Game Studio
Poison Pill Games

Poison Pill Games is an independent videogame studio created in Barcelona. They are currently developing their first game as a company, Vegangsters.

Their goal as a studio is to create original games that people can enjoy, transporting them to fantastic and often funny worlds. However, without forgetting to bring immersive experiences to their players, which could make them think about deeper issues than a detective potato.

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Poison Pill Games is a spanish video game development studio based in Barcelona, Barcelona, founded in 2022.

As a development studio it has developed one spanish videogame. It is currently developing Vegangsters (Poison Pill Games, 2025).

You can know more about Poison Pill Games through their profiles in Presskit, Web, X (Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Bluesky, Steam (Store), or

This biography has been automatically generated by DeVuego from the information stored in its database, so it may be incomplete.


Current members




This studio is currently active

Poison Pill Games has been 2 years active


This studio is legally constituted
Poison Pill Games S.L.

Approximate team size of
6-10 employees

5 in DeVuego
1 with verified profile

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BD Info

Last update 18/06/2024
By Poison Pill Games

Games developed [1]

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Vegangsters 2025 Poison Pill Games Cards
Released Early Access In development On hold Cancelled
Games matching this criteria: 1

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