01/10/2004 |
Emoción, diversión y adicción a partes iguales. Un clásico
MicroManía [105] Octubre 2003 Disponible online en Archive.org
11/11/2003 |
Finalmente, Commandos 3 es un juego de los que hacen historia y encantan a mucha gente. Pyro Studios nos trae un excelente título que termina de manera espectacular la importante saga de Commandos.
Su principal defecto (que para muchos no lo será) es la elevada dificultad que presenta, aun pensando que se ha tratado de hacer un juego más dinámico para todo tipo de jugadores. Sin duda esto será un lastre para unos y un buen reto para otros. Pero de lo que no dudamos es de que Commandos 3 os encantará. Tanto si os va la estrategia como si no, deberíais probarlo.
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A fun and highly challenging tactical game that will test your analytical skills as well as your undying patience.
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Whether you're a newcomer or a veteran player, you must play Commandos 3! Finish it in single player, then beat your friends in multiplayer. It is a fun game, with very nice graphics and music. It is a game that requires much thinking and planning, and it will make you lose many nights trying to finish it You might find it a little, bit hard but in the end you will be able to proudly say; “I have finished Commandos 3!”. And if it is first game you played from Commandos saga, definitely get the other 2 as well!
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Julio Gómez
27/10/2003 |
Julio Gómez
Ignacio Pérez afirmo en la presentación del juego, a la que asistimos, que no habría más entregas de Commandos por el momento, con lo cual Commandos 3 es una especie de resumen de toda la saga mezclando la primera y segunda entregas a partes iguales. Tiene algunas cosas mejorables (el engine 2D es un poco arcaico y el juego pide 3D en muchas de sus acciones) pero es un juego bien diseñado y que tiene ya su público fiel. Esperemos que los próximos juegos de Pyro mantengan esta alta línea de calidad de sus cuatro primeras producciones.
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24/10/2003 |
Es un cambio en este tipo de cosas las que más miedo me dan, de hecho, debo reconocer que los cambios introducidos en esta tercera entrega no son santo de mi devoción. He sido capaz de adaptarme, pero echo mucho de menos la rapidez de acción con la que contaba antes. Por alguna razón, se ha optado cambiar el sistema de atajos o accesos rápidos que disfrutábamos en la segunda parte. Ya no podremos acceder de forma directa al cuchillo, al rifle o al tabaco, ahora dependeremos de unas teclas cíclicas que nos recorrerán cada uno de los objetos del inventario. Así, tendremos una tecla para las armas, y al presionarla accederemos de forma secuencial a todo nuestro arsenal, ¿qué tiene de malo esto? Bueno, para algunos, será un acierto y posiblemente más cómodo, pero para los que estén acostumbrados a jugar con los atajos y a tomar decisiones sobre la marcha, pasar al cuchillo y rápidamente al rifle pues tienen un pequeño handicap que resolver. Yo me he visto en más de un problema por el dichoso ciclo, quiero actuar con velocidad y me paso en el ciclo, no me doy cuenta y en vez de darle un puñetazo le calzo cuatro tiros y adiós al sigilo.
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10/2003 |
Now what we have all been waiting for…the graphics. Everything was pleasing to the eye, from the units to the interior and exterior environments and maps. Camera position allows you to get better perspectives of the situation though some may complain that it can be a little awkward. I couldn’t have asked for a better weather and day/night system, which added incredible reality to the game. Also, I can’t stress enough how detailed this game is, neglecting the fact that the highest resolution it offers is 800x600. Sound is also outstanding, bringing the familiar sound of impending doom and rising hero. The voices were ok but I was hoping for more. Sound FX was also ok though with such a game like this, there should be no competition.
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20/10/2003 |
Make no mistake that it is going to give you absolute hell, yet beyond the initial frustration at your apparent gaming impotence, attempting to penetrate its steely exterior becomes a bizarre pleasure that offers a triumphant sense of achievement. If you think you have the patience and what it takes to lead these men to victory, then be my guest. Give it your best shot.
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Despite these shortcomings, Destination Berlin’s blend of battlefield strategy and sneaky infiltration will appeal to experienced strategy fans. Novices should scout out another battle.
Sam Parker
20/10/2003 |
Sam Parker
If any game offers the chance to understand just how impossible the heroic events of war movies would be to accomplish, Commandos 3 is it. Achieving objectives against all odds takes planning, timing, lots of luck, and saved games. For all that it can be rough going and unevenly paced, Commandos 3 offers some truly memorable moments, and each mission stands on its own as a unique challenge. Commandos 2 fans should find plenty of satisfying material, though this isn't the game that's going to get newcomers into the series.
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01/11/2003 |
Those 12 missions might not sound like a lot, but their sprawling scope and elaborate challenges will keep you busy for dozens of hours.
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Could it possibly be more impressive than Commandos 2? The answer is no, and I don’t think developer Pyro Studios even really tried.
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One of the most rewarding games around for the devout strategist, but those less experienced will find it hard to get started, and may get disheartened by the obstacles.
23/11/2003 |
If you're a big Commandos fan, chances are you'll find something here to like. The movement and timing puzzles that make up the bulk of the gameplay can be tedious and frustrating, but completion of a mission always brings a rewarding sense of accomplishment. The interface quirks, some occasional crashes, and documentation gaps prevent Commandos 3 from being all it can be, but at the end of the day, it's good enough.
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01/12/2003 |
Sadly, despite such impressive scope, the difficulty level takes its toll on the playing experience. Only those with buckets of patience and strategic acumen will ever fully realise this game's awesome potential.
01/11/2003 |
Despite all its shortcomings, Commandos 3 is still a quality experience for the hardcore strategy gamer. The biggest drawback is that it's so similar to the older Commandos; frankly, you may have already experienced this battle before. Stupid interface issues and camera problems hurt it; by fixing some minor annoyances, this game could have exceeded the scope of earlier attempts. As it is, however, you are left feeling as though the developers substituted difficulty in the place of game design, and this just doesn't work as well the third time around.
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Ignorance of Pyro's past glories is actually an advantage with Commandos 3 since it means the tension and atmosphere that the series still has in abundance can be enjoyed without the nagging feeling that things aren't what they used to be. Inspiration and aspirations appear to be in short supply in the Commandos camp.
24/11/2003 |
Commandos 3 plaira incontestablement aux initiés de la saga, mais mieux vaut ne pas découvrir le jeu sans aucune connaissance préalable, sans quoi vous risquez d’être rebuté rapidement par la difficulté et d’abandonner.
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A big step backward for the Commandos franchise. While the game would like to evoke "Saving Private Ryan" and other WWII films, sadly the movie that actually comes to mind while playing is "Groundhog Day," only with Nazis and a Quick Load button.
01/01/2004 |
Pure blah from the opening missions in snowy Stalingrad to the last hurrah on the beaches of Normandy.