriormente lento ed incapace di aiutare il giocatore nelle sue scelte e nelle sue azioni. I materiali, compresi quelli semplici, tendono ad essere difficili da reperire e le azioni di gioco risultano molto ripetitive rispetto il necessario. A questo si aggiunge un sistema di combattimento primitivo – incapace di rendere gli scontri esaltanti – e la gestione degli NPC estremamente causale, la quale aumenta ulteriormente la longevità finale. Ad essere sincero non escludo che alcune persone trovino elementi interessanti circa Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition ma allo stesso tempo va ammesso che non riesce a raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Questo insieme di elementi non mi permette di reputare questo videogioco sufficiente e l’acquisto è sconsigliato. Read review | |||||
James Bentley |
14/04/2021 | 55 | |
James Bentley
Deiland: Pocket Planet edition looks to the cosmos but gets pulled in by the inexorable pull of planets - leaving you to crash land after just a few hours. While the rebuild can be fun, the waiting often isn’t worth it Read review | |||||
30/04/2021 | 55 | ||
Deiland: Pocket Planet Edition is a game with a promising concept, yet it didn’t really do anything for me. I really wish I liked this game more since it is much like others of its genre that I enjoy. Read review | |||||
Heather Johnson Yu |
18/04/2021 | 50 | |
Heather Johnson Yu
Googling the mobile version of Deiland yields incredibly positive results, so I am not sure what happened while translating Deiland Pocket Planet for the Switch. I hate giving negative reviews, especially when a game as cute as this seems so welcoming, but if the UI isn’t working, I’m not sure what else to do. If given more time with the title, I am not sure I’d come away feeling any different; in fact, the more time I spend with it, the more frustrated I get. If you’re remotely interested in this one, be sure to watch a few YouTube videos explaining gameplay before calling this little world your new home, otherwise I’d sit this one out. Read review |
Switch RPG | Clark Waggoner |
14/04/2021 | ||
Clark Waggoner
Deiland is a solid 15-20 hour farming adventure with enough RPG elements to keep it interesting on both fronts. The presentation is stunning and keeps you playing simply to stay a little while longer on such a cozy little planet with such an earnest little prince. It’s an easy to recommend game to anyone who is a fan of farming simulators, adventure RPGs, or its charming art style. Yes, there are definitely issues with the build mode (or lack thereof) that keep the experience from being all it could be. These issues, however, do not outweigh what is so charming about Deiland. Read review | |||||
Out of Lives | Lee Chesnalavage |
29/04/2021 | ||
Lee Chesnalavage
Deiland isn’t a console experience. It wants to be a casual, relaxing pick-up-and-play but because of its clicky-clicky grinding mechanic it awkwardly lands in the shallow pool of mobile gaming. Every part of Deiland – from the planet to the story – feel half-baked and hasn’t been fully realised. Read review |
1. | Peru | 85 | 1 |
2. | Brazil | 82 | 1 |
3. | Netherlands | 80 | 1 |
4. | Spain | 76,7 | 3 |
5. | Germany | 75 | 1 |
6. | Czech Republic | 70 | 1 |
7. | United Kingdom | 65,4 | 7 |
8. | Italy | 64,5 | 4 |
9. | France | 64 | 2 |
10. | Australia | 61 | 2 |
11. | Canada | 60 | 2 |
12. | New Zealand | 60 | 1 |
13. | United States | 57,9 | 7 |