
01/05/2009 |

Profundo y adictivo, no podrás parar de eliminar enemigos realizando efectos con las balas y moverte para evitar recibirlas.
Revista Oficial PlayStation [100] Mayo 2009 Disponible online en Archive.org

04/2009 |

Some complaints would be the length (mainly because we had such a good time we wanted more), lack of features/replayability, and we would have loved a larger arsenal of weapons/locations. All in all Wanted: Weapons of Fate will do exactly what it is meant to do for adult gamers who pick it up in stores this week, provide a over-the-too fun experience with many ties (both gameplay and story-wise) to the Wanted universe.
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Omar Álvarez García

08/04/2009 |

Omar Álvarez García
Grin Barcelona ha arriesgado más de lo que parece, enfocando su juego de acción en un raíl invisible y sin distraer al jugador con pausas innecesarias. En relación con la franquicia, adquiere su espíritu enérgico y sus desmesurados excesos, con lo que los fans más recalcitrantes no deberían sentirse decepcionados. Eso sí, lamentamos creer que Wanted dividirá al público, con probable abundancia en el lado de los detractores. Los aficionados al género, acostumbrados a medianías sin alma, deben saber obviar los defectos de Wanted y apreciar, de una producción no tan rimbombante, su valentía y esfuerzo.
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Javier Artero

19/04/2009 |

Javier Artero
Divertido mientras dura, el gran problema de Wanted es su breve duración, pero aun así, considero que es un juego que se debe vivir ya que ofrece novedades suficientes como para darle una oportunidad dentro de un género explotadísimo en Xbox 360. Y eso no es nada fácil de conseguir.
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04/2009 |

Overall, Wanted: Weapons of Fate won't win any GOTY awards, but it's still a major improvement for movie-licensed games and serves as an example for how to truly do a movie-game right.
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17/04/2009 |

Mucha acción en frenéticos tiroteos de desarrollo simple y escasa duración. Divertido, pero le faltan modos de juego.
PlayMania [124] Mayo 2009 Disponible online en Archive.org

24/03/2009 |

Like the movie, Wanted: Weapons of Fate is more style than substance. The game is at its best when Wesley is quick chaining cover with his ability to slow down time and curve bullets in the midst of overwhelming odds. The story is brief but I’m not sure it could have been much longer without the stylized action wearing a little thin (it starts to feel that way towards the end). Gamers with a passing interest in the title will likely get their fill of the experience in a weekend rental, but fans of the movie and graphic novel will be quite happy joining the Fraternity on a more permanent basis.
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26/03/2009 |

To conclude, Wanted: Weapons of Fate is not a bad game. It's most crippling flaw is that it's too expensive for something that only lasts a few hours. No multiplayer and a short solo experience makes it hard to justify a $60 purchase. And even though the A.I. is bland and repetition is high, there is no denying that it's still a pretty fun game and at a lower cost, it's certainly worth the price of admission. Give this one a try in a few months when the price tag is a bit cheaper, or at least give it a rent, there's definitely some fun to be had here.
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05/2009 |

A decent FPS-style shoot 'em up. The curving bullets are fun, but other than that, there's nothing special. It's a bit on the short side, too.

2009 |

And to top it off, it’s almost shockingly short: for a full-priced game, we expected more than four hours of gameplay with no multiplayer in sight. If it cost $40 or less, we’d be singing a different tune…

30/03/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate continues the story of the movie and can be considered Wanted 1.5, so fans of the film and comic should definitely give the game a try. Comic book diehards will appreciate the return of mask and suit from the comics. More importantly, gamers will be ecstatic to learn that a competent licensed movie-game has released with both cinematic style and ground-breaking gameplay. It's not long enough to own at full price, but Wanted introduces enough new gameplay elements, like curved bullets and rounded cover, to make it worth checking out, even if it's only nine levels.
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03/2009 |

In conclusion, Wanted: Weapons of Fate seems a tad contrived and forced and although the combat and gameplay is rather strong, the title does become repetitive midpoint. It's still fun to play but don't expect this to be the killer title of the year. It sits somewhere between average to above average in the grand scheme of the gaming world.
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04/2009 |

For fans of the film, the game is the perfect match. Folks that like action-shooters may be disappointed, because Wanted: Weapon of Fate is too linear and offers too little alternation.
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04/05/2009 |

Ultimately, Wanted: Weapons of Fate is a short game, but excellent fun while it lasts. Taking things into consideration, I guess the shine of its stand-out features would probably wear off if it were much longer anyway. So while it might not be worth parting with $100+ for, it’s well worth a rental or adding to your collection if and when you can pick it up on special.
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04/2009 |

Now that we've established the bottom-line, it's time for our usual nitpicking. In terms of gameplay, while we love the idea of bullet-curving in general, it made the game way too easy (even easier than normal) in open areas. When there's no ceiling to worry about, you can simply lock on to a target, hold up on the joystick, and shoot an arc to an almost-guaranteed headshot. Each curved bullet costs you one unit of "Adrenaline," but you earn back one unit every time you kill someone, so you can do this indefinitely.
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Hilary Goldstein

30/03/2009 |

Hilary Goldstein
I have nothing against short games, so long as there is proper incentive to play multiple times. Wanted lacks any such incentives. Something as simple as an arcade scoring system or in-depth stats might have been enough to make a second playthrough interesting. Even though the first time through is enjoyable (yes, it's fun at times!), there's a real lack of content. This is best as a rental, since you can beat Wanted in one sitting.
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06/04/2009 |

As it stands, Wanted: Weapons of Fate is not worth a retail purchase. However, if you do see it in a Bargain Bucket or for rental, do pick it up because what's here is lots of fun, there just isn't a lot there in the first place. It's the equivalent of getting a donkey, strapping a jetpack to it but only filling the tank halfway. It takes something old that's been way overused, attaches something new to it to add more fun, but then takes away this fun and orginality by being too short. OK, that was a terrible analogy, but you get the picture.
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04/2009 |

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07/04/2009 |

Written by Millar, another insanely creative child of 2000AD, the UK comic that nurtured Alan Moore and Garth Ennis among many others, the Wanted comic book was as amoral a tale of death without conscience or consequence as you could imagine. While the game never comes close to the level of daring and invention within that work, the good news is that it is at least on par with the film, and probably better. In the world of comic/movie tie-ins, that in itself is as unlikely as breaking the laws of physics.
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Daniel Fernández «Reberant»

20/04/2009 |

Daniel Fernández «Reberant»
En definitiva, un buen juego de acción, muy espectacular gracias a la posibilidad de dar efecto a nuestros disparos, pero falla en su duración y en su nula dificultad. Sin embargo, a quienes les gustó la película deberían probarlo, puesto que Wanted: Weapons of Fate continúa la historia.
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Enric Mateo Fernández

25/04/2009 |

Enric Mateo Fernández
Como decíamos, el juego no se recordará seguramente como un referente del género, pero su frescura y sus ideas dentro de su mecánica de desarrollo sí que a la larga estamos más que seguros de que se aprobecharán para próximos títulos del género. En general Wanted es un título bastante redondo, sobretodo en términos técnicos, donde esta a un buen nivel, pese a algunos fallos extraños que huelen más a “que se nos echa encima el tiempo de entrega” que a otra cosa. De todas maneras, y eso ya no se puede tapar ni mirar hacia otro lado, és su duración, de juzgado de guardia, sín multijugador no puede durarnos una aventura unas cuatro horas, no hoy en día. Wanted sín duda esta destinado a los fans de la franquícia, que seguramente harán la vista gorda a lo comentado, se lo pasarán “pipa”, y a los que les guste la acción de verdad, Wanted puede ser corto, pero és una auténtica montaña rusa, también disfrutarán de lo lindo.
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03/2009 |

While not a horrible game by any means; Wanted: Weapons of Fate has its share of fun action-packed moments that runs out of steam way too quickly. With linear levels and poor enemy AI, it’s hard to enjoy the game’s awesome gunplay. This one is worth the look if you liked the movie and the graphic novel.
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01/06/2009 |

A good, but flawed game.

20/05/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate é uma experiência que apesar de divertida não pode ser recomendável sem alguns pontos em conta primeiro. Entretêm enquanto dura mas tão rápido quanto se começa a divertir com o jogo, ele acaba. Sem qualquer valor de repetição e extremamente curto, o jogo pode ainda tornar-se repetitivo a médio prazo e desinteressante. O potencial está presente mas podia ter sido muito mais.
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01/05/2009 |

Ultimately misses more than it hits because it has so little game.

04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate is like buying a car from a shifty looking guy down an alley. It has some nice features, it works well, it may even be really, really fun, but then you realise that you’re missing a massive chunk of what you paid for and you can’t help but feel somewhat cheated.
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Martin Deppe

03/04/2009 |

Martin Deppe
The search for the best angle to take a shot, the good controls and smooth gameplay combine into a fast-paced foray, which ends just as fast after only four hours. There should have been a multi-player mode, the father and son characters almost demand a co-operative mode. The game is cheaper than usual, but it's still too expensive for a game that short.
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01/04/2009 |

In the end this game truly does serve its purpose to promote a movie. Or wait. Maybe it doesnt since the movie has already been released and is no longer in theatres. Ok, then really there is no point to the game other than something to kill a few hours or maybe hold you over until the next big title. The title had promise and looked like it was going to be quite fun to play after playing through the first level or 2, but once the novelty wore off thats where the game then became repetitive and quite frankly a bit boring. If you are a fan of the comic book or the movie, then you will probably want to play this, but other than that its just a rental for most at best
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01/05/2009 |

A fantastic action game with unique feathers. Make sure you rent it, though.

07/04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate unisce interessanti intuizioni di gameplay ad uno stile molto cinematografico, creando una esperienza sicuramente divertente anche se tendente al ripetitivo. Purtroppo i suoi pregi vengono largamente oscurati dalla scarsissima longevità, assolutamente inadeguata ad un titolo venduto a prezzo pieno.
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17/01/2011 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate is not a terrible game by any means; in fact it has a lot of cool gimmicks that are executed fairly eloquently. The problems arise when you realize the game is able to be finished within one sitting and there really is no reason to go back through outside of unlocking some Gamerscore. If ever a game warranted a rental it would be Weapons of Fate, but if you are looking for a unique take on the cover mechanic, and enjoyed the over-the-top action of the film you will likely enjoy the short stint that is Wanted. Everyone else would be satisfied with a weekend rental.
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03/04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate is like it’s from Bizzaro world - traditionally, you get the good game or movie and then you get the shitty adaptation, but like The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, this game gets it all backwards. Maybe its Warner Bros. way of apologizing for how bad the movie was. I’d recommend this, but it’s incredibly brief (4-5 hours depending on individual ham-handedness) and the levels (good looking levels, mind you) are all short and same-y, and the game's childish obsession with swearing and guns just makes it shallow and only worth a rental at best.
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04/2009 |

Wanted is an unfortunate disappointment to me, but not as much for its gameplay design, which is where a lot of games lose points. It has a nice control scheme, it has some grin-inducing comedic dialogue and more. The key argument against it is that there’s simply not enough of it—and that ends up drawing a big thumbs down from me.
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Ramón Méndez González

03/04/2009 |

Ramón Méndez González
Wanted: Weapons of Fate es una digna continuación de la película en la que se inspira. Consigue trasladar el estilo visual y la ambientación del film al juego, con una excelente representación de los personajes y un argumento que, sin ser maravilloso, consigue ampliar la historia ya conocida. A nivel jugable cuenta con muy buenas ideas, heredadas en su mayoría, pero no puede evitar caer en una cierta repetición de elementos y situaciones, motivada principalmente por la escasa variedad de enemigos. Pero sobre todo, la escasa duración del título, con apenas cuatro horas del juego, es un handicap muy importante a la hora de valorar este Wanted. Aunque hay varios modos de juego ocultos, y distintos personajes, todo se limita a revivir la misma historia una y otra vez. Acción a raudales y una ambientación fabulosa, con un notable apartado técnico, que apenas da tiempo a disfrutarla por culpa de una efímera duración.
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Álvaro Castellano

03/04/2009 |

Álvaro Castellano
Wanted es un título más que competente, y una nueva demostración de que no todas las adaptaciones de cine a videojuegos están condenadas al fracaso. Con una mayor duración, multijugador, acción más variada y una IA aceptable estaríamos hablando de un título muy superior, pero Weapons of Fate no deja por ello de ser una opción interesante para los mayores fans de la acción.
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20/04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons Of Fate está a la altura de lo que mostro Timur Bekmambetov en su película, pese a encontrarnos ante un titulo divertido e intuitivo en la jugabilidad con un argumento (predecible) pero interesante e incluso mejor que el de la película, nos encontramos ante un juego bastante lineal, repetitivo en algunos casos y con una duración de verdadera vergüenza con apenas 5 horas de juego sin ningún aliciente de rejugarlo. No hay modo online, no hay extras que agranden la duración y no está en castellano.
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Valerio De Vittorio

03/04/2009 |

Valerio De Vittorio
Wanted: Weapons of Fate avrebbe potuto essere un ottimo titolo d'azione: il gameplay è solido e, anche se non particolarmente originale, riesce a intrattenere il giocatore amante del genere. Il comparto tecnico è sicuramente di buon livello, garantendo alla produzione un ottimo tasso di spettacolarità. Il suo vero grosso difetto è la brevità: quattro ore sono, a nostro parere, troppo poche e lasciano l'amaro in bocca per l'occasione sprecata dagli sviluppatori di mostrare tutto il loro talento, che traspare soprattutto nelle fasi a bordo dell'aereo. Consideratelo solo se pensate che così poche ora di divertimento valgano il prezzo del biglietto.
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Sanford May

05/04/2009 |

Sanford May
When I say that Wanted: Weapons of Fate is short, I mean, you know, really short. It'll provide six hours of gameplay on the moderate difficulty setting, maybe eight if you hunt down all of the collectibles to unlock comic book covers and video. It might take 10 or 12 hours if you play on the highest difficulty the first time through. The other way to extend the game's life is to keep playing and collect all of the Achievements. You'll have to care a little about Wanted and a whole lot about esoteric Achievements. I can't recommend this game to anyone other than gamers who are long-time fans of the Wanted comic books. Even then, there aren't any life-changing revelations in the game's ho-hum ending. Wanted is mediocre and too short, and it's only of vague entertainment even for players with prerequisite interests.
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03/04/2009 |

De korte speelduur is stiekem de redding van Wanted: Weapons of Fate. Was de game langer geweest dan was de eentonigheid ongetwijfeld toegeslagen. Wanted is daarom ook alleen aan te raden voor de fanatiekste Wanted-fans. De rest kan deze middelmatige shooter misschien beter eens een kans geven wanneer hij in de budgetbakken te vinden is.
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Gabriele Caruolo

05/04/2009 |

Gabriele Caruolo
Wanted: Weapons of Fate è un buon action game, che associa ad una realizzazione tecnica decente una discreta innovazione nel gameplay classico del genere, introducendo elementi innovativi di spessore. Sfortunatamente alcune scelte discutibili proprio nel gameplay e alcune carenze dal punto di vista tecnico gettano qualche ombra su questo titolo, che la longevità imbarazzante affossa definitivamente. Wanted, con pochi accorgimenti, sarebbe potuto essere un action game molto migliore, che avrebbe appassionato tutti i videogiocatori, invece è solo un buon titolo, ricco di azione, ma con qualche difetto irritante sia nel gameplay e con una longevità cosi bassa da renderlo anche meno duraturo di alcuni prodotti disponibili su PSN o LiveArcade. Wanted: Weapons of Fate è consigliato solamente a tutti gli amanti dell’azione che sono disposti ad investire una buona cifra per appena quattro ore di intrattenimento videoludico. Se invece proprio non sopportate la drastica riduzione di contenuti che ormai caratterizza molte produzioni, smussate pure di un punto il giudizio finale.
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22/04/2009 |

Wanted’s repetitive gameplay, awful dialogue, and plain-jane graphics provide an underwhelming experience that doesn’t make a case for being wanted by anyone.
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Alessandro Yo

02/04/2009 |

Alessandro Yo
Wanted si presenta orgogliosamente, e si conferma, come agitante, scontato, blando. Senza misure intermedie, potenzialmente divertente e potenzialmente tedioso a seconda dei gusti di chi lo completa: uno strumento di intrattenimento che chiede di ricevere quanto più possibile da voi ma senza restituire molto in cambio. Basta quindi prenderlo per ciò che vuole assolutamente essere, ma anche nella consapevolezza che ci sono alternative che potrebbero attirarvi con le stesse premesse, e rivelarsi più sostanziose. Intanto che ponderate la possibilità di investire il vostro tempo su Wanted o altrove, a seconda di ciò che cercate, potreste provare a capire quali tra i Pro sono stati da noi messi tra i Contro, e viceversa.
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01/04/2009 |

The good news is that the game, as dull as it gets, doesn't last for more than five hours. It's quick and dirty.

01/05/2009 |

While it’s not the game of the film, which would have been one long tutorial, it still manages to be just as bad as most film licenses. Perhaps the game’s shortness is a blessing in disguise.
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04/08/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate, unravels the Loom of Fate a little too much as the game adaptation feels less inspired then its source material. What could have been an amazing action game turns into a cover-by-numbers action title, something we have played a dozen times in the past. The only factors that help Wanted through the bad times are the fidelity of curving bullets and the philosophising plotline. Aside from a few "wow" moments, you’ll likely be in a daze as you work your way through the games short levels. Wanted: Weapons of Fate is a weekend rental, but not a full out purchase. It's unfortunate that Wanted has to be one of those failed attempts to recreate something that might be best left alone. Until Bekmambetov signs up for a sequel, I’d stick to re-watching the film.
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07/04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate is arrogant and patronising ... which would not be a problem if the game was amazing; but with flawed controls, repetitive action and an extremely short experience overall, this was never going to live up to its own delusions of grandeur. You may get a few hours of fun out of this game, but by that point you will have probably completed the story and sent the game on its merry way back to the store. There are far better offerings out there and even recent games like 50 Cent and Wheelman offer a much more satisfying experience.
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05/2009 |

The combat is, despite flowing well, incredibly and utterly console.
Ramón Nafria «Naeval»

10/05/2009 |

Ramón Nafria «Naeval»
No obstante, y por compararlo con algo del mismo género y salido hace poco, puestos a elegir entre éste y Eat Lead, por ejemplo, me quedaba antes con Eat Lead. Wanted parece más bien un encargo que la gente de GRIN ha realizado con gran profesionalidad y saber hacer, mientras que Eat Lead es un juego propio al que le han querido dar cierta alma. Y el alma, mis queridos lectores, es un sentimiento muy potente.
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Justin Calvert

25/03/2009 |

Justin Calvert
Wanted: Weapons of Fate isn't just a short game; it's an easy one. Checkpoints are scattered liberally throughout each of the linear levels, but given the prevalence of cover and the predictability of enemies, you'll rarely need to use them. Even the unlikely event of running out of ammo doesn't pose a big problem because, if you can get close enough to an enemy to melee him, just a single button press is enough to kill. There's undoubtedly some fun to be had in Wanted: Weapons of Fate, but there are so many superior shooters giving you more bang for your buck out there that it's tough to recommend.
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30/03/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate kind of gets it from both ends. It's a short game, but if it were longer, the excitement of bullet curving would probably wear off. That said, it's got some cool concepts and it compliments the film fairly well. If you can find it for less-than-full price, it's worth checking out.
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01/04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate ziet er goed uit en speelt lekker. Er is echter niets dat de game bijzonder maakt. In de tutorial leer je verschillende leuke vaardigheden, maar die kun je nauwelijks gebruiken. Daarnaast ontbreekt een multiplayer-modus en is de singleplayer-modus kort, waardoor de game een middenmoter blijft, terwijl het een (sub-)topper had kunnen zijn.
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03/04/2009 |

Among the lines of interesting code there still lurks plenty of potential - perhaps for a speed-based high-scores shooter in the same mould as The Club, or for more exotic tactics that call upon the destructive cover and explosive ornaments that occasionally brush against the rank-and-file run-and-gun. Or perhaps for something else entirely. GRIN clearly has the capacity to go beyond what it does in Wanted, and it's a shame that the game only aspires to be a competent, mildly inventive extension of the film.
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03/04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate isn't a terrible game, but it is a disappointing one. With a license that seemed tailor made for the video game treatment and a competent developer (Grin, makers of the PC GRAW titles and the forthcoming Bionic Commando) in charge, there was a chance this would be something really rather good. What we ended up with is a perfectly passable, often enjoyable game, but not something that will be remembered once you've beaten it over the course of a few evenings.
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06/04/2009 |

There are things to admire about Wanted: Weapons Of Fate. Apart from the gameplay twists and cinematic action sequences the voice-work is sterling and the graphics, as has been mentioned, are gorgeous. However, due to its shortness of length, repetitive (and at times annoying) gameplay and non-existent replay value, it's hard to justify paying the full recommended retail price for it – especially when you consider that there is downloadable content on both Xbox Live and PSN that is both cheaper and has more depth and longevity. Wanted: Weapons of Fate is not a terrible game. It's a worthy rental to be sure. Whether you think it's more than that depends on how much of a rabid fan you are of the Wanted franchise.
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01/05/2009 |

The ideas Grin has introduced work well within the plot put forward by the comic books, it's just a shame they don't hold up over an extended period.

06/04/2009 |

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24/03/2009 |

For its six-hour playthrough (you can extend that by unlocking alternate characters, but they're so unmemorable and non-gameplay changing, that they provide no incentive to play through again), Wanted: Weapons of Fate is at best a competent, fire-and-forget movie game -- not much more nor less.
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04/2009 |

It’s just boring and redundant. It’s worth a rental, especially if you enjoyed the big-screen or comic book incarnations of the franchise, but even a guest appearance by Angie herself wouldn’t make this worth full price.
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27/05/2009 |

If you loved the movie or just want to spend an hour or so with the game, then it's worth renting as long as you're happy with what you're getting yourself into. As a purchase, though, it's far too short, easy, and buggy to be worth the price.
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04/2009 |

Too short and too late to be wanted.
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08/04/2009 |

Dus heel erg spannend is Wanted: Weapons of Fate helaas niet. De game blijft veel te veel aan de oppervlakte. Er is gekeken naar Gears of War en Max Payne maar helaas is er maar deels goed gejat. Hoewel dit gemiddeld een betere licentiegame is dan andere filmgames schort er toch teveel aan. De liefhebbers die Wanted hebben gezien moeten zeker de game even spelen gezien het qua verhaallijn verder gaat, wat leuk is. Maar ga geen 60 euro betalen voor drie uur aan een singleplayer waarbij de replaywaarde ophoudt. Liefhebbers van shooters kunnen deze titel beter laten liggen want behalve toffe 'curved bulletes' heeft de game niet veel interesssants te bieden en is het allemaal veel te makkelijk.
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02/04/2009 |

The surprising thing is that through all of its gameplay clich's, Wanted isn't a total waste. No matter how mundane the rest of the game may seem, the bullet-curve aspect is a cool element and definitely a feature that could've been improved further. The developers attempted to enliven the atmosphere a bit with variety of interactive action sequences. Sadly, this was also enjoyable for a short time. Yep, storming through the single-player is yet another downside to Wanted: Weapons of Fate. It can be completed in less than six hours and that's even if you do your best to find all the poorly hidden paper slips that unlock the development team's concept art and such (yaay!).
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24/03/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate можно было бы отпустить грехи, выйди она бесплатным довеском на Blu-ray издании фильма, а не 20-долларовой ловушкой для фанатов. Самое смешное, что, несмотря на усыпляющее действие, сравнимое по мощности с эффектом бекмамбетовской ленты, изделие GRIN все равно на три головы выше, чем российские штамповки по мотивам доморощенных недоблокбастеров.
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01/04/2009 |

Another movie tie-in game, another poor title. Weapons of Fate had the potential to be a great game as the bullet curve system is very unique and fun to use. However, the game suffers from repetitive gameplay and barely serviceable graphics. In essence, the game doesn’t leave you wanting more – it leaves you wanting an entirely new game altogether.
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04/2009 |

All in all, Wanted: Weapons of Fate isn't so much a game for fans of the shooter genre, but it's a game for fans of Wanted.

24/03/2009 |

espite Weapons of Fate's many issues, there's one really great stage that stands out, a section in which Wesley's father must shoot his way through an airplane filled with terrorists. By shooting fire extinguishers he can blow the doors off the cabin and suck gunmen out into the sky. He can use beverage carts as movable cover. There's a great moment during his escape from the jet in which he must shoot enemy bullets, then take down the gunmen. This dense collection of neat moments cuts through the tedium and delivers the same action-packed frenzy as the film, making the level the indisputable highlight of the game. It's a shame that the rest of it couldn't harness so much excitement.
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01/05/2009 |

Briefly interesting, until repetitive, unimaginative mechanics make the experience more closely resemble prostitution than actual gameplay. Ok if you’re looking for a cheap thrill (or a rental)...for everyone else, you’re advised to look elsewhere.

04/2009 |

A competent shooter, but just barely. The ideas behind the cover system and the bullet curve are certainly solid, but the rest of the game just doesn't hold up that well.
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01/05/2009 |

A stunt-filled shooter in the vein (but not the league) of Stranglehold, it's a game that takes control away, reverts to how things used to be done, and judders between debilitating combat and haywire presentation.

04/2009 |

Wanted: Weapons of Fate with more care and attention would have made for a decent video game.
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04/2009 |

Easily the worst shooter we've seen so far this year and quite possibly the whole of last year as well, we can't see fans of either the film, comic, or third-person shooters enjoying Weapons of Fate.

04/2009 |

A half decent storyline and inspired source material do little to conceal the miserable effort Weapons of Fate turns out to be. This is not primetime playing or even pastime stuff, its B-side gaming best left on its own to die an unimportant death. Fans of the movie or the cult comic series by Mark Millar may want to try it, but approach with caution.

12/05/2009 |

There’s a mixed bag of ideas present in Wanted: Weapons of Fate, but as a whole it feels terribly rushed. In the gameplay area, it’s just about competent, but still lacking some vital ingredients. The mechanics surrounding cover and the various techniques the player can utilise are there, but the execution is really nowhere to be found, and despite its stylish appearance and outward level of polish, it’s incredibly light on content. Don’t let it be confused for a polished turd, because it’s rather a polished nothingness, a great big hole where someone left a few useful tools and mysteriously departed. Style is by no means a bad thing, but when it’s too distanced from the player they simply become another spectator, and if Wanted is guilty of nothing else – which, by the way, it is – it’s this.
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