Coming in as a huge Solar Jetman fan, I was immediately surprised by how this game looked, felt and played. Using a jump and a jetpack you are in essence an intergalactic garbage man who collects waste and deposits it in the designated bins. Outside of your Captain Planet inspired heroics you fight aliens, go du geon crawling and collect new guns to kill said aliens faster. It all cumulates into an experience that is full of nostalgia and fun but most important discovery and power for you can play how you want and just take it all in, maybe do some farming of gear to level up or just fire straight through. I had an absolute blast for many hours until the game got a bit stale, once you’ve seen one dungeon you have seen them all, the aliens don’t change much and it all became a grind to the point I had to give up. It saddened me as I really did love the opening few hours, it went at a slow pace but I liked it, it fit in with the style. Maybe I could go back after an extended break but at the moment I’m happy leaving it with mostly good memories.

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