Scopely is a leading interactive entertainment and mobile games company. They create and publish a diverse portfolio of immersive experiences, based on original and beloved franchises, for casual and core gamers around the world.
Founded in 2011, Scopely is fueled by a world-class team and a proprietary technology platform that supports one of the most diversified mobile games portfolios in the West. With expertise in game design and development, live services, marketing, analytics and more, we are dedicated to creating engaging mobile experiences that players return to for years to come.
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Scopely Barcelona is a spanish video game development studio based in Barcelona, Barcelona, founded in 2017.
You can know more about Scopely Barcelona through their profiles in Web, X, or LinkedIn.
This biography has been automatically generated by DeVuego from the information stored in its database, so it may be incomplete.
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This studio is currently active
Scopely Barcelona has been 8 years active
Approximate team size of
3 in DeVuego
1 with verified profile
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