Touring Karts is a game that tries to bring VR and non-VR players together and making it feel like one unit. The VR portion works well and the camera and controls work well, however outside of VR the camera is all over the place, the sense of speed is just not there and overall it left me feeling down on it. I used it as a VR game and had a lot more fun as I say the controls and camera worked well and didn’t go all over the place, tracks whilst varied they all suffer from the same issue which is thing tracks and the shorts are very short, add in the crazy camera and its all a bit of a headache-inducing experience. The power-up combo initially sounds like a great idea and it is when you pull off a good combo but as you can guess, it’s all so random that you can never really plan anything out. As it is touring Karts should be approached as a VR game but you could force fun into the non-VR play.

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