Game Studio
Patrones y Escondites

Patrones y Escondites is a spanish video game development studio based in Barcelona, Barcelona, founded in 2016.

As a development studio it has developed three spanish videogames, being some of the most important Unmemory (Patrones y Escondites, 2020). They have also developed other video games such as PINEAPPLE: A Bittersweet Revenge (Patrones y Escondites, 2024), and DELETE AFTER READING (Patrones y Escondites, 2023).

You can know more about Patrones y Escondites through their profiles in Web, X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Discord (Servidor).

This biography has been automatically generated by DeVuego from the information stored in its database, so it may be incomplete.


Current members




This studio is currently active

Patrones y Escondites has been 8 years active


This studio is legally constituted
Patrones y Escondites SL

Approximate team size of
2-5 employees

0 in DeVuego
0 with verified profile

  Other profiles and activities

BD Info

Last update 30/03/2023
By DeVuego

Games developed [4]

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