In all honesty, nothing about Baobabs Mausoleum is anywhere even close to being perfect. Apart from maybe the weirdly gripping opening credits, with its incredible theme tune courtesy of the magnificent Messer Chups. An inspired choice indeed! Elsewhere though, ropey writing, shonky graphics and less-than-stellar gameplay mechanics should be more than enough reason to throw a game straight in the bin at the earliest opportunity. However! This particular universe is so completely ridiculous that we couldn't help but enjoy everything Baobabs threw at us. The only real disappointment is the running time, as you're likely to reach the closing credits within a couple of hours at the very most. It ends on a real cliffhanger though, and we're totally on board for the next instalment. Episode 2 is already available on Steam for those who don't want to wait for the console version, with a third act to follow whenever it's ready...

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