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Manuel Pazos

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Manuel Pazos (Santander) is a spanish video game developer.

As a developer his most common role is Developer. He has participated in two spanish video games, among the most recent The Abbey of Crime Extensum (Manuel Pazos, 2016), where he took part as Developer, and Mutants from the Deep (Locomalito, 2011), where he took part as MSX Version.

You can know more about Manuel Pazos visiting his X (Twitter).

This biography has been automatically generated by DeVuego from the information stored in its database, so it may be incomplete.

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Spanish Video Games

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23/09/2016 Retro Gamer España Retro Gamer España [17] October 2016
02/09/2016 El Mundo del Spectrum El Mundo del Spectrum [4x09 Carlos Abril - IBER - ZXUNO - La Abadía del Crimen ...]

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