Jose Manuel Martinez Gonzalez is a spanish video game developer. He's currently
Gadir Team since january 2021 and
Miembro Recurrente & Publicista of
Cadiz GameDev since october 2023.
As a developer his most common role is . He has participated in a total of six spanish video games, among the most recent Space Game Generator (Jose Manuel Martinez Gonzalez, 2023), where also he took part as , Neon Roller Coaster VR (Jose Manuel Martinez Gonzalez, 2021), where again he took part as , and Lost and found - A que voy yo y lo encuentro (Gadir Team, 2021), where also he took part as .
You can know more about Jose Manuel Martinez Gonzalez visiting his social media profiles in X (Twitter), LinkedIn, YouTube,, or eMail.
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