10/05/2019 |
Within a split second I come to imagine how perfect it is that with its catchy (and repetitive in the most arcade way) soundtracks, perfect pixelated visuals, and carefully designed boss battles, a new era of gamers can now rejoice in the same way I did. However, they get to play it on a console that is not only coin-free, but can be played anytime, anywhere.
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29/05/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion is a fun game to pick up and play on the go. The controls are easy and the levels themselves are challenging, making for a good time.
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Javier Larrea Carrero 'Jazzvier'
12/05/2019 |
Javier Larrea Carrero 'Jazzvier'
Zeroptian Invasion es el mejor homenaje que se podría hacer a un genero y estilo visual tan antiguo dentro del mundo de los videojuegos. Una experiencia gratificante para toda la familia que te reta a superarte en todo momento y que te sorprende de principio a fin. Evidentemente no estamos ante una gran historia ni nada por el estilo sino un juego puramente arcade con una jugabilidad que te obliga a ser preciso hasta decir basta y que no perdona un solo fallo. Si os gusta lo retro Zeroptian Invasion debería de estar en vuestras consolas ya porque hay que detener esta invasión como sea!.
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Lorenzo Rico
04/05/2019 |
Lorenzo Rico
Zeroptian Invasion no busca reinventar la formula de lo que fue Space Invaders, sino en rendirle homenaje. La formula sigue siendo adictiva y desafiante. Derrocha nostalgia ya no solo por las mecánicas, sino por el apartado visual y por la música.
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Pablo Pina Asensi 'Migorado'
24/05/2019 |
Pablo Pina Asensi 'Migorado'
Zeroptian Invasion es un título que trae los mejores elementos de los 80 hasta el presente y gracias a Nintendo Switch podemos revivir esa década donde queramos y como queramos. Si buscamos un título con una gran rejugabilidad al que dedicarle unas pocas horas, este es un juego que, sin duda, no debemos dejar pasar.
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26/06/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion es un gran homenaje a las arcades de nuestra infancia, nos deja con un juego simple que nos ofrece diversión casi infinita. Cuenta con una gran OST, jefes memorables y todo a un precio más que accesible.
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03/05/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion is a fun minimalist arcade-style release that pays homage to video games of ages past such as Space Invaders. It’s an easy pick up and play experience that focuses on the action as you try to stay alive in your fight to defend the planet system from the zeptorian aliens. Plus, you know, two quick Platinum trophies for the price of one!
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05/06/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion is a mix of games that all cumulate in a twist on classic retro games. It does do a good job all though you so feel like you have cheated on the originals, it’s a lot more watered down with power-ups and the way it plays. Having Tate mode really shines on the Nintendo Switch because Ease but otherwise little else is different.
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04/05/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion is a real blast from the past, with some nice modern touches and a few twists here and there. If you love your classic shoot em up then this is one not to miss!
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Sebastián Zavala 'Link64'
19/05/2019 |
Sebastián Zavala 'Link64'
Por menos de cinco “coquillos”, tener un juego estilo “Space Invaders”, con algunos elementos modernos visuales y de gameplay, y completamente portátil, no está del todo mal. Puede que para algunos gamers esto no sea suficiente, pero estoy seguro que aquellos que lo compren y lo jueguen con las expectativas correctas —es decir, no demasiado altas (ja)—, no la pasarán mal con “Zeroptian Invasion”. Como dirían algunos, “está como para pasar el rato”.
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02/09/2019 |
Com forte inspiração em Space Invaders, o game não fica engessado ao material de origem e consegue oferecer uma nova experiência com boas ideias bem aproveitadas. Apresentando dificuldade e duração na medida certa, Zeroptian Invasion tropeça somente em não se preocupar com o pós-jogo. Assim, acaba se tornando passatempo que diverte na primeira vez e sem atrativos que justifiquem reviver a missão espacial.
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Felipe Rodríguez
11/05/2019 |
Felipe Rodríguez
Zeroptian Invasion es un videojuego retro pixel indie sencillo, visualmente bonito y divertido, emulando a los juegos arcade de antaño de las máquinas recreativas. Es ideal para partidas cortas y rápidas y disfrutar jugando.
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29/04/2019 |
It’s not going to win awards for being original, but what it does do is bring that nostalgia that people may be missing to modern consoles. A short and sweet affair, but its entry fee is enough for it to be worth it.
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12/05/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion is like other Ratalaika games in that it’s short with minimum gameplay features with the main benefits being the easy platinum. You aren’t paying much so there shouldn’t be much to expect. It does do a good job of being basic enough without weird gameplay mechanics or requiring anything ridiculous of the player.
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27/04/2019 |
I enjoyed my time with Zeroptian Invasion on the Nintendo Switch. The action can be fast and furious in this retro arcade like video game. We must shoot all of them and avoid getting shot ourselves. The chiptune music fit this game quite well and changed with each area. Zeroptian Invasion shows that new ideas can be brought to older concepts still.
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02/05/2019 |
A homage to classic games such as Space Invaders and Galaga, Zeroptian Invasion is geared toward those who love spending time in their local arcade. The simple design and gameplay paired with a chiptune soundtrack make it feel like this game belongs in a cabinet instead of on the Switch. Although not exciting enough to play extensively, it’s always fun to try and get the high score and record your initials for everyone to see. Personally, I’d still spend my quarters on the classics over this release.
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27/04/2019 |
While in terms of the music and visuals Zeroptian Invasion hits its retro mark the gameplay comes up a bit bland and lacking not just by modern standards but even in some cases up against the games this was looking to emulate. The minor number of pretty weak power-ups, your general lack of agility, and the subdued overall action just make it a game that you can play, not something that reaches out of the screen and grabs you, compelling you to put in another quarter and give it another try. In the end it just fails to deliver anything terribly new or exciting, or even in many cases the charm of the games they’ve borrowed from along the way.
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03/05/2019 |
It feels like this could have been better. For the amount of content it gives, the price seems fair, you can’t get much better at this price range. But still, the polish felt a bit off. Though to give them credit, it did still give me that old arcade vibe from way back when arcades were still a thing, and space invaders were still present before it got replaced by fancier games. Though not the best game out there, it sure could’ve been worse. So heck, you might want to give it a shot if you have some spare change still laying around and you don’t have anything else to spend it on.
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Arturo Albero
21/05/2019 |
Arturo Albero
Un clónico de Space Invaders y Galaga, con estilo retro y que ni siquiera ocupa la pantalla completa. No es malo, pero es el enésimo clon de los originales. Si eres fan de estos juegos, puede que te guste. Se me ha difícil de recomendar en otro caso.
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Arturo Albero
21/05/2019 |
Arturo Albero
Un clónico de Space Invaders y Galaga, con estilo retro y que ni siquiera ocupa la pantalla completa. No es malo, pero es el enésimo clon de los originales. Si eres fan de estos juegos, puede que te guste. Se me ha difícil de recomendar en otro caso.
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Moisés Artacho
29/04/2019 |
Moisés Artacho
Zeroptian Invasion no tiene mucho más que ofrecer, salvo esa sensación de estar jugando a una vieja gloria por la que no pasan los años. Los nostálgicos y veteranos se sentirán como en casa, mientras que los jugadores más noveles quizá se pregunten como diantres nos entreteníamos hace tantos años con algo tan simplón. Los años no pasan en vano, y lógicamente esta jugabilidad está desfasadísima a día de hoy, pero oye, siempre apetece retroceder en el tiempo y eliminar marcianos a la vieja usanza.
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26/06/2019 |
I get that this is kind of a lazy way to write about Zeroptian Invasion. But, in my defense, this is a lazy kind of game. The most innovative thing it does is give you the option of CRT mode, which toggles between making the game look crisp and clean, or making it kinda-sorta imitate how games looked a few decades ago. Apart from that…I don’t know, you could get into the debate of whether this is more Galaga than Space Invaders. Either way, though, both of those games are classics that will continue to be remembered for decades to come, whereas I’m going to forget Zeroptian Invasion even existed within a few minutes of finishing this review.
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08/05/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion is a remake of a retro classic but unfortunately doesn’t entice you enough to keep you playing it for more than a few minutes.
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18/06/2019 |
Zeroptian Invasion wants to ape the style of Space Invaders and the vertical shoot-em-ups of the 80s but fails miserably. While it does have a nice presentation style, the fact that its main gameplay loop struggles with you at every possible moment means that this game unfortunately can’t hold a candle to the genre greats.
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05/05/2019 |
Taito have done great things with the Space Invaders series so copying the original and ignoring the brilliant sequels seems kind of lazy. If you want cheap platinums while looking at something that kind of looks like a MAME rom then this will serve that function but if you want anything approaching a good game then this isn't for you.
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